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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Enough of the "but, but, but....Biden!" 


    Trump solicited help from a foreign national for his election campaign, which is illegal, and made it clear that future US military aid to Ukraine was contingent on getting this election help, which is an abuse of power.  All else is deflection.


    I agree with your entire post and I don't like any of that "but,but,but" stuff either. Still, it has never been clear to me how soliciting help from a foreign national for an election campaign, by proxy, is substantially different than seeking help from a foreign national for an election campaign directly. The intent of both actions, it seems to me, are clearly illegal. 

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  2. I don't know how it works in Thailand but there are usually three payments when purchasing a property. An "earnest money", which is a token amount, very little, maybe 10,000 Baht given at time of signed contract. Then there is the down payment, which in your case is zero if seeking 100% financing. Then there is the balance, which in your case is the bank releasing funds in full to the seller minus earnest money amount.


    As far as writing a contract without having financing approved yet, you make securing financing a contingency of sale in the sales contract. No financing and the contract become voidable.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Bill Maher floated an interesting theory. It was if the convention ends up deadlocked between Biden and Warren that the natural compromise candidate could be Amy Klobuchar. Unlikely but interesting. Her only other chance now is if Biden dramatically crashes.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I think the odds of a brokered convention are high. Klobuchar is done.

  4. 13 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Well, Biden has one big thing in his favor: he's not Trump. And, as usual, you try to mitigate the awfulness of Trump by focusing on what he has in common with an opponent rather than on the huge differences.

    No, I'm not. Trump's awful no question. That said none of these 3 70+ y/o candidates is going to pass even one of their policies if they don't have coattails to take the Senate. None of them appear to, so they are all wasted votes IMO. No Senate, more divisiveness, and lots of young people who will have seen nothing but divisiveness and animus in their lives and it becomes the political and societal norm, which is extremely dangerous.








  5. 11 minutes ago, bendejo said:

    Yeah, my first thoughts were sleazy "win a new iPhone!" type sweepstakes where they gather your info (well, at least your email address), maybe even hit you up for a donation, which could possibly lead to an underhanded automatic continuing donation scheme that is near impossible to get out of.  Throw in a little Publisher's Clearing House factor, where the mark thinks they may have a better chance of winning the fortune if they actually buy something. 

    I started watching a fictional TV series called "Becoming a God in Central Florida" (dumb name) about a pyramid scheme, aka multi-level marketing.  Maybe I'm a little too wary of things that come off like that these days. 

    If this guy wins the primary (yeah, right) imagine the anti-Asian hatred that will be generated on the right.



    I don't think so. Yang is one of only two Democrat contenders (the other being Bernie) that over 10 percent of Trump voters have said they would vote for.


    I agree the announcement seemed gimmicky but less so than lying to the public which is what every other candidate did. Also, I have to acknowledge that I am old and do not fully understand modern media and how it influences decision making. Google Trends following the debate had Yang trending highest in 44 states.


  6. 45 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Ok I get it, did some more research and it seems to be a marketing scheme to direct traffic to his website. I guess in the hopes that he gets emails, gets people involved in his campaign and perhaps receiving more in campaign contributions than the $120,000 he spends. 

    I agree that a basic income is inevitable, but IMO we not there yet politically, and a ten people pilot program will not change that. 

    If he spent $120,000 on a 30 second TV ad, I doubt anyone would know anymore about UBI than they already do, or don't.


  7. 18 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I am a progressive voter but

    I don't understand it though, what would giving $1,000 a month for a year to 10 america's accomplice?  Am I missing something?

    It is a prelude to giving it to 200 million + Americans. Like you, many people can't seem to wrap their heads around UBI. It's is a real life demonstration for those who don't understand it's importance as society transitions to a society where compensated work, for many, is either uncompensated or made irrelevant by AI and automation.  That's a one paragraph sketch. Here's a deeper dive if you're interested:




  8. 4 hours ago, bendejo said:

    I am from the same village as DT, and close to his age.  When I was in high school this kind of name calling was called "ranking out."  It is somewhere between a sport and a form of entertainment.  The fun comes when one pushes the other into going too far and the fists start flying: I don't think DT sees it that way (from a spectator perspective), so it wouldn't be too hard to provoke him.  E.g. when he starts in on Liz Warren's genetics she could keep coming back with stuff and he would respond with even worse defamations to the point where no one with any native American heritage could not be offended.  

    During the 2015 debates I figured out how to get him: laugh!  There was a certain debate (the one at the Reagan library, I think) where he started off by tossing insults at every candidate that derided him recently, and the crowd loved it, and even some of the other candidates laughed.  If they kept laughing at everything he said, even into the "serious" part of the debate, he wouldn't have been able to handle it.  I find it strange that no one figured that out.  Maybe something to do professional politicians lacking imagination.



    When Comedy Central roasted him, no subject was off limits except how rich he was.  I think the general wisdom was a couple of Billion, he wanted them to say he was worth 10 billion, after a lot of back and forth they settled on 7 Billion, which of course is a lie, or he wouldn't have settled for it.  Attack his wealth and his abilitiy to make a deal.  He doesn't care if you call his daughter a whore or that he's a crook, just make sure you inflate his wealth.


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