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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 3 minutes ago, UPDEHSOI said:

    Looks like you have read quite a bit about this drug. So have you also read that continued use of this drug will cause blindness? I have a close friend who manufactures this "stuff." He says steer clear of it.


    I am not recommending this drug or any drug. Particularly not "continued use". I am only reporting on observed trials; only some of which are represented here. Me, I don't take medicines of any kind. So far, anyway.


    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    So if it turns out to be true you agree he is an idiot to take it.


    I think he would be an idiot to take it if he was within one day of being put on a ventilator. That would mean a 70% to 80% chance of certain death for him. Not from the hydroxychlooquine, but from the Covid 19 which the HCQ doesm't touch at thatpoint. It has shown benefits in early stages of HCQ and even more so as a prophylaxis.


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  3. 2 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

    The VA said that their trials with it resulted in more people dying who took it than those who didn't. That's the VA, too, experimenting on American veterans, and killing them, just because Trump said it works. ????

    Those studies were when hydroxychloquine was introduced within one day of the patient entering the ICU and intubation. 70% - 80% of patients going on intubation died. It would be wrong to suggest that the reason they died was due to having hydroxychlooquine on board. Me, I don't care, but PLEASE don't politicize science.

    • Like 2
  4. 18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    "it doesn't matter all that much who wins the next presidential election."




    "the Democrats just proposed a Bill to bail out lobbyists and "Dark Money" contributors."






    Problematic provisions in the bill include:

    • 501(c)6 trade associations, which is the institutional vehicle for corporate lobbying. 
    • A Dark Money Group Bailout: The bill extends Paycheck Protection Program funds available to 501(c)4 trade associations, which is the institutional vehicle for dark money political spending. 
    • A Corporate Lobbyist Bailout: The bill makes Paycheck Protection Program funds available to






  5. 18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    As I've stated before:  If you don't vote for the lesser of two evils, you get the greater evil.


    The best fix to the entrenched two party system that caters to extremes is the rank order voting system, also known as the ranked choice voting system.  It's used in some localities and Maine, as well as several democratic countries (Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and others).  Instead of rewarding candidates for catering to extreme elements of their base, it encourages candidates to appeal to the broadest possible range of voters.


    Changing the accepted voting method will be a hard sell, but it could be done on a state by state basis until most of the country gets the hang of it.


    I worked on bringing ranked choice voting in my state. It exists in some localities, but not others.  STAR voting is another preferable mechanism, though not my first choice. Both are preferable to the current system. 


    Only one candidate in the Democrat primary was for either RCV or STAR voting, and that was Andrew Yang. The unbelievabally stupid electorate passed on the one of the greatest policies and candidates that they will see in their lifetime. I guess they were glued to CNN or MSNBC or something. I hold all of you in contempt. No offense. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    With respect, I don't see paying a $1,000 monthly income for all together with open borders being a well thought out plan at all. So, probably not the best candidate since FDR.


    I'm not sure where you got the open borders idea. Yang is pro border security. And you would not be paying $1,000/mo, you'd be collecting $1,000/mo, from the companies that are making $Trillions off your data, whch they are selling and reselling, which you are currently giving away for free. Or are you the guy that read the whole thing before you clicked "I Agree".

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    If Yang made a run, you can be sure the Government would start linking his heritage to Taiwan, China, Chronovirus etc- many people would swallow it- Sad but true.


    The US must have the largest range of intelligence in the whole world, from the brightest minds all the way to people who genuinely should be classified as impaired. Unfortunately they all have access to internet and there seems to be many of them on the lower end of the scale.


    Yang was the best presidential candidate since FDR. Americans have a well earned reputation for being stupid.

  8. 5 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    Agree, Trump is an utter moron and a pretty repugnant person. It just goes to show how pathetic/unelectable the candidates the Democrats keep putting up are. I am not sure how no one in the Democrats can see how far they are missing public sentiment by.  (See UK example of Labour party and Corbyn).


    I am sure that 50% of the votes the Democrats do get is protest votes against Trump rather than voters liking the Democrats candidates. If they put up someone even moderately electable they would win by a landslide. Surely the democrats in a population of 330 million, can find one person who is youngish, charismatic and does not have issues with memory, the bottle or playful hands.


    They could find that person, sure. Andrew Yang was that person. But they're not looking for that person. Frankly, I'm pretty sure they don't care if they win or lose, if the money rolls in.


    In America, in the second term of an incumbent president, the political primaries are the only elections that matter. 90% of the population sleeps through the primaries. Hence, Biden.

