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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. I read the heading and thought it was a place in Thailand till I saw the picture.
  2. I would think that fleeing the scene would be because the perpetrator reckons he is wrong.
  3. Maybe Daddy needs to suss out his sprog's mental health.
  4. Oh, so that is okay then. What planet are you from Sakda? Unfortunately planet Thailand.
  5. Why waste those body parts? Divy him up first.
  6. I was not present when my kids got their Thai passports.
  7. Deserves being arrested for wearing those shorts.
  8. Jayclay, when all else fails, move the TV and the bed.
  9. "He claims that he felt sorry for what he had done and would change to be a better person after the punishment." See, he is not such a bad guy after all. This dribble of remorse just makes you want to vomit.
  10. Snazzy dressers.
  11. It is kind of sickening that there thieving scumbags can get away with making light of the situation.
  12. Better get in quick. Not so many of these standing.
  13. Usually it is drugs behind the back seat. which I am sure are preferable. to this.
  14. To the question. "Is your hometown ruined?' The answer is no. But to the question. "Is your country ruined?" Yes. The UK is fkcued up. So sad.
  15. I remember in Pattaya getting stopped going down a one way street the wrong way. The policeman only stopped me, but let all the Thais go. I said "what about them?" He said "Are you in the wrong?" I paid the fine.
  16. Jesus, get off your soapbox. The usual rhetoric from the down trodden masses.
  17. So what year did you post this warning "Oh yea of all knowing?"
  18. It just beggar's belief the amount of negative comments given to the poster of this thread. I am amazed that Aseannow posters had such caring hearts. I thought most would have agreed with Handsometall...... Looks like there is hope for humanity after all. Well done.
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