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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    What a shock, the Democrats want a candidate who is a Democrat.  Bernie is an opportunistic independent who thought declaring himself a Democrat made him entitled to full support from the DNC.

    Well, it worked for Bloomberg didn't it?  Anyhow, I've got no real dog in this fight. Let's see how things shake out. Bernie's definitely got all the early voters and Biden is getting a huge late surge here as everybody's lining up incredibly quickly to hitch themselves to his wagon. I've no doubt Joe can govern, but can he campaign?

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

     I agree about the Bernie aspect, Jing.


    But more broadly, Matthews is 74 and had had his own show for more than 20 years. That's a pretty good and long run.


    Time to give one of the younger bucks a shot, maybe Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell.... or maybe Brian Williams has served enough of a penance for his past miscues by now.


    Anyone but Brian Williams. That glib idiot should be hosting game shows.

    • Haha 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

    And now Amy Klobuchar joins Pete in dropping out and endorsing Joe Biden, yet another overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy to screw Bernie out of the nomination.

    Why would someone who cannot win not drop out? Why wouldn't they endorse the candidate who most closely aligns with their own values and policies? None of that thwarts voters in primaries from voting for anyone they'd like to, including Bernie. You're getting way ahead of the unfolding democratic process. Yeah, if Bernie leads the delegate count by 10% or more at the convention but still gets thwarted by the superdelegates, THEN you might have a point. I'm more interested in why the perennial loser,liar, equivocater Warren is NOT getting out.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Why Me said:

    Well, when he "moved" to the center changing his advocacy for Medicare For All to Medicare For All Who Want It the oh-so-clever facade crumbled to reveal yet another pandering pol.


    Honestly, a mayor of a one stoplight town waking up one morning thinking he should be President of the US would be laughed out of the room if not for the young woke gay thing appeal. Which can only carry you so far.

    Pete's appeal is not to "young, woke, gay" people. It is to old, white people with money. Same as Warren. It is monied Democrats who are afraid of Bernie, not Republicans. Biden is an ok compromise if he sticks to his hints of one term and picks a new Democrat standard bearer as VP. Could turn into a 12 year run for Democrats. I get theappeal of an Abrams but there's already been way too much Obama affiliation in his campaign to go the distance. I'd prefer he went with someone like Yang, who IMO is the best political candidate since Teddy Roosevelt.  That said if Bernie's primary showing in the delegate count is more than a few points higher than Biden's I would not like to see the superdelegates interfere in the democratic process.

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  5. 11 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    Not sure it says anything about Trump voters other than there are a lot of them. The democrats will do the saying, not the results of the election. I remember 2017 and all the name calling democrats did about and to Trump voters, it won't change.

    I agree with you. What occured in 2016 was wrong. I'm only talking about people that have seen the evidence post election and would support that.

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    I think you have rejected my well supported analysis without contesting the facts to attack someone you irrationally hate in order to defend your own narrow world view.


    Actually, my world view is pretty expansive. It reaches far beyond what passes for humor in the Catskill resorts. That is assuming I thought your analytical refence was correct, which I do not. I think instead he appeals to the kernal of hate everyone has in them to a greater or lesser extent. That's not my analysis, that's just my opinion.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

    It says that we understand he is a rich and patriotic dude from NYC that acts and talks like the socio-political tabloid milieau he was nutured in, to wit: blue collar Irish/Italian/Yiddish that basically makes him sound like a Borscht Belt comedian that pokes fun at himself by his bombastic behavior.


    And understanding him does not change the fact that I would rather see my President kiss the flag than spit on it, or go on apology tours.. 


    With that in mind tell me what do you have say about me then? 

    I think you've constructed a false rationale to defend someone undeserving of it, but more importantly to defend your own choices.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    Yahoo has featured daily anti Trump articles ever since he was elected, if he ended poverty and brought about world peace overnight they would still have something negative to say about him

    Are you saying the article isn't factual? That the photo is fake? I know you folks have to publicly defend your bad choices asaface saving gesture, but when you're all alone in that polling booth are you really going to double down on THAT POS ?

    • Like 1
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  9. Along with Buttigieg and Trump, Bloomberg is just someone I could not vote for under any circumstances. That said, he's not stupid and his considerable resources will soon be at Biden's disposal. Interesting factoid. Bloomberg has locked up about 2,500 of the best political operatives and data analysts, with paid contracts through November. It is said to be the best political data clearinghouse in history. Also, I imagine his unholy deal with the DNC will include a large amount of down ballot contributions through one PAC or another

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