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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. Hey fella chatGPT says your cool so big respect and throw another shrimp on the barbie ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm a British Muppet that sometimes tries to get people into a discussion my life is actually that boring presently!
  2. I already have the link but not sure if the internet DNS has replicated yet https://ineedmoneytoextendmyholiday.com
  3. I like bad boys with Will Smith but that doesn't mean I am going to walk out of my house and attempt to bust every drug dealer in LA (or wherever I am) and shoot everyone, sometimes why the American 'robots' glue to the union/state confuse me and i have many US (I was going to say friends) associates. I just think Elon Musk's psychological age is still about 15 or so when he saw all his first futuristic programs like star wars, Blake 7, Star trek, Doctor who, Battlestar galactica - I could go on forever with these when is he going to grow up?
  4. Also I'm not a US tax paying resident so if you guys are happy giving the small amount of money in comparison to an elite to an idiot that watched too many star wars movies then please be my guest not my problem ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. I do like discussing things with people with a lack of Geo-political knowledge it makes me feel important like your long lost wedding child Elon Musk at the inauguration @KhunHeineken
  6. He's only rich as long as bitcoin survives and trump doesn't kick him off his apron strings and if SpaceX goes under all of a sudden Musk's only clients are Russia and North Korea, I reckon musk would turncoat like that as he doesn't care about anything or anyone even you US citizens he cares about himself and his pointless ventures
  7. I'm not scared of any 541t its the yanks that need to worry the UK is not under a sensible dictatorship just yet, and I say sensible because I am 100% behind DT's immigration policies. He is a billionaire business man and wants to own TikTok in answer to your "Sells what, exactly?" his inauguration news conference he valued it at 1 billion dollars and said it should belong to the American people - every Thai person I know would disagree with his stance
  8. I don't need to read it again why does an advisor to the president of the USA need advisors? And on that note who advises the advisors of the advisors, riddle me that one! It's a chain of evidence and the further you are away in the chain from the initial allegations the less liable you are, politicians are a$$h0l3s but they are not stupid!
  9. Saying bitcoin would come to an end is probably like saying (especially in Thailand) TikTok would come to an end as you would have 60 million zombies walking around the streets wondering where to get their next fix from. Trump has valued it at 1 billion I highly doubt that, I am not a conspiracy theorist but it wasn't by accident an invitation got sent out to Zuckerberg, Musk, Cook, Bezos, Pichai and a bunch of others that had front row seats at his inauguration, as much as everyone slams Russia with the oligarchs I fear the US is heading in the same direction, and if Trump sells it to one of his 'buddys' my fears are confirmed.
  10. Had to laugh at this post how is he smart he was lucky to develop a website in the early .com boom that saw multiple people become now billionaires that's not smart that is just lucky, luck runs out eventually like when BC crashes. I work with a 100 people that could develop an initial site better than FB PP AZ TT blah blah the list goes on
  11. @Gottfrid I'm a bit of a geek also and understand your stance on valid license buying (slightly off topic) so respect sir ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Judging by your photo and location I am guessing you don't like the ladies ๐Ÿคฃ In that case I do apologise if any of my statements offended your DEI rights, please connect with my Trump associated attorney ๐Ÿคฃ Oversized trolling meme edited out.
  13. If bitcoin crashes what buildings or assets do they have to sell in an attempt to recover any large market losses? Its all Fugazi!!!!! Watch this and then disagree with me ๐Ÿ™‚ It's only about a 10 second clip so shouldn't take too much time out of anyone's day, but explains bitcoin 555
  14. Everyone reading this post is going to pay for Elon Musks stupid ventures and for that matter also all the state entities that have purchased it and driven the price up so when it crashes they wont have to shell out to all the banks to rescue their countries Does anyone see the dual principle and irony here governments are buying it to be on the safe side, citizens are buying it as it looks like magic money, while the governments that govern them have increased the price by being on the BUY side with unlimited funds from their own citizens, and when it crashes with it's instability as a marketed currency the governments will have to explain why they bought that much bitcoin, musk will not make it to Mars but he can get on a Dingy to the UK we welcome anyone, even if they are a corrupt crypto (on paper) billionaire
  15. Some people call him an innovator he is just an idiot that looked like a lost child at a wedding at Donald Trumps inauguration
  16. For all you bitcoin lovers this is what ChatGPT thinks and it's pretty close to the mark to be fair. The writing is small if anyone needs glasses or any more clarification please post. Please note the Tesla loss and the effects on the stock market. Governments "may step in" and it would be another international financial F up, we wouldn't give a sht about DEI then! And this has already happened on smaller scales if you look back through the volatility of BTC prices Think about it if it goes much higher then where will all the money come from if someone decides to sell hugely i.e. Musks idiot Mars plan doesn't work out? It's not rocket science, well maybe it is in SpaceX science ๐Ÿคฃ
  17. Its alright all these people saying I have loads of bitcoins, I am super rich, if anyone is relying upon that as their future it is the most stupid thing possible. The BTC (i guess currency now is so unpredictable) today you are a billionaire today tomorrow you could be broke, with a bit of luck as much as I want him to go to Mars it will be a lesson for Musk and if it happens he should just go homeless in New York or Washington or something, hopefully homeless without any internet connectivity to stop annoying all of us!
  18. Hahaha and very true, the Labour option doesn't seem that appealing either! The UK are definitely in limbo!
  19. I don't think Lettuce Liz had time to unpack her stuff when she moved into Downing Street before she got the boot. Mini budget, pound crashing and a stock market downfall, she should have got the death penalty not a Nobel prize! She achieved a lot in a couple of months ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. Yasser Arafat won it and he was a terrorist so Musk will in good company!!
  21. Really? Freedom of speech = peace, personally I see people go to war every day on AN when one person expresses their views with one opinion against another group of the community that has the opposite point of view. And Elon Musk I wish he would just go to Mars and leave the Earth in peace.
  22. Apologies @moderator some of my previous posts were slightly off-topic, however they do relate the politics that people are expressing in this thread. I have anti ILLEGAL immigration views and am probably too old for anyone to convince me that is an incorrect point of view. Someone said in a post the other day and it is one that sticks in my mind "The problem with being a socialist is you run out of everyone elses money" EDIT: "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peopleโ€™s money." Maggie Thatcher in 1976 after a bit of research ๐Ÿ™‚ She would sort the current state of the UK out if she was in power now unfortunately RIP she can't even consult and help the current or recent past idiots in power I think Trump would have/does love her
  23. Thats not very liberal or socialist you have gone up in my estimations ๐Ÿคฃ
  24. After speaking with you @Baht Simpson I have made a decision I am going to become a bank robber and get rich off everyone else's money and if they catch me I am going to claim Asylum in your house hahaha
  25. If there are people who genuinely deserve asylum there are many legal routes to apply for that to the UK, don't be a criminal and come over on a Dingy!
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