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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 1 hour ago, Number 6 said:

    I agree. Years ago I really had hopes for her. Alas, she melted into the swamp and during later years it had come to light she is/was a habitual liar.


    Another millionaire populist.


    Among the lies she has lived is that she is a populist or progressive either for that matter. When push comes to shove she has always returned to the power base of the neoliberal establishment Democrats.

    • Like 1
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  2. 12 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Sexual allegations didn’t hurt Trump neither will it hurt Biden. Goes down to the handling of the pandemic and the economy. Both heading south for Trump. 

    Just as a dogs life can be measured in dog years, so can the Trump presidency be measured in Trump years. I predict several normal years worth of <deleted> between now and November. If I had to predict, I'd say everyone's going to be talking about China at that time rather than the coronavirus. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

    I would disagree there. In my lifetime (1973) I'd put Obama in the #2-4 range. Reagan at the top, and then Obama/Clinton/H.W. in the next three spots. None of those guys were great presidents, all had their flaws and their upside, but they are head and shoulders above the likes of G.W., Carter, Ford, and Trump is like the fungus on the bottom of their feet.

    Put them all together and they instituted less positive change in America than did Nixon, who is universally reviled.

  4. 9 hours ago, puipuitom said:


    In a country like the USA, where health and medical care are only available for who can afford it, it cleans also up a lot of poor people ( especially ni..ers, sorry for usign this word) , immigrants ( all crooks and drugs smugglers acc to Mr Whise Guy), and brings in a LOT of money to the rich, who owns the hospitals, medical care facilities + factories etc. 

    More cynical we cannot make it.



    You can achieve a new, higher level of cynicism if you take 1hr and 40 mins out of your day to watch Planet Of The Humans:




  5. 4 hours ago, sirineou said:

    Mass testing is the only solution to knowing  what we are talking about, everything else is whisking in the dark.I still don't understand why we don't have a widely available test for everyone .  We can put a man on the Moon and rovers on Mars but we cant mass produce a test?  

    Oh, we can alright, but the incentives have become skewed. Whereas the proper incentive might be to produce as many accurate tests as quickly as possible to ensure good health outcomes, the current incentives are how to reward past and future corporate contributors to political campaigns and how to use that to defeat the other party in the next election.


    • Like 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

    You believe the USA is the source of all the worlds problems, at least that is the line you continuously post. Everywhere. All the time. Usually while turning a blind eye to CCP, Iran etc. On to you buddy! 


    I don't believe the USA is the source of all the world's problems, though it is responsible for some of them. I DO believe the USA is responsible for all the problems in the USA however.

    • Like 2
  7. 38 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

     I will live long enough to see China's CCP fall just like the Soviet Union fell. And all their mouthpieces and syncophants will be hunted down for being the enablers that they are. 


    That would be the US government, would it not? And of course its Commerce Department that incentivized US coporations to offshore their jobs to China.

    • Like 1
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  8. 42 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    I like your posts. You are one of the few not consumed by hatred.I would still make sure you haven't had your head eaten by zombies and stay six feet away from you but would invite you into my house. Actually my trailer but you know what I mean we don't get visitors much, round here.


    People are taking the internet way too seriously these days. 


    West Virginia is pretty country if you don't happen to find yourself in a strip mine cancer cluster. I'll let you know next time I'm in the neighborhood.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    Phase 1 cut off the internet.


    Phase 2 cut the electricity


    phase 3 water and gas


    phase 4 you are now homeless


    That's the quickest way to go back to normality


    You can't just sit inside and listen to politicians and hope for the best. Here is an honest question what is the actual cash reserves of NYC? I don'r know this but being a trader it is a fair question. 


    What kind of time frame does Cuomo have before NYC is downgraded?


    It's data dependent. Currently the rate f deaths is still rising as the rate of hospital admissions is starting to go down. That has only occurred BECAUSE of the social distancing measures that have been put in place. All the while, while frontlinehealthcare workers are dropping and some dying.  It is unknown what the time frame for a downgrade in current measures might be. At least May 15th per current dictums.


    I get the frustration, but it should be directed at Congress rather than those who would open things up, or not. Congress should be in session to make sure all the US residents make it through, more or less intact. Instead both parties agreed to make major corporations , most of which are mismanaged, whole. Some even benefitting from the crisis. While giving themiddle finger to the citizen/consumer, which is the engine of the US economy.

    • Like 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    Nothing stupid about it. Lockdowns and stay-at-home orders have not been going on very long and soon the honeymoon stage/long vacation stage is going to wear off and reality is going to hit for millions of people. 


    Be interesting if the left mocks them for being science deniers and stupid when they are going under and getting desperate. 


    They might, and I fear that they will. And if they do they have no one to blame but the Democratic leadership who went into negotiations with the Republican Senate in agreement withall the major corporate bailouts and tax breaks for rich people. In fact it was the "progressive" Republicans that got people the individual stipend over Democrat objections. I don't even know this party anymore. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    The 'fly over' states aren't exactly self supporting are they. Due to trump administration political decisions 'fly over states' have required massive Federal subsidies for the agricultural industry. 


    Just a few days ago trump declared it was state level decisions on when to commence relaxing stay at home / social distancing and so on, but within hours trump reverted to type retweeting highly partisan reversal of his guidelines. There would be no need for all the hyperbole if trump could control his impulses, unfortunately he is incapable to fulfil his role as President of the USA.


    Another gem of incompetence by the trump administration...






    Too bad they won't return the favor:



  12. 1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


    What's your proposal? Everybody shelter in place until they run out of cans of tuna? I remember being laughed at awhile back saying places like NYC and CA, are a single disaster away from being bankrupt. That day has arrived.


    People in the fly over states as the libs lovingly call them are not willing to sit around any longer. If you plan to shelter in place you had better pray to God that us lowlife, hick, losers get out there and produce. 


    We have always been the ones feeding such places and now it is going to become more profound. When the tide is out you can see who is naked. 


    Look at NYC. Social distancing isn't a long term or even short term solution. People live under the conditions typical of a cruise ship or a prison. The ship needs to be evacuated and a real assessment if the ship can ever be inhabited in the same way again needs to happen. Or you need to risk a higher death toll and get back out and do it. 


    One choice means you pick what life you are going to lead. The other choice means you have to accept the life you will be provided. 










    Eastern Pennsylvania, now a "hotspot". Not so far from Western Pennsylvania.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 57 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

    "LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege"! ... direct quote by the current occupier of the White House! Americans and world citizens note the promoting of overthrow of the Commonwealth of Virginia elected government. At the very least, where is the Censure by the US Congress ....


    The US Congress is on vacation until May 4th. They said they might come back if there is an emergency. 

  14. 10 hours ago, dundas said:

    Twhy do so many Americans support a three year old who speaks in word salad, who has regular temper tantrums and who of course knows better than everyone else? 




    For the same reason they will support a 78/9 year old who speaks imcomprehensably, who also has temper tantrums; because they hate their neighbors and they will listen to or read anything that gives them a justification for hating their neighbors. It makes them feel superior to others, when in fact they are laughingstocks. In fairness some people support a given candidate because they will make more money under one or the other, but mostly it's just mass stupidity.

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