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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. Oh I did forgive me sarcasm is obviously not for you
  2. I read 3 linked articles and sounds he is guilty including where it says he "initially admitted " I was merely pointing out he was named including lots of details school ect and pictured with eyes only pixilated only 👉 missing 😉
  3. I should imagine it was a short video ?
  4. Yes I'm sure with only his age name and highly " pixilated face" no one will recognise him Looks like the gallows are already being erected
  5. Look he may done and said many nasty things stealing from his charity keeping national secrets ect but at least he did not wear a beige suit come on get your priorities in order 😉
  6. The reason why trump has so many cases lined up against him now he used the doj to put everything on hold.the muller report was voted down by Republicans who in Graham's words said let the public decide ( they did he lost bigly in 2020) In fact if proportional representation was used in America there would rarely be a Republican president.
  7. I really don't see why anyone worries about Donald finding 83 million surely he will insist on his finders fee from Jared that one should be on page 1 of " art of the deal"
  8. A weeks holiday and wondering how you will survive 🤔 If like the rest of us British who have eaten too many "full English breakfast " believe me plenty extra body weight to survive 😜
  9. It is very sad and difficult for husband to accept 😢 perhaps as he says he caught her cheating before I'm sure she has 3 children would not be so sure he does
  10. So does putting everyone up in hotels feeding them transporting them to and from hotels back to airport plus perhaps European compensation for delayed flight
  11. Usually I thought airlines tried rebooking passengers with other airlines if possible
  12. Give the killer a while to remember it was in self defence I suppose I should have mentioned it earlier
  13. I dare say a lot of John doe deaths in Thailand if can not easily identify the deceased how much effort to identify do they really do? Just another suicide who tied his hands behind his back before shooting himself 4 times in the head
  14. It's even slower if you are connected
  15. The name of the hotel is being with held as police carry out there investigation but in the meantime here is the name of the deceased and her farang boyfriend. Who may or may not have a case to answer 🤔 yes that sounds about right
  16. Yes every time I'm accused I pay out 300.000 just to solve matter
  17. I think you may find they are saving for that chop chop .perhaps the fact chinaman got his 300.000 he undervalued it
  18. If it was I think his actions prove he promises not to do it again
  19. A lot of condos are rented out by airbnb style tenants if so security would often not be familiar with the tenants. When it comes to people acting erratic most of us try giving them a wide berth assuming it's someone on yaba I'm not an expert but drugs can make you paranoid or even think "I believe I can fly" very popular song during people's last few seconds alive
  20. It's not just the roads that you need eyes in the back of your head. I was hit by a post motor bike pannier on the pavement on summkovit Road bkk .f.cker had the audacity to mumble something coz he nearly fell I gave him a few universally known words finishing with off
  21. I would not worry about shortage of hotels anybody that last went to pattaya 5 10 or 15 years ago would not believe how the skyline has changed with hotels and condo
  22. Was thinking same made it easy for them to calculate income
  23. When you fly into most airports in the west the locals ie European or British the largest % of the passengers arriving have usually got a fast track method biometric gates ect. In reverse you arriving in Thailand largest % of passengers are us foreigner hence slow procedure
  24. It's hardly a new idea . I've not been myself but isn't there one just off pattaya rayong highway.plus 2nd road and beach road ?
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