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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. I did tell my mate not to bother, prior to writing this post as I obviously do not want him to get into any bother. I told him I would write this post to get feedback. Seems to mostly negative, but not a problem. Any input is appreciated.
  2. Just wanted to know if the criteria had been changed.
  3. To be honest, when I am stuffing my face. No. I understand that any product that can spread animal diseases is not acceptable. But this is a product that is processed and sealed and exported all over the world. It is not as though it is raw sausage meat, or whatever, coming in from China. On many previous occasions, customs saw this haggis in the suitcase and let it go. It is only that they now have these beagle sniffer dogs on show, that I thought to ask the question.
  4. The Grants haggis is good, but just not quite the same as untinned.
  5. Have bought black pudding in Thailand, which is good. But only tinned haggis, which is not just the same.
  6. I have a mate arriving from the UK soon. He always brings haggis and black pudding for me, but now I see they have beagle dogs sniffing the baggage for illicit food products. Anybody had any experience of this lately and know what the fines are if caught and charged.
  7. It seems that when the word "smuggled" is used, there is always money to be made, no matter the commodity in question.
  8. I get this sometimes, but it depends what GoGo bar I am in.
  9. When I worked in the Middle East, the locals used to just squat behind the nearest bush.
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