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Posts posted by burman

  1. As far as whining about being overcharged, goto siam ocean world.

    I had to pay like 1200baht and my girlfriend had to pay 650 or something.. after that, u never want to get ripped off by thais anymore.

    It's 750 baht for adults now, why did you pay so much over the stated price?

  2. I do not buy pirate software or DVD's etc. because often in the supply chain of these items are some very organized,very dangerous criminal gangs and I do not want any of my money ending up in their pockets.

    This is an interesting point, a choice made on the basis of the involvement of criminal gangs - It has its own set of compelling moral arguments and blatantly not restricted to Pirated goods, but also to drugs and prostitution.

    Seems to be a new marketing ploy for the anti pirating firms to be telling people that the money from pirated goods ends up in terrorists hands. I think half of it is playing up to people's fear and hate of terrorism.

    I've often thought these moral arguments, in particular with respect to drug usage and the criminality that drug usage supports ought to be made use of in encouraging young people not to get involved in drugs.

    I used to know some uni students that would sit around smoking some nice afghani hash and talking about world peace. I used to tell them on a regular basis that their money was partly ending up with the Taliban and helping to oppress the Afghanistan people and perhaps to show their commitment to world peace they should hand over their hash to me, someone with far less concern about this.

    They never did hand over that hash, and I bet they are still talking <deleted> about world peace to this day. :o

    anyway, not even read the OP so maybe I am off topic already. :D

  3. Wednesday's still seem to be a big party at Londoner's. The bar allows smoking and drinking out on the patio. The smoking patrons took the party outside when I was there. I personally stopped going to those bars for one reason....price.

    Yes Wednesday is busy because it's half price on drinks night. I popped in there once on a Friday about 8-9 O'Clock, it was completely dead.

    Have to admit though, smoking outside is one of the reasons too.

  4. Bank Robbed at Gunpoint.

    The man then fled from the bank and jumped on a red motorbike, because these are faster, and sped off in the direction of Sukhumvit Road.

    Red motorbikes are faster?

    Pattaya city news journalists think they are funnier than they actually are.

  5. Previous thread on Thaivisa about this group

    Barclay Spencer International will become Barclay Carrigan International as at 1 June 2004. This comes about due to the merging of BSI with Carrigan International as of that date.

    ^ from the thread written by a Barclays employee.

    So apparently if that deal went through you should be inquiring about Barclays Carrigan.

    But I expect you'll find it's bullshit. I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole myself, they stink of boiler rooms.

  6. No.. I'm not Thai. But for a certain reason I might be needing a Thai ID... the citizen card.. so how does this work

    Dear Cheeseman I do not often take the time to reply to posts liike this but on the basis that though it's April the 1st you really believe that some business or personal adventure is going to be facilitated by an ID which shows you to be Thai; my advice is JOIN THE REAL WORLD. :o

    Or the legal one?

  7. Not really the point is it. Fact is people join this forum, ask simple questions and have to endure several first replies calling them trolls.

    If they are trolls then they will be found out, or best ignored.

    If they are new members with genuine questions then they get flamed for no reason.

    Mods here might want to look into this some more, it's quite tedious to see.

  8. Bugger, sorry to hear that Wiley.

    I wouldn't bother trying another one too soon. Better leave the tank running as it is for now and keeping an eye on the other fish. If you start to see any illness in them or you lose anymore fish then you will need to check your water quality.

    If you are buying your plecs always from the same shop maybe they just have a bad stock of them. So if you do try another plec try from another supplier.

  9. The thread was designed to see whether the service offered in Thailand was effective in extracting our bahtage or not. Clearly the majority think it's not an effective strategy.

    The one Thai opinion we have been offered says that they prefer the service when staff hover around. And considering that it's the Thai's who spend the real money in this country I would guess that businesses aim their sales techniques at the Thais first, and foreigners a lowly second.

  10. Perhaps its an April fools joke ..... :D

    It better be ......

    Group: Members

    Posts: 1

    Joined: Today, 2008-04-01 01:39:23


    Shocking isn't it, people actually join the forum to ask questions, and they have the nerve to ask those questions on the same day they joined!

    They should all be joined for a few months already in preparation for when they need information later.

  11. 14 replies to a topic, and most of them insinuating the OP is a liar. I assume mods will be handing out warnings for flaming members?

    Thaivisa must be very proud they have kept this forum to such a high standard. :o

    Well done to the two or three posters that actually did try to help. More of you people and less of the others would be welcome on this board. :D

  12. waitresses that wait expectantly while I try to find something to eat.

    Waitresses generally wait expectantly for customers to order food. They're not trying to ruin your day, they are trying to help you eat. I think it's part of the job description. :o

  13. Personally, I find Thailand a difficult country to spend my money in. No, really. I have a policy of not spending my baht anywhere where I'm pestered, pressurised or cajoled into a transaction, even when it's a bargain and to my detriment. This means I spend 99% of my time looking for the 1% of shops, restaurants etc that leave me to browse in peace. I can't stand the "wellllcome" refrain. I can't stand the "hello sir, how are you" bull. I get fed up with waitresses leaping on you as soon as you even slow to catch a glimpse of a menu. I tire of having a shop assistant hovering on my shoulder as I peruse the goods or waitresses that wait expectantly while I try to find something to eat.

    Am I alone in thinking they'd extract more cash from us if they'd give us a little more space to shop in peace? Or maybe people actually like this level of service and it's an effective strategy?

    Might want to rethink the things that upset you in life, you'll probably have a better time of it all. :o

  14. Well to add a balance, I don't know any foreigners paying money out like that, certainly not on a monthly basis. Don't think any of them would stand for it to be honest. But yes were they older I would expect that to change quite a bit.

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