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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. Go lettuce would be nice if she talked as much sense in her previous 49 days of national torture rather than destroy the pound and crash the stock market. "Muskrats" gotta love that though!
  2. Step in Bill Gates to microchip every foreigner!
  3. Definitely different engines and depending on the engine different styled results will be returned the most common ones being chatGPT which offers several models that can return results faster but maybe less accurate or up to date on the smaller models and some that are specifically aimed at different subjects like coding. I have been setting up local AI's like deepseek and others using ollama and open-webui which essentially look and act the same as chatGPT with my favourite bonus all your questions if any are sensitive are not stored on someone else's server, to run some of the larger models to get true chatGPT results and performance you would quite an expensive computer, however most of the mid range models will run happily on a PC with a decent graphics card.
  4. Final post for the evening and I'll probably wake up in the morning and regret it, they should just euthanise this guy and cremate him in the closest river cheaper for everyone including the begging go fund me community too many holes in the story but looks like they have got a few UK locals to contribute so all good, that's the UK for you we will give our country away to anyone liars, terrorists, liberals, immigrants even that waste of oxygen Angela Rayner who needs euthanised herself with her bullsht policies
  5. Same as that James Sangwine guy that got lost in Bangkok and ended up dead and there was a go beg me site to get his body back to the UK. No more information publicly available what happened to him, is it really his family want privacy or they are embarrassed about him taking a drug overdose or killing himself with alcohol after people have donated to his go beg for me site. Lots of suckers on AN berated many people who questioned and poked fun at a young lad getting lost in Bangkok (even though nobody knew his fate) I hope all the opinionated AN members donated towards his (alleged by me) addictions, they all seem to be quiet now the same as his family who were quicker to set up a begging site than let people know who donated what his fate actually was. I smell the same here where a family can't put the name of their loving father on their begging pay for my holiday page. I have a new idea for a website gofundmy-alcohol-drug-addictions-and-lack-of travel-insurance dot com, even though everyone else is expected to have that insurance? gobegforme dot com should be shut down.
  6. Not even sure why they did a go beg for me campaign anyways they haven't made enough for a one night stay yet if it is truthful they are paying 3k a night in there. There might be some suckers in this forum that could bump up the pay for my holiday .com site. They are still after another 43 thousand pounds out of the begging 45k request any takers?
  7. Simple answer go back to England where you are taken care of for free along with immigrants in the NHS, although the amount of immigrants in the UK now would probably increase waiting times
  8. I like that answer I can't afford my birds any more I need to start a go fund me
  9. Some of my previous posts might sound uncaring, but I have donated to friends medical care before but not through a website like gofundme that take a reasonable chunk of commission from every donation made, it is not a caring website it is designed to make money, I have given money directly to the family of someone I care about that ensures they get 100% of the money I choose to donate to help. Also I don't want to break the AN rules but I don't think direct gofundme links should be posted in stories, even though there is no specific referrer HTTP parameter that is of benefit to AN, the way websites work is they can always tell where a link coming to their site was referred from. If you had have googled his name you would not have found the gofundme page as they forgot to put the loving fathers name on there (oversight or legal protection on behalf of the beggar?) AN could refer to the final part of the slug link and anyone wanting to donate could do so with a simple google search. May get this post removed but it is legally and technically correct.
  10. Yeah spot on with your response to this @newbee2022 this is a freedom of speech website, Labour and Angela Rayner haven't got their hands on it yet, as long as nobody breaks the rules @geisha so you have no right to be rude with anyone unless you are part of the gofundme and we are not aware?
  11. Alright I get that also and thought about that, so as a retired lorry driver seems to manage these in my experience relatively expensive holiday destinations but can't afford his hospital bills?
  12. Can anyone else not see the flaws in this gofundme? The photo of him and his daughter/wife/fundraiser is either in India or Thailand, meaning the person that has set up the begging account was either on holiday with him, visiting him as he lives here or also lives in Asia and has tried her luck at a gofundme. The begging page says he fell ill in Bangkok but other available information seems to say he checked himself into a hospital in Hua Hin, there is a lot more to this story than the gofundme or this article suggests. The amount of money they are trying to raise is crazy also 45 thousand pounds. I think there may be an element of truth that he has fallen ill in Thailand but I suspect he was living here. There is no mention of his name either on the begging site. And the only information about his misadventure is reported by AN.
  13. If you read his gofundme it says along with the wrong city he fell ill in that he is "Normally fit and healthy with no pre-existing conditions", story is full of holes. So getting travel insurance cheaply from his bank covering his entire trip whatever country he went to should not have been a problem might have been a little more expensive for his age but probably money well spent given the current circumstances. Shoulda, coulda, woulda up to the family to pick up the pieces now, not a very intelligent traveler to put the burden on them.
  14. Gofundme should set up a sideline business of travel insurance and then would be able to pre-empt the: "Go to Thailand don't worry you don't need travel insurance everyone else will pay for you should you fall ill or misadventure" I have explicitly told my family if I am ever unable to get hold of my money because I am incapacitated I do not want a gofundme set up for me, if I die I want cremated in my favourite park in Thailand, I am reasonably confident I can self-insure myself (touch wood) without having to get the rest of the world to donate otherwise I would not be in this country.
  15. If you read his gofundme it says along with the wrong city he fell ill in that he is "Normally fit and healthy with no pre-existing conditions", story is full of holes. So getting travel insurance cheaply from his bank covering his entire trip whatever country he went to should not have been a problem might have been a little more expensive for his age but probably money well spent given the current circumstances. Shoulda, coulda, woulda up to the family to pick up the pieces now, not a very intelligent traveler to put the burden on them.
  16. Most UK banks provide well covered travel insurance for under 20 quid a month, unless the guy is living here then why not just pay 60 quid for 3 months travel insurance? Also the article says he was hospitalised in Hua Hin, however the gofundme request says it was in Bangkok. Possibly a few unknowns to this story.
  17. Feel a little sorry for the guy losing his misses recently, but obviously has now realised he is not invincible either without travel insurance. If he is going to spend a bit of time in hospital best just to repatriate him, cant be far off that price anyways if he is a couple of weeks in there although the 3000 quid a night surprises me for someone only on a ventilator in a Thai hospital, an Air Ambulance would be expensive but commercial airlines can also provide stretcher services better off back in blighty I would say and the free NHS, and in the future learn not travel without the means to support yourself either travel insurance or self-insured then we don't see the relentless gofundme requests. No donations from me I have to self-insure myself but good luck to him and the family.
  18. Not all villains are from the UK!
  19. Is Anutin really the correct person to send to assure on a dispute like this where xenophobia is concerned i.e. the same Anutin that called all tourists "dirty" and accused them of spreading Covid?
  20. It is common knowledge that Thailand have very strict laws on foreigners working with the the correct visas so can't really be a surprise, not much sympathy should have ensured everything was in order especially given everything happening in Pai at the moment.
  21. Definitely was not taking the mickey @kiwikeith difficult for any of us to own anything here with some exceptions I guess 🙂
  22. RIP the dude and obviously a horrible situation for him and his family. However the amount of times I have seen Thai people driving stupid in this country I am just surprised there aren't more stories like this.
  23. She looks like a dyke or a hooker anyways perhaps a career change might be better for her
  24. Would like to do something with his nose that I would probably get ejected from this group for
  25. Just one of the many reasons I won't step a foot back in the UK until they kick out all the nationalities running the country apart from the British
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