  9. 20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO Trump was a logical result of the common person's revulsion with the Washington bubble. Whether he has done anything against the swamp or not he was the only one that said he would. Same with Bernie who was also hugely popular for his anti establishment rhetoric.

    HRC and Biden are, IMO, establishment creatures, so would continue with Obama politics and they are what elected Trump, IMO.

    I am not an American, but if I was I'd be voting Trump as I'd hate everything the Dems stand for ( I can't see that the GOP are any different, but Trump is not exactly an establishment politician ). he may not be an ideal politician/person, but he's better than the alternatives, IMO. If either party had put up a better candidate last time they'd be POTUS now.


    No reasonable person could vote for Trump or Biden, unless Biden had a really fantastic VP choice, which doesn't seem likely. Someone else is really the only honorable thing to do.

  10. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    You don't recall McConnell saying he wanted to make Obama a "one-term president"?  


    I hate McConnell and send contributions to a Democrat who I hope will oppose and beat him in the General Election. That said, your quote is just political speech. I get a dozen emails a day from various Democrat affiliated groups asking for contributions to "make Trump a one term president"

  11. 16 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Lannarebirth, I am not quoting you, your post may be deleted due to not allowed videos.


    That is almost 2 hours of video, so again, is there any research on hydrochloride as a covid-19 prophylaxis?

    Yes. The research is shown in the video. If you care to see it and you think it may be deleted, you probably ought to click the links now. Watch at your leisure.





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    • Haha 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Mama Noodle said:


    And the feeble minded will believe all the way to their grave that it was all Trumps fault. 


    Well, the more enlightened may realize that America has been on a steady downslope since 1973 (1972-1974). We have created institutions and narratives based on embedded growth obligations and we have been artificially manufacturing growth for decades. Worked out pretty well for the Baby Boomers and the "Silent" generations but everyone after, not so much. Trump was a "Hail Mary" pass against what is obviously the managed decline of a nation. He was a horrible mistake. What's worse is, he isn't really any worse than HRC would have been or Biden will be.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

    They aren't apolitical, and even WaPo called his post "quasi-independent". I can rattle off quite a few appointees that are viscous partisans. I would agree that ideally it would be this way but the fact remains that some are not. 



    Seems like what they view as VERY strong cause. 


    They view as strong cause, the fact that a preceeding President appointed the Inspector General? What next? Will they be removing Federal Appellate and Supreme Court Judges and Military Generals because they were appointed by the preceeding administration?





  14. 2 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    This seems to be Pelosi's new claim, which I think any rational person can probably assume isnt true. 

    I find very little reason for any President from any party to fire an Inspector General. They are apolitical and are the backbone of America's institutions. We elect schitty politicians cycle after cycle but the IGs are the bulwark that held up the institutions which hold up the government, which is meant to serve the electorate. There is absolutely no reason to remove one without VERY strong cause. Hey, what's this?



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  15. 18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Agreed. Up to me it'd be two weeks, but...........................

    Given that term limits would need to be brought about by the very people that want to stay in politics for ever it's unlikely to happen. Better than working for a living.


    You have to exempt all those who would vote on a term limits Bill. Then let attrition take it's course.

  16. 2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    I've read similar stories. I also have a friend who pled out on a federal case. His attorney said the federal government in particular punishes defendants severely if they opt to go to trial. I don't claim to be an expert on the law or this case in particular. But I have read enough about this case to strongly suspect Flynn was railroaded for political expediency. The feds threatening to go after his family alone is enough to make one wonder...


    They can do whatever they want, to anyone, at anytime.



    • Thanks 2
  17. 8 hours ago, candide said:

    Thinking to it, a long-lasting epidemic situation is likely to accelerate automation. Machines and robots don't stop working when they are sick, they don't need expensive distancing, they don't propagate viruses in the air, and can be easily cleaned with disinfectants as Trump suggests.


    There will be just a small problem: one cannot replace broke customers with affluent robots.

    Yes, and robots don't pay payroll or SS taxes either.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    And will be hung out to stay again.


    Corporate management has just been handed a ‘slash the workforce’ opportunity.



    The 30% workforce reduction that McKinnsey  had prophesised would come over the next 10 years due to automation, has come in 10 weeks. If 70% of your economy is based on consumerism, you'd think that number of would be consumers lost will send many ripples through the economy for months and years to come. They can throw their stimulus money at it, but if that doesn't create demand it's not going to do much good and deflationary pressures are going to stick. A UBI would work in a "trickle up" fashion, but I don't see any desire for that from any of those currently in power.

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