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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 4 minutes ago, pegman said:


    Oh, c'mon! There hasn't been anything about this primary season yet that looks anything like democracy. Speaking of which. Andrew Yang prevailed in Federal court today. overturning the NY Board of Elections cancelling of the state's Presidential and down ballot primary at the behest of the DNC. That's democracy and the rule of law in action.

  2. 1 minute ago, bendejo said:

    I do not.  I see them as people riled up by the pro-Trump right wing, which I see as an industry.  DT is just a new ingredient in something that's kicked into a higher gear since Cheney was running the gov't.  Look how wealthy the likes of Alex Jones, Glen Beck and Rush have become peddling this stuff, not to mention Fox's ratings.  The US Conservative movement is quite adept at convincing a certain section of the electorate to vote against their own self-interest.  Brilliant and evil.

    If someone is a DT fan and they are wealthy, I mean at least 2-commas wealthy, the joke is on them.




    I agree with you that many fall into the catagory you mentioned. Others are forced to be at home, which makes sense, but not if that order isn't accompanied by some sort of stipend that enables people to buy food and keep lights and water on. It's a failure of Congress.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, samran said:

    Those same protesters would have screamed ‘socialism’ if some sort of UBI was offered. It’s a no win situation with those people. 


    Some might, but they'd still cash those checks that would circulate through their communities and eventually the wider economy. Congress has shown just how far out of touch they are with the common person. The House still hasn't reconvened and it's nearly their Summer vacation period.

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  4. 24 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    It has been tough for all especially the small businesses all round the world. The fact is that things will never be the same even after the infections and deaths declined significantly. A vaccine is the only solution but it is not a surety that the world can get one. SARS, Ebola still don’t have a vaccine. Big corporations have better chance of continuation but still uncertainty lingers especially for the airline, oil, big retails and travel industries. Small businesses will bear the biggest brunt of this drastic economic meltdown.  Some jobs will never come back and some businesses will close for good. US economy policies have not prepared the people with the basic necessities to survive financially and medically. Fault of previous governments and the FED. UBI may be the new normal. 


    I own commercial buildings. Not office space, thank God. One of my tenats is a non profit 501 3c corp where all but one, or maybe two of their employees is a volunteer. They qualify for no govt. program despite the fact they have been designated an essential health care provider. I've offered them in excess of $20,000 of rent abatement. Not deferral but abatement. They've been incorporated for 53 years and they're not going anywhere. I offer them below market rents in the best of times and we'll get through this together. I'm not sure everyone else will be so fortunate. 



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  5. 17 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

    I'm willing to bet that the NYT has been wrong less times (way less) than a certain gentleman who's been occupying the WH for the last 3,5 years. And you do realize that the NYT didn't write this internal document, don't you? They are only reporting about its existence and content.


    You're applying a pretty low standard. The NYT has been wrong plenty, but they can't be in this case as they are only serving as documentarians.

    • Like 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, frenetic said:

    Yet most people manage not to be as selfish as they are. 

    True. I'm trying to take the charitable view, although I know they are populated with all kinds of right wing extremist nutjobs.


    I'm very fortunate. I don't have to worry about rent, or bills or not receiving 1 month or 1 year or 4 years of income, but most people do. They have been conditioned to think that their only utility is as an economic unit in service to the economy. I tend to see everyone as having value solely based on their humanity.


    In the richest country in the history of the World maybe we should be doing better for these people at this time and maybe that might lead to some shared values and acceptance of one another.

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  7. 19 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    When I say 'ousider' I'm obviously talking about his age and skin color (in context to the rest of what I wrote). I think you knew that but are trying to deflect.


    No, I didn't know that. The Democrat Party wouldn't even exist without Black people. I don't consider that an outsider trait. Also, I thought he was just the right age for the presidency. It is septugenarians that I consider outsiders.

  8. 7 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Because they are not equally 'shtity'. Trump is far, far worse but America is not ready to again elect a true outsider (like Obama) so an old, white, safe guy like Biden will have to do. I think the Dems are doing the clever thing by not going too 'out there' with a much more progessive candidate as it would just alienate middle-America who essentially won Trump the presidency last time out.

    Biden may have his faults, but the goal is to get rid of Trump and I think he's the ideal candidate to do so; as long as he can dodge the flak that will innevitably come. 


    Obama an outsider? Groomed for 5 years to do exactly what the neoliberal monied class told him to do. Buttigieg next in line. Electing toadies like this is what makes people risk voting for a person like Trump. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Maybe Trump could replace him with a loyal follower from the glorious Trump college/university whatever. Why have an old codger with knowledge and experience when you could have an ignorant yes man instead. Do it the WH way.

    There are currently college graduates with advanced degrees in epidemiology spanning 4 generations. Why does everything have to under the control of 70 year olds, who should be retired. You don't think there are any brilliant scientists in Gen X or even early Millenials? Think again.

