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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 9 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

    Trump knows that any US  retaliation against N Korea will bring China into play which has the capability to wipe out America as a trading nation for ever , not by bully boy techniques of the US, but by smart commercial and technological warfare. Even Trump is not that stupid - I hope

    Yeah?  Because their sea routes are secure? Because their ports are heavily defensed? Or because the Thai railway system is so good they can still get all their goods to market?

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/31/2019 at 8:31 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    BKKB NY is slated to stop accepting regular ACH transfers from consumer U.S. accounts on this coming Sept 1 (about one month from now).


    But they'll continue to accept, and forward to Thailand, domestic wire transfers sent to them from U.S. consumer accounts.


    The main differences being, ACH transfers typically are easier to send and usually have no sending fee, whereas domestic wire transfers can be more difficult to send and usually involve a fee of $20 or more by the sending bank.



    Post withdrawn, subsequent posts answered my question.

  3. 1 minute ago, mikebike said:

    Interestingly he is not the only one. But I do like his ideas in this area a lot. My issue with Pete is that he doesn't seem to have the chops (or maturity - I don't know which) to deal with relatively minor issues in a medium-sized town... how will he be able to reign in a teetering democracy?


    Yang also promotes major structural change, for instance: 18 year term for Supreme Court justices. Many other things. I like Mayor Pete; I think he's very smart and thoughtful. Even if he had the support I don't see a willingness to move the needle much and that's probably due to who he gets his funding from.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You overestimate the level of my fandom.

    Where I differ from the purists is that I think just getting rid of a white nationalist authoritarian demagogue president is a big and necessary accomplishment in itself. 

    To pass big stuff you need a massive overall victory. Frankly I don't see how that is going to happen in 2020 regardless of who the dems put up. 

    Probably not, but I can see it happening in 2022.

  5. 5 minutes ago, zydeco said:

    And all this has caused Biff to go on a twitter rage, demanding ZIRP and "the biggest QE eveh."  Spineless Powell gave in this time and will probably do it again. No money for savers. Just transfer all the wealth to the one percent and the banks.


    Even though Powell rolled over, I expect Trump to start beating up on him again, as early as tomorrow.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Tug said:

    Just more corporate welfare money to keep donalds bubble inflated how’s that deficit doing?dont think the dems need to or would do anything to wreck the economy 

    Every party does something to wreck the economy. Some of the measures they take are longer lasting than others. It is going to be hard to come back from the huge wealth disparity that prolonged ZIRP and QE 2 and 3 caused. Anyone with assets saw a huge inflation in the vaue of those assets. Anyone without them sees attaining them near out of reach.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    So what is to be done? How about importing millions of low and no skilled labor to put additional downward pressure on wages, while at the same time increasing competition for whatever hand-outs are available. Will that help?

    I’m really not against free lunches in schools, but I don’t like the idea of stigmatizing the poor kids more than they already are. I would much rather give a free lunch to everyone. It would probably be a wash cost-wise, given what is likely spent administering the programs.



    I don't think it stigmatizes anyone because everyone uses a plastic card now. You've either got a credit on it or it says your lunch is free. No one knows. I do like the idea of everyone getting a free lunch. Hopefully not just French Fries.


    I am generally in favor of whatever grants or subsidies that are available being available to everyone. It goes a long way to curbing the "us vs. them" dialogue that is so prevalent.

  8. 1 minute ago, lkv said:

    Well, the current government thinks you would, what that should tell us is up to one's own interpretation.


    Itdoesn't affect me personally, because 1) I am not currently in the Kingdom and 2) My wife has about 200 best friends on her phone who can sort out just about any obstacle we might encounter. Still, I am empathetic for the people this has caused a problem for. It ain't right!

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    The schools don’t pay a living wage?



    I don't know. I was commenting that some of the students at any given school may come from families that don't earn a living wage. It does not trouble me that some of my tax dollars might provide them a lunch. That would be one of the very few tangible benefits of my taxes paid. It doesn't bother me at all. It does bother me that some people that work a full shift everyday still can't afford to raise a family.

  10. 1 minute ago, fakser said:

    Good luck!

    One important thing is missing. If the TM30 can be reported online from a smartphone application, problem is solved.

    Few clicks and done.

    But why would you? I don't know about you but I provide copious documentation when I enter the Kingdom to establish my bona fides. I see absolutely no reason to do it till the next time my visa comes under consideration.

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  11. 3 hours ago, mogandave said:


    Okay, when I attended grades 1-12 in Southern California, as far as I know, none of the students got free lunches. In kindergarten, as far as I know, we all got free milk and graham crackers.

    Again, why should they?



    It's a way to carve out a voting block while appearing generous, while at the same time not paying people a living wage. It's a corporate subsidy in other words.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    Stage full of fantasists promising the world but not saying how to pay for it.

    There's plenty of money. It's a matter of setting priorities.  Should we be sending a plane load of money to Iran one year and then going to the brink of war with them the next? Or should we maybe be spending a small portion of the income of the richest country on Earth for the benefit of it's citizens? 

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