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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. 1 hour ago, jany123 said:

    @max2u was agreeing with you. I’m not sure that agreeing with you was intelligent, but I can’t help but wonder if your top would have popped if he disagreed with you, given how you respond to those that agree.

    Wow talk about popping a top. It didn't seem as max was agreeing but sometimes things do get lost in translation in typing on a forum as opposed to a face to face chat where you know someone. I don't mind anyone disagreeing with me at all i just prefer some kind of an intelligent argument that's all. As you can tell by my reaction to most that disagree or argue with me i usually just hit the laughing reaction icon ????

  2. If they think it is not that hard why don't they try reporting everytime they spend the night away from their place of residence? Drive 1 hour or more and stand in queues 1 or 2 hours long. I realize this is the responsibility of the Thai house owner but believe it or not there are regular families out there and wives do work. They can't simply keep taking time off work to go report their boyfriend or husband everytime they come back from somewhere

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/26/2019 at 11:57 PM, marcusarelus said:

    What insane immigration rules effect tourists?  Not long term backpackers but real tourists?  Do you have any information (other than racist bar talk) about how much tourists from India and China spend?

    Yes. My wife works in an Indian clientele hotel and i have a huge Chinese hotel right behind my house. They are all over my neighborhood so i see them first hand. Easy on the racist talk pal, be nice.

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  4. On 7/23/2019 at 2:12 PM, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Nonsense.  In Burriram last week 400 Thais were apprehended for motor cycle offences.  Similar ME visitors come to the UK every summer and wreak havoc in London with their muscle cars. They are untouchable because of weak police and corruption at a diplomatic level. In Thailand they and other nationalities fit in where police bribery and corruption is the norm. They death of a Russian mother killed by Kuwaiti bikers last month might have motivated the police a bit. Where i live its in Pratumnak it East European men on muscle bikes driving too fast and too noisily just to show off. Its pathetic. But they, like the ME tourists,  have the BIB in their pocket. Bribery is a way of life. For most  European nations bribing the traffic police is uncommon or non existent. 

    What were their fines? No way 14 year old children are paying the fines that foreigners do. Do you really year believe any of them have 1000 b to keep handing the bib for their modified exhausts or to dole out 400 baht everytime they are fined for no helmet or too many people on a bike? No way!

    Sure they are enforcing Thai law for everyone but foreigners are targeted way more because the BIB know they can pay more. Yes corruption runs rampid but it only works when you coerce those with money to pay.

  5. 16 hours ago, Gumballl said:

    It has everything to do with the BiB subjectively enforcing one noise ordinance, but not others.


    By the way, since you are reading this thread, I suppose the only thing that captured your attention was that it was about Arabs. I suppose if the Arabs were squeezing rubber duckies and making a racket, it too would have piqued your interest.


    This article is more to do with enforcing noise ordinances; not Arabs. 


    No this is about targeting Arabs and foreigners in general. If it was strictly about noise ordinances you would see thai teenagers lined up from pattaya to koh larn

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