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Posts posted by skorp13

  1. Maybe parents should stop letting their childern ages 10-19 ride motorbikes especially in the younger end of that range. I see them all the time out late at night, no helmets, some of which pretty intoxicated on something. Don;t let them ride until they are 16 and have a valid license which ensures they may have paid attention in the class long enough to learn 1 or 2 traffic rules. Motorbikes are dangerous, and in poorer countries even more so as it is the only affordable transpartation so more riders equal more accidents

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    Great advertisement to vote for them.... Not. 


    ???? I bet there's no other country that ever had to ban booze because of voting. I feel like i am in some weird movie here... 

    Very well said. This guy just can't stop embarrassing himself or the country. They also sure seem to be making it all so much more inviting for their so called beloved tourism industry

    • Confused 1
  3. 4 hours ago, impulse said:


    Probably paid more for that ride 10 (or 20) years ago in Singers than you'd pay today in LOS.  Be careful what you wish for.  New and zoomy amenities can carry new and zoomy price tags.


    Of course they have local expats.  Just like I'm a "local expat" when I go back to visit family in the country where I no longer reside.  I often get together with Thai expats when they come home for a visit.


    I'm sure i did. Singers has always been much more expensive that LOS so not really a fair comparison. At the time it was a really nice convenience and i'm sure would to this day be cheaper in LOS

  4. On 9/4/2018 at 10:23 PM, Ks45672 said:

    Plenty of empty car parks around they could be moved to if people insist on eating that crap


    What is the diffrence between an empty car park and a restaurant somewhere.? You completely miss the whole point along with vibe and lifestyle of bkk. Oh and that crap is local delicacy and great food to many, just because it is not Mc Donalds don't be so quick to cast dispersions

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