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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. "They have a child and are live in lovers" they are not YET married. Do you think that marriage may be put on hold? Just guessing of course I'm sure he would be a perfect husband!!
  2. I'm not sure population has a choice if as news coverage shows to be anti war openly can land you in jail .If news is given in a selected manner until reality hits of course the population has a different view of who is right compared to most of the world. In the west we have freedom to get the actual facts but we get fed news as we want it look at trump either a victim or villain you choose a side and you will be bombarded with "news" to support your theory
  3. Since this is not his first killing last known one 10 years ago I doubt since he has money that he will spend long in jail his wife on the other hand must fear for her future
  4. Now that ferrari Joe is out of sight time for lambo Larry to make an entrance ????
  5. If he is always drunk often driving on wrong side of road ect ect prior to this accident was he always "lucky" never to have been caught by police? Or did he keep tea money ready? If so they did him no favours as his " luck" just ran out today he will be wishing he was punished properly earlier
  6. Well he has Time on his hands( wrists) proving he is as capable as anyone to get the best out of any position
  7. It's quite frightening the amount of thai people with guns have seen 2 murders within families that never seem to go to court families reasoning lost 1 family member why lose 2 !. Is this common all over thailand where this often never reaches national news? I'm from the UK where in London I was as guilty as the next of road rage . Now perhaps with age have mellowed it's too easy to stand your ground and finish up right but dead never know who is carrying a gun or knife
  8. @ 27 years he must have done very well quickly in his adult life or family must have help sponsor this venture. Even though as mentioned cost cutting in safety was responsible for this tragedy I can not believe a venue of this size went unnoticed by the envelope collectors unless his or wives father is involved ( I know my sherlock side getting the better of me)
  9. Isn't it funny how eventually the most fervent supporters or should I say enablers of trump remember so much when out of office. Mick mulvaney.bill Barr.john Bolton. Only one I ever remember calling him a <deleted> was rex tillerson. The likes of nikki halley who never saw or heard trump lie. Is playing the long game to run for president ( I assume after she gets a new hearing aid)
  10. Hardly his wife he met her on his 2 nd day in bkk no matter what she did he was a cold hearted flucker to stuff her in a suitcase weigh it down to avoid justice with no thought of her families heartache of a missing person . Most of us on here are older than him but as a previous post said I would not like to have my freedom taken away but he deserves it more than his victim has ( if only one)
  11. Yes I watched very very good makes you wonder where is the breaking point for thai's to reclaim there country
  12. No no no 3 deaths ok but he hurled abuse at the police slandered there good name he is in deep #hit
  13. Was in a similar situation in reverse went to my doctor because I had phlegm on my chest approx 12 days before my flight to Thailand of course tested positive sh*t anyway was given amoxicillin to help clear phlegm which may be why others are using it of course with Thai pass .hotel booking for test and go .flights rising in prices etc etc I decided to chance my luck and take pcr test 1 day before due to fly (spit in tube) and result came back negative. Flew to Thailand late Sunday arriving Monday test at hotel result positive got blood test at my expense 1200 baht plus got my doctor to send mail stating I had tested positive but had done my quarantine whatever the reason last night got out with warning to stay away from bars which I will do. Since I thought I was going to be quarantined again I read a lot about pcr test and meaning of E and N numbers my results showed 34.45 and 34.65 apparently when they multiply your dna until they can find Covid most countries stop at 35 if not showing by then your result is negative I think Thailand go to 40. Anyway I wish anyone with the misfortune to test positive either arriving or trying to leave a speedy recovery and be as lucky as myself
  14. I was thinking exactly the same thing perhaps for once this family is the reverse of protected."leak a tape of his then boss" lot of bad blood going around? Who knows perhaps dad will leak few more nuggets if they press on and hang his son out to dry?
  15. Hi all As you can see from my title I have a problem I am a 2 x vaccinated plus booster would be test and go holiday maker all was booked for 20 th March departure from Europe to pattaya. I have booked day 1+5 with hotel in pattaya insurance through axa( do not really need) now I have tested positive I am going to wait till last minute to take pcr test hopefully it comes back ok if not my problems start. Hotel I’m sure that’s a loss because was not even willing to return 5 th day on test and go . insurance luckily is valid till 17 April. flight I need to rebook at a more expensive date. problem is to apply for Thai pass you need to give dates of flight and hotel etc problem is exactly how long I would test positive I have read sometimes this can be months it says after minimum 14 days after testing positive you can get a letter from doctor stating even though pcr test shows positive you are no risk as not contagious. I just wondered if anyone had similar experience..? Plus if I manage to get to Thailand through this doctor waiver if you like how likely I am going to finish up quarantined in Thailand? thanks for reading and hopefully sharing your experience
  16. I understand your sentiment but surely to root out corruption you start at the top seems to me people buy there way into the force .would have paying Mr ferrari Joe an extra few thousand on his salary turn him into a good cop?
  17. I would imagine some of the investors have not lost full amount they claim if I invest 1 million and for 6 months I received 35.000 baht intrest have I lost 790.000 or 1 million? Many of these ponzi schemes or pyramid are obviously easy to spot others not madoff ect. It does seem that thai people are easier to con even though I know this was foreigners and thai.
  18. I am not aware of the all of the unfortunate Investors circumstances but if I was one of them I would be happy to get my initial sum back.if any of them already received a monthly dividend common sense should dictate this was part of your own money back? Why would they think money plus 7.5%? If they can tell where 7.5% is safely achieved I want some oh wait a minute perhaps I should not take there advice ????
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