  10. 5 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Fauci is at saint status now. He has stuck around because he puts his country first. He takes the abuse  from trump because he cares for the public health of the world.


    That is true, but let's face it there should be another generation of scientists leading this now. These people have stayed around way too long. The same goes for almost every other division of government. Pass the torch!

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  11. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    While Uncle Joe was just a ( IMO ) bumbling buffoon as VP it didn't really matter as Obama wasn't going to drop dead during his time. Now that it seems that if the only candidate suitable to the DNC is entirely likely to drop dead any time, or go completely gaga it's rather more serious. IMO the DNC didn't expect any candidate to win against Trump ( except possibly Bernie which is why they, IMO, sabotaged him, again ), and the Corona has changed things a bit. It is now entirely possible Joe would win, so the person to be focused on would be the VP, and seems to me that the DNC is thinking HRC can get snuck in. Not a prospect I relish.

    Meanwhile, IMO Joe appears so discombobulated now that supporting him must be difficult for reasonable people.


    I agree with you in the main, but I don't see HRC making a re-emergence, but Biden was stupid enough to hold a podcast with her the other day. That's how out of touch he is.


    He's painted himself into a corner on his VP choice. Gonna be a woman. No problem with that. Gonna be a "person of color". No problem with that. But looking around the political landscape of Democratic women of color, absolutely no one looks ready, much less electable to assume the presidency, which I what they will be forced to be doing from day one.

  12. 1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Trump supporters are absolutely desperate to make something of this whilst conveniently 'forgetting' the 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. 25!! He's known to have paid 'hush' money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and rumours abound of many other pay offs. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/18/fbi-tied-donald-trump-michael-cohen-hush-money-payments-stormy-daniels/1757820001/ 


    And you talk of Biden's 'senility' whilst every day we get evidence of Trumps growing insanity. The man can hardly string a coherent sentance together but yeh, Biden has a problem.

    You guys will do anything to deflect from your Beloved Leader and I'm afraid it's just getting old and very worn.



    Why can't anyone admit that they are both shtity, and one of them will become the nominee of their party though undemocratic means? There is still time to choose someone else. Doesn't anyone care about what the next generation will have to suffer through, or do you think the World ends when you die?


  13. 43 minutes ago, Tug said:

    Ahhh you are mistaken I lead a very busy full life with my family property’s hobby’s and all those good things but it is true I do vent here about that disaster that is donald John trump and it is refreshing to see a politician that says go ahead look into it not lie and hide behind a bunch of lawyers 


    C'mon man. You're not dumb. Biden's awful and I'm guessing you understand that on some level. I get that you hate Trump, and I do too, but that doesn't mean that Biden isn't a horrendous choice for the presidency.






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  14. 46 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    we should call Investigator Paragraph.


    OK, here's my excuse. I've been forced to use Facebook lately to talk to my daughters. Every time I hit the enter key to start a new paragraph it posts a partial amount of what I wanted to say and I guess that's carried over to here. I am not particularly technologically literate, and I'm doing the best I can.





  15. 10 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The ‘credibility’ of the link is dependent upon the credibility of the information it provides.


    It provides a late, not contemporaneous, variation of the numerous differing accounts Reade has given.


    Reade did file a ‘contemporaneous’ complaint and made statements that her complaint was of sexual abuse/Harassment.


    Biden responded to her statements regarding the existence of her ‘contemporaneous’ complaint by calling for the records of her complaint to be released.


    Reade then responded to Biden’s call to release the complaint with yet another change to her account of events, now stating her complaint was not about sexual assault or sexual harassment but of being made to feel uncomfortable.


    Both the accused and the accuser deserve a swift, full, transparent investigation and the swift and full prosecution of the person who has committed a crime, be that one of sexual assault or filing a false accusation.




    Actually, Biden called for the release of his records from the National Archives, who have stated that they don't have any of Biden's records. Biden's records reside with the University of Delaware with the stipulation that they are not to be released until two years after his political career has ended. When asked if Biden thought his records should be released from the U of D, Biden equivocated, stating that all his past political history would only provide fodder for his political opponents to attack him with. When asked if he would agree to a very narrow search of his records where only Tara Reade appears, he again equivocated. It was a pretty unsatisfactory explanation frankly. The 8 0r 9 other complaints against him added to it, don't really give one a warm and fuzzy feeling about him.

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  16. 14 hours ago, Tug said:

    Sounds like a bunch of very disappointed trump supporters over here lol and just wait till we get to the issues not the distractions as in this case lol


    You can't believe that there are disappointed Democrat supporters as well? Biden is just who people who dislike him think he is. A neoliberal tool and party hack, who at the first opportunity brought Hillary Clinton and Larry Summers back into the fold of his policy makers. If you listened to his interview he tried to "normalize" candidates like Pete Buttigieg who is the "future of the Democratic party". Given that he was quite comfortable with huge percentages of his constituents living in poverty, that doesn't bode well for Democrats. It would be very easy to out flank this party with just one or two populist measures.

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