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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. Sorry but this needs to be said. Yes lock down the town as it has worked so well for France, Spain and Italy! There is already a curfew in effect here in Chonburi province, 22:00 - 05:00 which is more than what that article stated .All businesses are shut including delivery so there is no reason to be out anyways.. Just more global governmental panic

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    Brilliant!  Bravo, Skorp13!"


    ...they are now moving to not exchange foreign currency..."

    Who is the "they" that you are referring to?  One bank, that's all, has decided to temporarily stop currency exchange. 

    "They", as in the brain trust at K-Bank, sorry i didn't think that needed to be explained. Also, who is to say others may follow suit?

  3. Musk is exactly right. The media are responsible for causing global terror and panic. We all know about it and what we can do to prevent contracting it. No one is talking about the flu with both A and B strains active this year. last year in the U.S. alone there were over 70,000 deaths related to the flu and that is with free flu shots readily available. 

    It is nice to see on the news what measures countries and world leaders are taking to prevent the spread as best as they can but this fear mongering isn't good for anyone.

    • Sad 1
  4. On 2/27/2020 at 9:15 PM, samsensam said:


    what you need is specially trained armed response units able to rapidly react to situations such as this, many major cities have them, though i doubt bangkok does.

    They need to be in the mall. Having them close by is too far away, especially by the time they get to the mall and into the area where a shooter is active. Even more so considering Bangkok's traffic.

  5. It is a mental health issue that is growing and plaguing the U.S in terms of guns and other nations in terms of knife attacks. Things will eventually get to bombs unfortunately as even today in the U.S there was a bomb threat at a local school. Gun laws would have not have stopped the Saugus shooting nor any other. Mental illness must be dealt with or things will only continue to go the direction they are going ....for the worse!

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