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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. On 8/19/2017 at 9:08 PM, 4MyEgo said:

    Responsible parenting, you mean from Asian's, like the small kids that stand at the edge of the road watching the cars fly past with no adult in sight, sorry, I forgot, they have been told, not to go on the road, then there's the little ones on the motorbikes who don't have a say, well its the only means of transport they have to get around, and that should be accepted, yeh right.


    Until the governments of Asian countries learn to regulate and enforce, show some balls, i.e. its not ok to put kids on motorbikes, or take them parasailing, teachers belting the crap put of school kids, etc etc, there will be no change, so I can only sit, read, and be dismayed as we all are. 


    Whoa, easy trigger! I meant exactly responsible parenting and what you mentioned is irresponsible parenting. Don't know too many families from Issan or other rural poorer areas spending money on parasail rides for their kids. Others, more than likely westerners, should know better is all i was saying

  2. 17 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    It is. Because  most people at TVF are older men, they may not appreciate how scary child birth is for a  kid. This has really bugged me since I first read the story. Poor girl must be overcome with guilt and in bad shape. A mother doesn't toss out a kid like this whether still born or alive, so this must be a  dire situation.


    Why are you quoting me?

    Why are you making any kind of justification?? This is an inexcusable act. She, or they,, had many months to figure something out, does she not know about orphanages??? BTW i would not classify myself as 'older".

  3. Forget any opinion of Trump, that is irrelevant.

    The problem here is this and only this: '

       Democrats demonstrate and no one bothers them, their rights are respected...republicans demonstrate and democrats gather to block them starting fights and not respecting their fellow Americans rights. Instead they believe they are superior and have the right to intrude on the rights of others.

    Perhaps the Democrats spent too much time watching the coups in Thailand and just may be contemplating closing down wall street in protest or shutting down an airport. Childish and pathetic behavior making a mockery of a democracy and an embarrassment to the country

  4. On 1/25/2017 at 5:44 AM, selftaopath said:

    Under popular-vote LOOSER U.S. does look grim. But currently b/c of his predecessor unemployment is down to ???? 4%, stock market is high, corporate profits at an all time high, CEO's making salaries that are mind boggling etc. But wait and see. The only thing that doesn't look grim is how Trump's gang will increase their wealth - at the expense of others. He's a taker - not a giver. Hell he WON'T even pay his fair share of taxes.


    Who was talking about taxes? I suppose the cooked books of Hillary and the rest of the wolves of wall street are 100 percent accurate and they pay their fair share?? Please! They are all crooks.

  5. When the U,S drives into civil war you now know who to blame. Madonna and Bruce Springsteen. They are whiny spoiled over privileged entertainers, they are not PHD grads with degrees in political science or at all. Why do these blind sheep keep following them??? Why not give the guy a chance so you have some examples on how he is a terrible president, not just because you don't like him. Future for the U.S looking very grim

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