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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    I didn't want to be too presumptive.  Biden has won, but the numbers haven't all come in yet as of this writing.  I predicted he would win big.  Everybody else was sweating Bernie. 

    The closest Bernie ever came to Biden's poll numbers in SC was - 5 points on February 23rd. I think it's fair to say the Clyburn endorsement was instrumental in adding at least 10% to Joe's 30% margin. I thought Joe gave a very good victory speech. It is the most coherent and energized he has looked in some time.

    • Confused 1
  2. I think we've estabished that Sanders beats Trump, but can he beat the DNC if he fails toget a majority of delegates?  That's the big question. Biden should win SC, perhaps even handiliy. His donors, which had pulled back recently are feeling just a tiny bit of wind in their sails:



    • Confused 1
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  3. 1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

    That's a good point.  The US has tested around 445.  Japan around 1,890.  S. Korea?  66,652 as of 27 Feb.  This is why there's so many confirmed cases in S. Korea.



    California monitoring 8,400 people for coronavirus

    BY PETER SULLIVAN - 02/27/20 02:36 PM EST


    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

    I'd say the same goes for any of the remaining crew on both sides. I think Biden would choose Yang. Not sure what Bernie would do and it looks like Trump's throwing Pence (and us) under the bus by naming him leader of the US's coronavirus  defensive. I heard he"s "praying on it".

    BTW, Bloomberg already floated a VP slot to Yang, who declined the invitation, per today's WSJ article.

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Looking at Bernie and taking his heart attack into account, any vote for Bernie must also be a vote for his VP to become president.

    I'd say the same goes for any of the remaining crew on both sides. I think Biden would choose Yang. Not sure what Bernie would do and it looks like Trump's throwing Pence (and us) under the bus by naming him leader of the US's coronavirus  defensive. I heard he"s "praying on it".

    • Confused 1
  6. 12 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    In a normal civilised country a dead cat could defeat Trump

    That Bernie can't defeat Trump isn't what the DNC is worried about. They know he can defeat Trump. That's what they're afraid of.  What they are worried about is that Bernie's going to clean house of the thousands of operatives that have an incestuous relationship with the DNC and the money it raises. That money they raise is meant to buy outcomes for their donors. Much of that goes out the window with a Bernie victory. No more donations from wealthy donors and no more fat jobs to do the bidding of those donors. The DNC would much rather Trump wins than give up this gravy train.







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  7. 1 hour ago, khaowong1 said:

     Denmark. Denmark's progressive income tax tops out at 55.8%, and the average individual pays 45%. The Danes pay an 8% Danish labor market contribution tax, a 5% healthcare tax, 22.5% to 27.8% in municipal taxes, social security taxes of DKK 1,080 (USD 164) per year, and capital gains taxes of 27% or 42%.  Jus Saying.

    And they live several months per year in relative darkness. But here's the other side of the coin: 



    just sayin'.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You hit the nail on the head. Both 45 and Bernie are movement candidacies with classic elements of political cults of personality. That's not necessarily a negative thing depending on what the specific political movement is about. 


    For example the great president FDR was a cult of personality and all of us Americans not speaking German and getting social security checks should remember him fondly. Of course he had faults as well. 


    I think the core argument of Bernie people is that to beat the cult like 45 movement you need to counter that with an opposing cult like movement. 


    They might be right and they might be wrong. 


    It's looking more likely that we're going to see their theory tested in real life. 


    One thing that can be predicted is that the vast majority of democrats will unite behind Bernie and if it's not Bernie too many Bernie fans will either stay home or even God forbid vote for 45 as happened in 16.


    The case for choices like Bloomberg, Klobuchar, etc. is that they would get more independents and those numbers would be greater than the lost Bernie fans. 



    Bernie gets support because he is the candidate that most resembles what the Democrat party claimed to stand for. The working man, pro union, sharing the bounty of a great economy to form a great society, intergenerational improvements in economic and social mobility. If Bernie doesn't beat Trump it will have less to do with him as a candidate than it will have to do the shift of the Democrat party well to the right. That shift is what gave the Republicans license to go full on fascist.  BTW, I am not a Bernie supporter, but I will vote for him if he is the Democrat's candidate.

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  9. 25 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

    Trump has no ties to Putin, read the Mueller report. Bloomberg is gone after Super Tuesday.


    Bloomberg's not going anywhere until after the convention. You don't have to have the most votes or be on the ballot to control the outcome. In America, everything is for sale.  Speaking of which, I think a major impetus for Bloomberg's run is to offload his media empire.

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