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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. Surprised the spider did not not end up in the cooking pot.
  2. Did mine a couple of months ago at CW. Lady returned my photos as not necessary.
  3. The lengths some people will go to, to get a new pair of shoes.
  4. Disappointed the Chinese guy did not pull off a few Bruce Lee moves and put that wannabe cop on his ar*e.
  5. Time to stock up on those fighter jets and subs.
  6. Thailand's "Cat Whisperer."
  7. "His identity was not clear as of press time and neither was the motive." Hey, I can help you out here. His motive was, he wanted to steal something of value that he was too lazy to work for.
  8. No, it was a multiple entry Non 0 immigrant visa.
  9. I used this one previously to go to Savannakhet and had no complaints. They update their web page fairly reguarly.
  10. I see quite a few hairdressing salons have a billboard outside with advertised prices showing. Although I cannot read Thai, I can see prices and have never seen anything up in the 5,000 baht mark.
  11. It is not too hard to do here. Just Google to get the link.
  12. At least no bin liners were put over their heads.
  13. You probably should have lowered your interest rate.
  14. Maybe the start of the ice cream wars (Thai style) similar to Glasgow in the early 80s.
  15. IPC698.pdf Here you go.
  16. Went to a Vets to get mine done yesterday. I told them I needed a signature and stamp to prove I am still alive. She said, "Do you know this is a vets?" I said "Yes, this is perfect." Had a great ten minutes chatting and it was free.
  17. Correct address.
  18. Just received mine yesterday. It was mailed 8th.January 2023. As you have sixteen weeks to get it endorsed and returned, I guess I am out of luck. Will find out tomorrow when my pension payment is due in my bank.
  19. I read somewhere that there were several locals willing to take in such a faithful dog.
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