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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. Yo Jazz, not think too much about attacks on your views and replies on this thread.

    I remember I was ridiculed and laughed at by some when I said we are not being told the truth when the alleged crisis began.

    I think we all know better now.

    There is a way to get out of this supposed crisis, but the solution is against everything you think is the right thing to do.


    As you can see Alex, they're gonna run Uncle Buck.

  2. I know what they are, trust me, and I know the banks that uses them.

    quote: "How on earth can you be spending money on that <deleted>, I bet some expats are having a ball spending your money right now!"


    Your Honour, Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury... i rest my case :)

    I guess what's even funnier is that there are a few others here on TV who knows that you're a fake (I make that judgement based on the number of PMs I've received mentioning this!

    oooh, let's have a friendly wager. I'll hold the money

  3. last i checked it was 1 dollar to 35.3 baht... a few weeks ago it was 1:32 so maybe i'm missing something

    I guess for the USD we are going to test the 2007 bottoms under the 30 baths.

    Souce : loobiz.com/chart/us-dollar+baht


    If that were a stock chart, this is about where I'd buy it. Retesting the breakout of a double bottom. Beyond that I possess a wealth of no idea. :)

  4. I'm genuinely interested to know geriatrickid - as someone who has long stood up on this forum to defend Thaksin from attack, do you unequivocally deplore his words and if so, has it changed your opinion of him at all?

    My opinion of Mr. Thaksin is unchanged. Mr. Thaksin and the movement for civil rights and a free vote are not one and the same. The issues at stake are bigger than Mr. Thaksin. I have said it before, and I will say it again, once the new election is held, Mr. Thaksin will most likely be cast aside by his followers. He is like Moses. He will bring his people to the promised land, but his sins will prevent him from entering the promised land.

    I have gone back to the original speech and believe that the english translation is not accurate. My understanding is that Mr. Thaksin is saying that a psychoanalysis would show that PM Abhisit's conduct resembles a modern despot. Mr. Thaksin was refering to the authoritarian nature of PM Abhisit. He did not express himself well. That is not an excuse, but when one gets away from the biased interpretation, it becomes nothing more than the angry political rhetoric that a statesman would not use. The comments are those of a very frustrated person. The statements while inappropriate, are much milder than the garbage that is flung in the US Congress or Parliaments around the world.

    In respect to the comments about homosexuals, as regretable as those comments were, the same sentiments have been expressed before by people that were allied with Mr. Thaksin and by those that are opposed to Mr. Thaksin. I do not think they comments are intentionally hateful. Rather, they reflect an ignorance common to people that should behave more responsibly. I deplore the ignorance, but the sentiment expressed is again the product of a frustration that sees a certain group of what my friends and I would call the self appointed beautiful people holding sway over some issues. Again, it does not excuse Mr. Thaksin, but shows that he is no different than the typical citizen. If everyone that held similar views was removed from positions of power in Thailand, there would be alot of empty offices and work stations. Sorry, but that's the sad reality, despite the arguments some will offer that everything is welcoming and warm. Gays are discriminated against on a daily basis, as are women and people with disabilities.

    "Let's put some lipstick on this pig!"

  5. I wonder how much money Thaksin is throwing Montenegro's way...it is after all a potless former communist country.

    What is not mine, no one will get it!

    Can't people see Thailand is destroying from now on? BIllions of billions he has now still not enough for his egos. Some millions buying The Red shirt leader. The protesters baths 2000 x 100,000 persons = 2 200 millions baths. Those millions is the price of the immage '' Siam Land of smile ''. Tourism stop, draw the whole Thai economic down. Let' Apisit do his jobb !!.

  6. what cracks me up is the leaders of the Red shirts are all HI SO's! Wealthy. Just like in the USA, where the Democrats say they are for the working man...as they drive a Benz and take vacations around the world. Same same.

    We were watching the red shirt channel the other day. My wife saw a lady get up on stage and goes "Oh! Look at her...she is big time HI SO in Bangkok." And there she is trying to get the poor people to sleep on the street and walk in the sun for them...crazy....amazing what you can get people to believe...

    Your wife totally missed the point of the protests. It isn't so much about HI-SO and LO-SO, but about equal opportunities for all Thais, whether they are rich or poor.

    Ok, about those equal opportunities. For a while Thaksin was Education Minister and he was clearly in with the Royal Thai Police. What concrete advancements did he make for his constituents that you can point to iin education? Are they better seved by the police now, or even then?


