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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 22 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    It's what happens when identity politics becomes the only game in town. Everybody gets dragged into the game and we all lose in the end.

    It's not really about identity politics, which I grant you is pretty stupid. It's about a general coarseness that pervades everything now. One side gives license to the other, which they readily take hold of.  Here's an example:


    "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters"

    Response? Cheers.





    • Confused 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

    Wonder if all these Democrats are going to condemn themselves now that the political ideology of the Dayton Shooter has come out? Somehow I doubt it. 

    Why would either of these shooter's party affiliation matter?  More relevant was that he was expelled from high school for making a "rape list" and a "murder list" of other students, yet he could stiil purchase a weapon. I don't know the demographics of Dayton or thenormal patrons of the bar he shot up but 7 of 9of those he murdered were black. Sounds like a high ratio to me.

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  3. 1 hour ago, bendejo said:

    It could be argued that a step in that direction is the universal basic income US candidate Yang proposes. 

    On the other hand the US is leaving the business of exporting agricultural products and DT is giving the farmers billions to sustain them.  Is this the beginning of a derelict class?  Notice you hear of NO GOP hand-wringing about "where is the money coming from?" which is their usual outrage.  Even if he gets removed from the WH it's not like agricultural trade is going to return to what it was, at least not quickly.

    So yeah, society needs less workers, so what to do with those people who aren't needed?


    There is a sci-fi book called Beggars in Spain (lousy title, it involves neither of those things) by Nancy Kress.  (sci-fi as in Brave New World, as opposed to, say, Star Wars)  In the near future the socio-economic order in the US is you can decide not to work, and the gov't will support you sufficiently but not opulently, or you can chose an education and go on to have a profession, pursue business and wealth, up to you.  Those who do not work spend their days taking intoxicants  and screwing.  (sound like Pattaya?)




    UBI's just a piece of the puzzle, as it won't really sustain anyone, but it can fill in a lot of gaps and the prudent could probably arrange some upward mobility. It's stabilizing as is Universal Healthcare. You can weather a bad break. You can't do that in the US these days, even if you're middle class. That keeps people on edge and off balance.  It's all worth a go IMO. If you come to it too late there's no saving anything.


    I'll look for the book. Sounds like BNW in reverse where the Alphas were the pneumatic shaggers and Soma addicts and the Savages were the only ones with their wits about them.

  4. 1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

    Except that his "fear" is imaginary.  These hate groups prey on people who are disenfranchised, powerless, and lonely.  Crusius (the shooter) wasn't exactly a model citizen.  He was rather aimless and lazy, the perfect recruit for these hate groups who give these wayward individuals someone else to blame for their lot in life.


    "While he worked as a bagger in a local supermarket, “working in general sucks,” he wrote in the profile, adding that he is “not really motivated to do anything more than what’s necessary to get by.”




    I agree with most of that except your first sentence.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, meand said:

    i believe the US constitution is a great work. but tell me why the cruel and unusual punishment has to exist? why not wrap these guys up when they are apprehended, no tv coverage, no infamy. take them off to a very bad place, where very bad things happen to them. 


    i bet there would not be any more mass shootings after that. 

    I doubt it. These people have accepted that their life is over before they even pull the trigger.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    A link to the shooter's manifesto had been made by the Drudge Report at www.drudgereport.com.


    I, in no way, support the shooter's actions, but I do believe his manifesto should be read, at least. Many people died and were injured because of this young man's beliefs and actions - RIP


    No thanks.



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