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Posts posted by burman

  1. it's funny to read this since the banks in thailand are now allowing online gambling withdrawl and deposits.

    i myself am going to get a thai bank account for my online gambling needs

    Which will provide a very easy paper trail to follow between you and your illegal activities. :o

  2. I've read your posts over the years girlx, they are usually about beach boys and people on drugs/involved with drugs or similar kinds of people.

    If you have read my posts then you know I am a very analytical person, and I observe the life around me voraciously. The people who cause the most drama where I live are the beach boys, the drug dealers, and the scam artists... so yes I write about them, but it is you who assumes this is my social circle.

    Well you've wrote before about dating beach boys, cocaine addicted friends etc. So yes I assumed beach boys and drug addicts were part of your social circle.

  3. Plenty of plant shops in Chatchuk market now, you can get specialist co2 units, ADA substrates, halide lighting units etc. It's all there. Not a great variety of plants though to be honest.

    A search on google will bring you into contact with local fish/plant farms around Bangkok. Alternatively ask one of the shop owners at the market for their whereabouts.

  4. As somebody who knows nothing about being an expat in Saudi can I ask why foreigners there live in compounds? Is it by choice or because of restrictions?

    Personally I think it would be really interesting to live there for a while. And if you are making some extra cash out of it, well that's a bonus.

  5. Considerable numbers of foreigners have bought and lost properties in Thailand (and continue to do so) and a large truck load of other foreigners have 'invested' in property in Thailand via illegal (or at best dodgy) means.

    A lot of foreign investors have lost properties because they don't seem to invest with the same brain they used in their home countries to make the money in the first place. :o

  6. I don't vote on any of the idiotic polls posted here. The results are meaningless. So what? It should be obvious not to invest in property of which you will not have ownership and control. Otherwise, much is a game of chance & skill, as anywhere in the world.

    Foreigners can own property here.

    Buy yes I agree with the posters that say it will never be as safe an investment as in their home countries. There are certainly more risks involved.

    And the thread is not just about investment in property anyway.

  7. ^ Well said, completely agree, some people just don't know how to manage their lives here, integrate with the society or even choose a decent circle of friends. You have to wonder how they managed in their own country.

    I would hazard a guess that's its the people who first come here and thought Thailand was paradise are the first ones to become jaded when they find out it isn't.

    When I come here I could see the faults and the cracks in the country, but I could see the positives as well. Over time more negatives have become apparent, but of course more positives also.

    I focus on the positives and deal with the faults and I'm still very happy to live here.

    For people who complain about the Thai people being mostly (to use girlx's phrase) "poor and uneducated", I have to ask what did they expect to find in a developing nation?

  8. The UK Gov, in their wisdom, have announce a new law that all mobiles that take pictures/videos will be banned , as they have been used by thugs to take pics and footage of beatings of both adults and youths.

    What a shame. Now people will get beaten to death without the thugs providing a useful piece of evidence for court.

  9. Banyin said film-copyright violations have destroyed the country's image in the eyes of the international community.

    I think the coups, mass murder of citizens without trial and sex trade have been more damaging. :o

  10. Girlx, you don't have enough intelligence to mix with the right kind of people.

    you don't know me or the people i mix with so who is being stupid here?

    I've read your posts over the years girlx, they are usually about beach boys and people on drugs/involved with drugs or similar kinds of people.

    I know you don't mix with the right kind of Thai people because you agreed with an opinion that the Thais are best avoided.

    My experience of living here is that Thai people are not best avoided because many of my good friends here are Thai. And none of them fit the description you give of the Thais.

    I put that down to my choice to mix with the right people, people who are similar to myself and similar to the kind of people I would know back home. Open minded, loyal, trustworthy, intelligent people etc.

    And if you can't find those kind of people in Thailand, well then that's a fault of you've own.

    Perhaps you would do better to get away from the island life? Meet wider circles of people that way, you might not be so jaded towards the Thais then.

  11. Excuse me jd, but I get no special school days. Whether school is in session or not, I have to work. And that includes Saturdays, if they decide they want me to work, which they did for 3 months continuously and then added Sunday, which meant 3 months without 1 single day off, so excuse me if I whine!

    Time for a change of employers isn't it? :o

  12. As long as you can keep your dealing with Thais minimal, it's a nice place

    Sadly, I agree with this. Which seemingly leaves only one option, to exploit their country for what it's worth to you, or get out. Most of the long term farangs I know have completely withdrawn from the community and live their own encapsulized farang life within Thailand. I don't even blame them, the Thais don't really let you do much otherwise.

    After about 6 years of living here, I am not sure it's such a good place to live. Not that America was much better most of the time, but Thailand is not the nice, fluffy place people think it is when they first arrive. There are lots of positives- the weather, outdoor lifestyle, great food, at least superficially friendly locals, interesting visitors from around the world, amazing geography, cheapness... but there are also many negatives; Thais are of often ruthless and seemingly heartless the closer you get to them. In general- they are obsessed with money. They do not value honesty or loyalty (outside their family) for the most part. They are poor and uneducated and have no real world view, so often can see things only from a very narrow perspective. They will always look at you as a "farang" first, and rarely see you as an individual. The police force is corrupt, the dogs and often children neglected. They pollute their surroundings mercilessly with noise, smoke, trash. They are ot the least diplomatic, often electing to solve their problems with violence. They do indeed whore their daughters (especially those from Isaan). There are huge drug/alcohol problems here. The medical care is laughable outside the big cities. And the nationalistic government constantly makes it clear we as westerners are not wanted here.

    Definitely do a trial run before burning your bridges and coming to live here permanently. I still like it here and am not moving on yet, but I will probably not end up here in the long run. The cultural differences irritate me to no end.

    Girlx, you don't have enough intelligence to mix with the right kind of people.

    If fact you sound like a jaded sex tourist which from reading many of your posts over the years probably isn't far from the truth.

  13. Well it's just I found it a curious reasoning.

    You know three women.

    One is a lawyer from Bangkok. (probably decent enough background).

    One is a teacher from Bangkok. (probably decent enough background).

    One is a prostitute. (probably with a far different background from the other two)

    Yet when you see different behaviours in them you mark it down to their place of birth rather than their circumstances or individual character.

    Just seems really basic and incorrect reasoning to me.

    I'm sure if you knew a Bangkokian girl who is a prostitute and an Isaan girl who studied to become a laywer you'd find different results.

  14. In my time in LOS I have had 3 "Serious" relationships. One with a daughter of Isaan and two with native Bangkokonians.

    The girl from Isaan was a nightmare, constantly asking for money, for herself ,her family and her friends. She would have temper tantrums and I would catch her out lying all of the time. When I finally finished with her she reported me to the ministry of labour for having no work permit and they turned up at my place of work and the matter was resolved within in a minute when I produced said item from my desk.

    The two natives of Bangkok were totally opposite, one was a lawyer and one was a school teacher. BOTH of them would never even dream to ask me for money and would insist on contributing to dates etc. BOTH of them bought me gifts on a regular basis and not one time ever, did I ever feel like I was being taken advantage of. BOTH of them had good jobs and apart from a holiday abroad, Non of them wanted to move to another country.

    The Isaan girl, you neglected to mention what job she had?

    You mentioned the other two had good jobs, teacher and lawyer. Was the Isaan girl you knew employed in the same manner of work? Same socio economic status even?

    It might have more bearing on her behavior than where she came from. :o

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