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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 1 minute ago, Crazy Alex said:

    How about you decide which gun is best for your purposes and others do the same? For example, an *assault weapon* is the perfect choice for people like this in a riot situation with tons of people looking to loot, burn and destroy their property and livelihood:





    You don't have any insurance?  I can't think of a single thing I own that I'd be willing to shoot someone over.


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    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Emdog said:

    Trump did this without talking to allies, Congress, Pentagon, Fox News.... just phone call with Turkey. I would not be surprised if Trumps "threat" to destroy Turkey was worked out beforehand. "Don't worry... you just go on with cleansing. I'll huff and puff, but pay that no mind.."

    That sounds about right.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    I'm sorry, I understand your passion, but he's done. His ability to govern was already a question: he would be 79 at the start of his presidency, which is actually older than any president has been at the end of their presidency.

    79 is also, coincidentally, Beto O'Rourke's IQ, and the number of bosses that Kamala Harris has slept with on her way to the top - she is the only person who has ever sexually harassed Joe Biden.

    The oldest living president, Jimmy Carter, last month said that he could not have done the job at Bernie's age. A major cardiac episode blows apart any claim he could have made of somehow being physically up to the job.

    Quite apart from the political realities, do you seriously think his wife is going to let him kill himself? It's over. His job now is to gracefully hand the nomination to Warren and, if she gets elected, see out his days in luxury as the ambassador to France or some other plum position.


    I like Yang, some interesting ideas, but he represents a completely different wing of the party, and is only polling at around 1%. People simply don't break towards a candidate who has failed to gain any momentum at all.  

    People are with Bernie because of his politics, not because of color, gender, charming personality, sense of humor etc. They only have one place to go when Bernie officially pulls out next week, only Warren occupies the same territory, and he is on friendly terms with her.



    I am not a Bernie supporter, though I was. I remain an admirer of his though. He absolutely has made the Democrat party better, but there's still a ways to go.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:




    Ms. Pelosi would do the right thing, that is, what's best for the country and national healing.



    I do not want to see him in prison.


    Some of his enablers (co-conspirators)? Sure.










    In Nixon's case all Ford could do was offer a pardon against any crimes Nixon may have committed against the government of the United States. I don't think even that puts Trump in the clear.







    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, luckyluke said:


    I am afraid, that in the U.S.A., many believe he never did anything wrong, not doing wrong now, even in the impossibility he is  able to do something wrong in the future. 


    This is extreme adulation, and there is nothing to do about this. 


    Maybe writing that only in the U.S.A. something like that is possible, is not totally correct. 


    It seems that in Great Britain now, with Brexit, there may be some  people with a similar  disorder. 

    Meaning people who are completely incapable to think rationally anymore, totally obsseded by thinking their opinion/view/approach of things is the only correct one and automatically refuting anything different. 


    This may be even something we sadly will encounter more and more.





    It will get much worse when Deep Fake rolls out. The Madness of Crowds is a real phenomena even without it.

  6. 12 hours ago, donnacha said:

    Bernie pulls out and endorses Elizabeth Warren.

    That combined support puts her neck-and-neck with Joe Biden.

    The prospect of another female candidate pulls enough female support from Biden to Warren to put her ahead.

    Trump vs Warren in 2020, Trump wins a 2nd term.

    The economy will get another boost once that realization kicks in next week, dollar is likely to rise slightly against the baht.

    Please note, this is my prediction of what it about to happen, not an endorsement of any particular outcome.


    If Bernie pulled out now, which he absolutely will not, at least half of his supporters would go to Yang.

  7. 9 hours ago, heybruce said:

    Trump has now called on Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden.  To be clear, Trump did not call for general investigations of the widespread corruption in both those countries, he specifically called on them to investigate a political opponent and likely candidate to run against Trump in the 2020 election.  https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-asked-ukraine-and-china-to-investigate-biden-2019-10/


    Imagine the howls of outrage from Trump and his base if any of the Democrat candidates called on foreign powers to investigate Trump.




    Circling the drain...

  8. 1 minute ago, Tippaporn said:

    That is not fact.  It is interpretation.  The whistle blower claim is interpretation as well.  Again, the passing of opinion off as indisputable fact.  Doing so is dishonest, Becker.  Honesty would be to frame it as, "I believe," or "I think," or "It is my opinion," or "I suspect," or "I conclude."  Let's be honest in the discussion of this topic.

    Fair enough, but wouldn't you agree that a tribunal, whether a court of law, or Congress as Constitutionally charged is the proper setting for establishing what the facts, if any, are? And to pass judgement based on the finding of those facts or lack thereof?

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Monomial said:


    He's not "just" an immoral conman. Trump is a psycopath and a demagogue, just like Thaksin was here in Thailand. They are the same person in different countries. And just like Thaksin, he is going to completely divide America and push that divide ever larger. Thinking of him as a conman is dangerous. Half the country views him as a champion. Do not think that the half that loves him now is going to somehow "wake up" and suddenly see the world as you do.  That won't happen. Too many are dissastified with the status quo, and see Trump as a solution.


    All you can do is hope he is defeated during the next election, but I really wouldn't count on it. Too many people are going to follow him. It took a coup to defeat this kind of personality in Thailand. I don't think America has that in them. I would prepare for years more of this. People who support Trump aren't ignorant. They simply hold values that are different from you. Calling them ignorant is childish, and that blind emotional reaction you display in the post above is the true danger. Be very, very aware of the schism that Trump represents, and don't denigrate those who follow him. It will only make the situation worse in the long run.


    Instead, recognize the anger and disatisfaction that leads people to support Trump. We reap what we sew, and we have sewn a terrible state of affairs. Trump is special. Don't downplay what he represents.




    He's special in that he's in a certain subset of Americans that will go to any extreme, tell any lie, foster any hate to achieve their ends. But let's be clear, there are thousands and thousands and thousands of such people. Listen to a Baptist preacher sometime.


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