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Posts posted by burman

  1. Typical degeneration of what started out as a decent thread. Take care and best of luck to you all.

    The topic has not degenerated at all, there's a nice enough discussion going on based on the OP.

    I know, shocking for TV isn't it. :o

  2. Well perhaps we should ban Pattaya too, lot more foreigners murdered there than at Koh Phangan.

    I'm not just referring to the murders - for a large number of patrons, the whole point of Full Moon Parties is to take illicit drugs and get stoned. It's a scene that's never interested me & I don't profess to be any kind of expert on such matters.

    Whole point of going to Koh Phangan isn't it? :o

    Too be fair though, from what I have seen of the full moon parties it's mainly about the drinking, there's really not a lot of very good quality drugs (compared to other big party destinations) available so a lot of people avoid them.

    And once again, its usually the booze that causes the trouble.

  3. Why must it be a level playing field? Why couldn't there be smoking and non smoking bars?

    If there is a such a support for non smoking bars then I would guess most publicans would opt for the non smoking license.

    You also have to consider a governments duty of care towards its' citizens; long neglected where smoking has been concerned.

    Having smoking and no smoking bars offers significant less assistance in the fight to prevent future generations becoming addicted to this vile habit than a blanket ban does.

    A good and fair point Clayton, I'll take it on board. One of the first reasonable arguments I have seen against the two separate styles of bars. :D

    I guess we may very well see a restriction on the amount of alcohol served in public bars too in the future. Just last week they mentioned raising the age of drinkers in the UK to 20 I think.

    And saying that, are cigarettes still being sold in the UK legally to 16 yr olds? :o

  4. Why must it be a level playing field? Why couldn't there be smoking and non smoking bars?

    If there is a such a support for non smoking bars then I would guess most publicans would opt for the non smoking license.

  5. Yet again we see the pro smoking lobby going on about freedom of choice blah, blah. I'm sorry, but stop being selfish and face the facts; you are stuck in nicotines grasp and slowly poisoning yourself. Just because you are too weak, or unwilling to deal with your addiction, why should you have the right to poison others too? Should I have the right to poison the local water supply? If you want to slowly kill yourselves fine, do it in private & not in front of your children.

    And your argument against separate smoking and non smoking bars is...?

    Doesn't that give both groups their freedom of choice?

    Doesn't that give the non smokers a chance to enjoy a drink without being poisoned by smoke?

  6. That's a great little forum there Goshawk and nice pics.

    Just read this on one of the topics there too:

    An adult Peregrine Falcon seems to be living in Chitlom. I have seen it from my office window (23rd floor) the last couple of days and today brought bins and scope to get closeup views. It seems to favour the communications mast on top of the police headquarters opposite central world, as a lookout for pigeons.


    I will have a look for the Peregrine next week. :o

  7. ah so it is only certain laws we have to respect, lets down grade it to drug dealers then. the comments all said anybody turning a law breaker into the police is a creep low life etc. just trying to find a level at what most posts seem to think is acceptable law breaking. so what about all the guys who pay lawyers go to penang etc.

    guess i am one of the mugs who has all correct papers including drivers licence, why because its the law. without the help of the general public no police force would exist, to call somebody who aids the police all the names above is school playground mentaltiy. Grow Up

    Have you never committed a crime? No illegal software, counterfeit clothes?

  8. Wow! Quite a response... 8 )

    I'm only thinking of turning this person in because they have crossed me.

    I have helped this person out no end and found out that they have been bad mouthing me behind my back.

    And how do you know he bad mouthed you, because someone else said so? I'd be finding out the truth first before you make a decision that could be very damaging.

    My advice is you grow a set of balls and go and ask him about it. Boys have to grow into men at some time. :o

  9. You are going away from "commercialism" to Chiang rai.

    And then come here?

    You will find everything expensive.

    Commercialism is like a mantra here. :D

    We are specifically wanting to escape American commercialism which basically controls most people's souls here. Dictacting how they should act, think, what to watch, read, play, wear, and eat; all in the name of a some product. It is very sad.

    Bloody Hippies! :D

    Joking of course, yep TNP is probably best for you, enjoy your break away from American commercialism, something to discuss over a bottle of pepsi at the beach hut I suppose. :o

  10. Well at least you've been benefiting from all our tax money. :o

    As far as the smoking/bars debate goes, I think freedom of choice is the answer. If a bar wants to be non smoking it can, and if it wants to be smoking that should be fine also. There's plenty enough of bars to go around to support both groups.

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