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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 1 hour ago, mogandave said:

    So what do you think needs to be done to make it less lopsided? 

    What can be done at the ballot box?

    I think income taxes need to be steeper at the high end, close many tax loopholes and institute a VAT tax that exempts food and other necessities.


    At the ballot box I think you have to vote in nonstablishment candidates that put people's well being ahead of the demands of the market. People should not be defined by their economic worth.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


    Unless you are greeting at Walmart or serving fries with Big Macs you have involvement with the market. Even those people benefit because at least they have a job.


    Whatever my little sliver represents my  liquid net worth went up now 70% in two years, 20% since the impeachment hearings.


    I don't need to be jealous other people have more. Instead of sitting around rotting and complaining on web forums I am taking the steps to crawl up that ladder. Without the top percent there wouldn't be a market of great volume for people like me to benefit from.


    Aside from that everything in your life counts on the markets. Your cars, computers, clothes, phone, house, etc. Give all of those up before you start saying you don't benefit or the average person doesn't. Without the markets and the companies that drive them we would all be living in mud huts. 



    I think you've got it backwards. If it weren't for all those people working there wouldn't be any rich people. And I don't begrudge anyone their wealth. I only begrudge that it has become so lopsided in America that the rich are relative deadbeats and that their wealth can buy them any laws they see fit to maintain that advantage. That's all going to change soon. I hope that change comes at the ballot box.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Even more dramatic I read that republican senators representing only 7 percent of the American population have the power to excuse this president of his impeachment charges. Given the incredible structural bias in the US towards the wealthy and right wingers the wonder is why Americans haven't taken to the streets.

    That's coming, but not over impeachment. 

    • Like 1
  4. 36 minutes ago, maprao said:

    His win in 2020 which will make Boris' win in the UK Look insignificant.  The average American is better off. Unemployment at an all time low. Stock market all time high.

    The Dems will be humiliated in the 2020 election even if the POTUS is impeached 

    94% of new jobs in the US are gig or part time. The bottom 80% of Americans own 8% of the stock market wealth.

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  5. 11 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    Blacks tend to be more homophobic. Anyway whatever the case is you can't win as a dem without them.

    I think that's true that Blacks do tend to me marginally more homophobic, but I'm telling you, that's not the main reason they despise Pete and why most people despise him. It's because he's a Republican corporate shill running as a Democrat. He's way to the right of Biden and probably Bloomberg too. Not to mention he was a failure as Mayor of a mid size town (not city) and he lost a statewide election by 20 percentage points. He's only in the race to act as a blocker for the money people that are contributing both to him and those higher up the chain. He's a laughingstock. Bright fella though.


  6. 1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


    The gay thing is a problem because that's a big reason why blacks don't like him.




    It's not because he's gay that Blacks don't like him, it's because he turned his back on them in his small town. He did absolutely nothing for them in South Bend and word gets around. I think he may even be biased against Black people. That's how obvious his disregard for them has been.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    I like any of them a million times more than 45. But I really don't get the Mayor Pete mania. He's trying to pose as the Obama of this race but it comes off plastic to me. I think his extreme youth is a bigger problem than the gay thing. It's not only the number but his appearance. Such superficial things aren't supposed to matter but they do. To me the obvious best choices with the best shots to beat 45 -- Klobuchar and Bloomberg.

    I don't think it's his youth or the fact that he's gay. I think it's because he's a corporate Republican that's running as a Democrat. He was mayor of a small town through two term of economic expansion and yet 25%-40% of his constituents live below the poverty line, depending what numbers you look at. And that's in a college town. One get's the sense Pete can live with that.   As for Bloomberg, I'd like to see him in stocks being pelted with garbage for his attempt at subverting our democracy.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


    I am guessing if Biden can remember what room/state he is in and speak as little as he has to he will get the nomination. 

    Probably, if he promises only one term nd he picks a VP that looks like they can turn it into a 12 year run. Klobuchar is an excellent VP choice. Woman, excellent legislator and from battleground state. I'd prefer Yang win and choose Klobuchar as his VP. He's the only democrat running with any vision whatsoever and his vision mirrors the country I'd like the US to become. Bernie's got some vision but it keeps getting more divisive. But his M4A is still the best plan out there.