  7. The main reason, and maybe the only reason, for the insistence on holding an election now is that with current government continuing most of the populist programs and the improving economy the PTP knows it will be a very had battle to even maintain their current strength in an election 18 months from now.


    Yes if they actually can be seen for doing the good I believe thay have started,

    it would be an insurmountable advantage, especially with an utterly discredited Thaksin,

    languishing sans Twitter in a Montenegro Sanitarium and no checkbook access.

    In the best of all possible worlds.

    Could you list the good things that Abhisit has done for Thailand - I've asked you this before remember?


    Even if he does say so himself:


  8. I tell you-there is no way my goverment would give passport to Sinavatra if USA and EU said no.Do you have any other logical explanation why we gave him passport.Maybe he gave money for it,but then why Montenegro and not some other country?However,if USA and especialy EU said no,there is no way he could get our passport.I am serious!

    Well, I guess they're looking for a clarification now:

    //link to Bangkok Post deleted//

    pls read posting guidelines


  9. Don't agree with suing someone over defamation - that's how Khun T got himself in trouble suing everyone he disagreed with. Public figures are always targets - just need to have a thick skin at the end of the day.

    Seriously brit, you cannot see the difference between suing someone to intimidate then to stop telling the truth and suing someone for telling defamatory lies? You could not possibly be this dense, surely.

    Remember this (among many others). he has since been found guilty of the charges they leveled:


  10. What is your source for saying that Thaksin resigned and did so to get a popular mandate so that he could sell Shin Corp anyway? I've never heard of this.

    Thaksin dissolved parliament after he had sold Shin Corp and when he realised that a lot of Thai people were unhappy about many aspects of that deal. He called new elections knowing that should he win - which was highly likely what with the tight grip he had established on power - he would be able to shut these people up and prevent the deal being scrutinized any further.

    The courts have of course since spoken on this matter and proved that the people who were upset, had every right to be, and it's a good thing that the polls weren't used to decide on his guilt - that's not what polls are for after all, is it?


  11. Welcome to the Thaivisa forum, mate. I believe you are from Montenegro. You don't need to prove that. You just need to stick around the forum for awhile and you will know who to reply and who to ignore. :D

    Thank you :D

    I am from Montenegro and I dont know what would I benefit by lying,becouse things we say on forums matters for nothing to be honest-but if someone doesnt believe me,than ok-what can I do.


    So,your people like to vote for criminals? Dont think so.

    They are not "my" people. I am only a guest here, but I would say voting for criminals is not something that bothers the majority of Thai people. Even Thaksin's supporters acknowledge he is a criminal. His own lawyers defend him not on the basis of his non-criminality, but on the basis of why should the court judge him?

    But even if that is the case,why not new elections?

    The current PM came to power through constitutional means. There is no need for new elections till his term ends. His government is not related at all to Thaksin's former government. The calls for new elections you hear are in an effort to change the constitution to enable pardons for Thaksin, who cannot escape culpability for his crimes in any other fashion.


    To be honest,I dont know what is our national interest in giving Taksin our passport.Probably request from USA or EU,cant see what else could it be :D

    Dont worry about snow.There is enough snow in mountines,but we have nice coastal region where there is no snow at all.Funny things are happening-it is much warmer in last 5-6 years than it was before.Global warming maybe,who knows :)

  12. I'll bet I know more about the Balkan states, their history, poitics, leadership, etc than 95% of it's non-inhabitants. Still, I wouldn't claim to know even 1% of what has gone on there compared to the people who actually have inhabited it over time. I'll bet to fully understand it would require an incredible amount of study and knowledge and living. That said, I've never seen anywhere where the machinations of government, society, business, aristocracy, etc is more convoluted than here in Thailand. What most people know, or think they know appears almost surreal. What is true, almost no one knows.

    I agree and I confess that I know very little about Thailand.

    But whole point I am trying to make is that if someone win elections he should form a goverment.Simple as that.Imagine what would happen in USA if McCane performed coup d'etat with help of army and deposed Obama.Got my point?

    I know that you will say that criminals should be deposed no matter what support they have.OK-lets say that Taksin is criminal-you deposed him,no problem.But why did you deposed his succesor?Is he criminal to?Sorry,but hard to believe.Not to mention that two parties that won elections were banned.Democracy at its best.

    Yes, the successors and their parties were criminal too. That is why Thaksin selected them. The Army didn't remove them the courts did.

