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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. In the age of the Internet Of Things, just after they finish building up that nuclear reactor in Pattaya, what we really need it's a thai space's station, maybe a new chief astronaut general could start re-evaluating all those buffaloes with some specially tailored programs, the NAISAN, so they can better deal with all these aliens...

  2. Thanks for it :)

    I had an interesting experience at Macchiato, more staff than customers around, and when you need something they would turn their heads the other way rounds because they prefere to keep chit-chatting with each other rather than do any works (yes Lao people are way lazier than thai...).

    Their supervisors however can speak and understand english and are way better than those time wasters they are hiring, asked for the check-bill 3 times, they make the move to going for it but they disappear into the toilettes outside, what a joke.

    I suggest you to try some places into the old town, Cafe Chai-Dee, good food, reasonably cheap and an incredibly attentive service, or the restaurant Chez Boune, more classy but also more expansive and with good food. There is also a place which have good ice creams a few hundred meters out of the bus station, can't remember their name but i think it was something with some "star" in between, cheap but good luck with getting served, this ones also don't like to have their constant break times interrupted by customers....how laozy

    • Like 1
  3. I sometimes ask myself; How many Thai's are murdered outside of Thailand vs how many foreigners are murdered inside Thailand? I think there may be an in balance.

    Maybe you no undelstand, i explain to you my fliend.

    In Thailand, at best, you will be considered just a "guest", as even many thaier than thai like to repeat to us.

    So you are a foreigner into their home, an intruder of some sorts.

    If you find an intruder at night into your home, you'll probably shoot to him, and in Thailand it's just the same, they simply have a wider idea of what their home is, and don't wait to get dark for doing it, it's all out in the sun.

    I think an international agreement should urgently be found, to allow thais to carry their weapons with them when they travel abroad, so a balance between how many farangs are killed in Thailand and how many farangs are killed abroad can be restored, now it just doesn't sounds right....

  4. There are so many films made about her , just google PORN and you will get thousands of things about her come up .biggrin.png

    I thought she was banned in Thailand

    Blame it on another of those transliteration/romanization/grammar/....mishaps, for the time being she only keeps getting bonned in Thailand.

  5. You 2, hold on for just a second.

    Every time someone said to me something as "be my guest", they always offered to pay things up for me, so now the real question here is, if i am the "guest", why ohh why i am always ending up being the one having to pay not just for myself, but even my host???

    Two things spring to mind.

    1 you are used to being a door mat and letting people walk all over you.

    2 no balls stand up and say NO you will be suprised how quickly they change twds you paying for everything. But they also have more respect for you.

    You sound as a really wise man, maybe i should give it a try but i believe they'll come up with their usual "no money, no honey"

  6. Many jump on the bandwagon of 'Scotland voted to stay part of the EU'

    Where as the reality is the majority of the Scots who voted, voted for the UK to remain in the EU,

    And that's exactly what it's going to trigger a new referendum, someone seems to think that the Tories are the ruling party up there, however, there are still chances to avoid this prawn's walk

  7. What's wrong with you OP? Do you honestly believe you are a "guest" in this country? Get real.

    Another member for the we are guests in this country brigade.

    So what may I ask does that make you then the supreme ruler. You are a guest wise up man.

    If you are that misguided you thing you are a "guest" then that

    is up to you.

    You 2, hold on for just a second.

    Every time someone said to me something as "be my guest", they always offered to pay things up for me, so now the real question here is, if i am the "guest", why ohh why i am always ending up being the one having to pay not just for myself, but even my host???

  8. My eldest is at uni in the UK. She and all her uni mates are 'remainers', the most important reason being that "We'll all have to apply for visas to travel round Europe on our college trips and holidays if we leave the EU." laugh.png

    Compared to all those elders which would just blame all the evil of this world to foreigners, i would say that's already a huge step forward into the right direction thumbsup.gif


  9. Scotland voted remain by a much greater factor than the margin by which brexit won overal

    Let's all remember that this was before "Brexit", now that the situation radically changed, should be no surprise that if another referendum will take place, the result might be very different from the previous one, many people felt the need to continue to be part of a bigger union(for good reasons), but now that England has decided to isolate itself from the rest, i wouldn't be so sure about the outcome.

  10. I agree with the rest of your post, except having 'open borders' for unskilled workers

    Another point i would like to make, is the fact that the few social's rights people can today benefit from, are the result of the battles of that largely "uneducated" working class, while on the other hand, we can surely be so thankful to all our multi-talented and highly qualified ruling class for all the hell we are going trough.

    If the people don't start to think with their own head, rather than simply believe everything they are being told, they will ends up to believe their friends are their enemies, while struggling to defends their real foes...

  11. If it was for me, i would completely remake the rules of how political's decisions should apply.

    You are a "Brexiter" ? Fine, just leave, or you prefer to remain? That's even better, let's fight all together to fix this mess, then people will see which system would better works for them and choose appropriately, but they will NEVER allow us to do it, because those decisions in the ends are all meant to be in favour of a restricted part of society and never the people, they simply mask them in a way to deceive (almost) everyone....please note the <----"almost" on the left if you missed it

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