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

    yes it did, but a couple years back they moved it to the pub, which incidentally is not search engine indexed. 2017 was the last year in general if i recall correctly.

    the majority of interesting stuff used to occur in general, but now anything vaguely controversial is rapidly moved to the pub.


    Most of the topics there are so inane I have generally refused to go there as a general priniciple. Now we're asked to read multiple lengthy threads that lead to no outcome?  No thanks!


  10. 1 minute ago, geronimo said:

    Yes, didn't it used to be in the general forum?


    Well yeah, it was.  Now, it's in the back of nowhere. Which is odd, given that it all got started about 3 weeks too soon and there seem to be way to many topics about it. I mean there's a tried and true formula. Start with nominations in the General Forum about the 15th of December. A week later narrow the field and then vote on the finalists. How could they have managed to screw that up?


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  11. 2 minutes ago, geronimo said:

    My dog .....



    That dog looks content. I'd vote for you twice if I could. BTW , why the hell is the POTY in the Farang Pub?  Nobody even knows it exists do they?  And if they did they'd avoid it, wouldn't they? Or is that just me?


  12. 15 minutes ago, geronimo said:

    And is it true that 8-dotters can run up a tab? I heard that JT rings the bell every time he visits. I know you are sworn to secrecy, but a little info would be much appreciated. If I keep posting at this rate, my 8th dot will come around next August ....

    You heard wrong. You'd think the founding member would be a little less parsimonius, especially when he is about to be inducted into the 6 digit Ring of Honor and have his keyboard bronzed, but sadly that is not the case.


    • Haha 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, geronimo said:

    Yes, I have peered through the window of the 8-dotters club, yet I have another 3500+ posts before I get my platinum 8-dot membership card. I hear drinks are free and there are maidens to soothe aching limbs, which is why Trans lives there.


    Yes, it's true. The maidens are stone deaf.


    • Haha 1
  14. I don't think anyone much cares that he's gay. I do think they'll begin to wonder just what the hell is he even doing there. He is clearly being groomed but no one's even looked at his mayoral record which is abysmal. Two terms during a continuous economic expansion and over 25% of your citizens still live below the poverty line? Media flavor of the week or not, I predict his fall starts from as early as now and as late as next week. Bright fella though.


  15. 1 minute ago, geronimo said:

    Yes Canuckamuck is as impartial as it gets, and if I have a word upstairs, I might be able to get him an extra dot! There are other benefits to being the POTY commentator; you get to see Rimmer when he arrives at HQ in his helicopter and they even let you into the main control room .....


    I failed to notice you're now carrying nearly a full complement of dots. Jolly good old boy. Come round the club when the 8th arrives.


  16. 3 minutes ago, geronimo said:

    Thanks for that Sir! We need a new commentator when voting begins and I was wondering if you would like the role?

    I would not, but thank you for your kind consideration of me. If JT can shed his partisanship and walk the neutral path he would make an excellent commentator.  I think Canuckamuck would as well.

  17. 13 minutes ago, geronimo said:

    She is a young Thai lady who has taken the forum by storm. Giving all us old codgers a Thai perspective on things ...... and yes, we did kick off a little early and many have run out of steam before the starting gun has been fired.

    I see you are nominated this year and you can count on my vote unless a lucrative opportunity presents itself. And when I say lucrative that would include middling and meager opportunities as well.


    • Thanks 1
  18. On 11/24/2019 at 1:34 AM, Jingthing said:

    This forum before Yinn was like a fish without moustache wax. Something was missing but you just couldn't put your finger on it. Now Yinn completes us all. If Yinn didn't exist you'd have to invent her. Viva Yinn! 



    All INN for YINN (or get deported)




    Who is Yinn, and why did the contest start so bloody early this year? I predict POTY fatigue.


  19. 6 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    How about you decide which gun is best for your purposes and others do the same? For example, an *assault weapon* is the perfect choice for people like this in a riot situation with tons of people looking to loot, burn and destroy their property and livelihood:





    You think those Koreans were expecting payback for cashing out their patron's food stamps for only 50 cents on the dollar?






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