  13. I'll bet I know more about the Balkan states, their history, poitics, leadership, etc than 95% of it's non-inhabitants. Still, I wouldn't claim to know even 1% of what has gone on there compared to the people who actually have inhabited it over time. I'll bet to fully understand it would require an incredible amount of study and knowledge and living. That said, I've never seen anywhere where the machinations of government, society, business, aristocracy, etc is more convoluted than here in Thailand. What most people know, or think they know appears almost surreal. What is true, almost no one knows.

  14. I am not Serb,I am Montenegrin.I didnt forget Slobo and Karadzic,but they were not democraticly elected.Milosevic banned media that wrote against him,violently suppressed any kind of opposition,even killing some of his rivals.But it is not the point,Serbia under Milosevic was not democracy and it was bombed by NATO at the end.On the other hand Thailand claims to be democracy or not?

    If I am not wrong democracy=demos(people)+cratein(to rule)-rule of the people.If more than 60% of voters supported Taksin in elections,than he should be prime minister.Am I right or wrong?

    And I forgot-you can not seriously compare Taksin and his crimes with Milosevic and especially Karadzic?

    I absolutely would not compare the scale of Thaksin's crimes to Milosevic or Karadzic. I would point out that he abused his power in similar ways however. Thailand is a fledgling democracy. It probably has never held a truly democratic election that was not corrupted by vote buying. The abuses you claim Milosevic practised are not at all unfamiliar to those of us who watched Thaksin govern.

  15. Hi,

    I am from Montenegro and searching Google for Sinavatra I found this forum :D .

    Two things confuse me.

    First,It is obvious that he has people behind him,he won every elections fair and square.

    I mean,you overthrown him by coup d'etat,than his allies won elections organized by military junta,you then overthrow his allies and installed government that has less than 35% of support and you are talking about democracy?!I dont understand why dont your goverment organize elections and win if they have people support.If not-they shoud not be goverment,dont you agree?

    Secondly,you are calling him criminal based on conviction that has clear political background and issue warrant for his arrest that is not recognized by Interpol :D

    Sorry,but strange things are going on.

    p.s. my country surely didnt give him citizenship entirely on its on.We certainly didnt do this without asking USA and EU,because although we are not formally members of NATO and EU we follow their policies thoroughly.With our passport he do not need visa to enter EU countries,so it would be interesting to see what would happen if he tries to do that :)

    Also,our law does not permit dual-citizenship except in special cases when national interests are at stake.

    Surely a serb can understand that one can be democratically elected and still be a madman who abuses power and commits crimes against humanity. Forgotten Milosevic and Karadzic already?

  16. .

    If the Govt. is not feeding the Bangkok elite they get put out. Thaksin stood up to them which proved his undoing.

    Stood up to them how? By offering their cheap and undereducated workforce a free and full education? Nope, that was Abhisit. By pushing new property taxes on vast land holdings and calling for inheritance taxes? Nope, that was Abhisit. What Thaksin did was offered them loans they had no means to repay. Some government ag schemes intended to foist more debt on them and enrich his cronies selling cows, rubber saplings, etc.. Ironic this bloodritual from the bloodsucker in chief.

    Thailand needs a greater tax base to implement a welfare society. You can't get rid of corruption if you don't pay cops a living wage. You can't expect children to flourish if they spend all day in overcrowded sweatboxes which pass for schools. Did Thaksin change any of that? Did he even try? No, he didn't.

  17. You know there's lot of noise in the media. Thaksin comparing Abhisit to Hitler and Thai visa posters firmly believing he is the front man of the Yellow Shirt or "elitists". the truth is these Red people have had no better champion of their cause than the current PM. He is trying to uplift them and create a more egalitarian society. Thaksin wanted to keep them poor AND in debt. Did Thaksin really ever go after the elites? Well, Abhisit has:


    He does it as a matter of good governance for the Thai people. You'll never hear any mewling "do you love me?" coming from his mouth. He just gets on with the job.

    Oh really! check out the latest Forbes richest people in the world list and look for the most elite of all in Thailand... Its interesting reading. :)

    I've read it. That's got nothing to do with what I posted. He has to work within the framework of the constitution, which calls for a constitutional monarchy..

  18. You know there's lot of noise in the media. Thaksin comparing Abhisit to Hitler and Thai visa posters firmly believing he is the front man of the Yellow Shirt or "elitists". the truth is these Red people have had no better champion of their cause than the current PM. He is trying to uplift them and create a more egalitarian society. Thaksin wanted to keep them poor AND in debt. Did Thaksin really ever go after the elites? Well, Abhisit has:


    He does it as a matter of good governance for the Thai people. You'll never hear any mewling "do you love me?" coming from his mouth. He just gets on with the job.

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