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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Republican healthcare is Obamacare even though they are trying to repeal it.  Really?  You do know Republicans are fighting in court to defund the Affordable Care Act, don't you?   https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-07-08/trump-backed-lawsuit-to-invalidate-obamacare-back-in-court


    My point is that if we'd elected HRC in 2016 we would be better prepared for this and future pandemics.  If we elect a Democrat this year we will be better prepared for future pandemics.


    What is you point?

    My point is that the healthcare system in place now in America, which is wholly inadequate is the same healthcare system Biden promises to maintain. So, I don't know what all your talk about "free" is about. Ain't nothing free about it unless you're impoverished. The beauty of the system is that it can make you impoverished so that you might get it for free.

  2. 1 minute ago, heybruce said:

    Are you being deliberately obtuse?


    Nothing is going to change the reality we are in now.  The Republicans have left us unprepared in every way.


    I would love to see universal healthcare in the US for reasons that go way beyond Covid-19.  However Bernie, a career politician with little political baggage because he never accomplished anything of significance, is not going to accomplish that.  A pragmatic politician has a chance to make incremental improvements in healthcare in the US. 


    I realize we are not going to go from Republican "you're on your own" healthcare to Canadian or Nordic universal healthcare in one Presidential term.  That's why I'm going to vote for someone who can offer incremental improvements in the current system.  And someone who won't leave us so pathetically unprepared for the next pandemic as we are now.


    Republican healthcare is still Obamacare. Yes I know they say they are trying to repeal it but with healthcare insurer's stocks up 1000% in the past 10 years, I don't think they're trying too hard.


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  3. 9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Free testing could be offered without Medicare for All.  So could mandatory paid leave for self-quarantine.


    No country is fully prepared for Covid-19, and no country will be fully prepared for the next health crisis.  However the Republican's "every man for himself" approach to health care leaves the US uniquely unprepared among the rich nations.

    I don't know if you're being intentionally obtuse or not, but testing is the least of it and I don't care what the Republicans are doing as I'm not a Republican. Just admit that that free test could still end up costing thousands of dollars no matter who wins. So what if the test is free. You just tested positive.  You're not going to go to the hospital because you're deductible is $5,000, which is gone in less than a few hours and you don't have that so you go home instead.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    By the time there is a Biden Presidency it will be too late for Covid-19.  It will be up to him to ensure the US will be better prepared for the next health crisis.


    However Biden, and no other Democrat, would have been so short sighted as to do what Trump has done:


    "Amid two global health crises, the Trump administration has proposed cutting $3 billion from the U.S. government's global health programs in its latest budget request."   https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-budget-proposes-cuts-global-health-amid-global/story?id=68911515


    "Four years after the United States pledged to help the world fight infectious-disease epidemics such as Ebola, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is dramatically downsizing its epidemic prevention activities in 39 out of 49 countries because money is running out, U.S. government officials said."   https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2018/02/01/cdc-to-cut-by-80-percent-efforts-to-prevent-global-disease-outbreak/


    "Taken together, the $87.1 billion in discretionary funding for HHS programs would be 12 percent less than in the spending plan Congress adopted for this fiscal year — although the proposal is unlikely to survive lawmakers’ scrutiny."  https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/trump-proposes-big-cuts-to-health-programs-for-poor-elderly-and-disabled/2019/03/11/55e42a56-440c-11e9-aaf8-4512a6fe3439_story.html


    There would be no free testing under Biden for Covid 19 or other subsequent viruses because Biden has said if the 2 houses of Congress managed to get a M4A bill to his desk for signature, he would veto it. The actual test is the least of the costs associated with being tested.

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  5. 1 minute ago, heybruce said:

    Really?  Are you in the US?  Does your doctor or hospital have a test kit for Covid 19?  Can you get tested for free if you think you have been exposed?  Will you be treated for free?  Will you get paid time off from work if you need to self-quarantine?


    Most important, can all the people you encounter, and the people they encounter, afford to get tested if kits are available, afford to get treated, and afford to take time off from work to self-quarantine?


    If you are in the US, the answer is no.  That means the virus will not be contained.


    That is true and absolutely none of that is likely to change under a Biden presidency either.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    When trump decided to claim our President was not born in America. That sort of blatant racism I knew had some support. That is when HATE is justified. People that support his racism have zero responsibility in making a great America. I learned as a child that being silent was the same a being compliant. Sad you see Biden lacking and not seethat he is courageous to take the Presidency back to being the best. Shame on you.


    Oh, horse<deleted>! I'll vote for Biden if he's on the ballot, but let's not pretend  he's taking the presidency back to being the best. I could almost buy that if he changed everything about himsef that caused him to make the political choices he has thusfar. And I like old Joe. His political opponents will be less kind.

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  7. 1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

    Hahahaha....Biden didn't even know the diff between an AR15 and a machine gun.

    He called a voter a horses a$$ and asked him if he wanted to "go outside"

    He and Beto were recorded saying they're going to take people's guns away and then he denies

    it when confronted....typical dishonest politician....this is precisely why Trump swept to

    power....people are sick of slick lying politicians who think theyre above the common man.


    Most people don't know or care as much about guns as gun nuts do. Be of good cheer. What with the 3-D printing, you'll soon be able to print a gun with a vagina on it. I expect deaths by guns to make a significant drop soon thereafter. It is highly recommended you keep the safety engaged.



  8. 1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

    Hmmm....if it was all about the money, Mr. Bloomberg would have won in a landslide.  I'll concede that this year it's mostly about beating Trump.  I'm glad that Dems have come to their senses and put up someone most likely to not only beat Trump, but beat him to a pulp.

    Bloomberg accomplished his goal which was to thwart Sanders. With Bloomberg and Biden combining to take a plurality of California delegates, his work as a candidate was effectively over. Mission accomplished! His work as a supplier of staff, data, offices, organization and money continues.

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  9. 46 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    I'm certain the Russians will be going after Bernie supporters soon with the same old conspiracy theories that this primary was rigged against Bernie by the establishment.  I just hope the Bernie Bros don't buy into it.

    Putting the Russians and the establishment aside for the moment. I hope we can at least agree that the US Presidential Primary System is tremendously dysfunctional and effectively a sham. We started with what, 26 candidates on the Democrat side? We're crowning the putative winner of the nomination tonight. My state holds its primary election 10 weeks from now. That is clearly a system that slants against democracy and towards monied interests.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    It's hard to separate the two.  If not for his supporters, Trump wouldn't be so brazen in his dishonesty, corruption, and vulgarity.  His supporters basically encourage him, so gotta hate them both. 


    What you have to do is come up with something better that lifts all Americans. The last progressive president in America was Richard Nixon. You people fight more over style than substance. While that's less true in the Trump presidency it has been absolutely true since Bill Clinton was elected.

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