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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. Since there are already millions of Thais of Chinese descent living legally in Thailand, it is quite easy for Chinese to blend in. If they learn to speak Thai then it is often quite difficult to tell the legal ones from the illegal ones. What about if they speak Russian?
  2. Sure am and still trying to make them eat vegetables. Although no force feeding and it is entirely up to them. Love beats all.
  3. Gave up reading through all the comments. Just force feed the little Shih tzus, like geese and foie gras and be done. In 40 years time they will love you again.
  4. Last month I contacted the British Embassy about the letter, as I have two passports and the second one is not new. They informed me I could pick one up at the Embassy door, or they could send me one. I requested that I get one sent and received it six days later in Bangkok. They were very helpful and efficient.
  5. Don't think I'll use his car registration number for my next lottery ticket.
  6. Yep. Looks like three plastic chairs and a table = 1,500baht. Ganja = 10,00baht. Rip off = 78,500 baht.
  7. Will this take over from the "Floating Market" as a tourist attraction?
  8. And the moral of the story is? Well there isn't one, except maybe stay away from Buriram.
  9. Amazing that no one commented on the fact that they had minor injuries. I mean, just look at it. Guess it says a lot for Mercedes safety features. (Or Thai reporting). Also no mention of amulets or lottery numbers.
  10. This article should have started with. "Once upon a time, in a land far far away..............."
  11. "The vendor added his friend and co-worker asked for 90,000 baht from the Indian tourists in compensation" And there you have the real problem, the usual rip off merchants at it.
  12. I used to go jogging at Jomtien in the early morning. When I finished, I would go to 7/11 and buy a bottle of gin and a Chang three pack at 7.00am on a regular basis. So much for no booze sold before 11.00am.
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