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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. the baht is and remains a banana currency.

    investors have absolutely no reason at the moment to put money into thailand, as insecure the whole nominee and similar issues are.

    but: the currency can easily be influenced/attacked. the central bank already jumped on the bandwaggon. by squeezing the central bank quite some money can be made.

    the strengthening of the baht therefore has nothing to do with fundamental values. its pure speculation, furthermore related to the movements of the dollar towards other currencies.

    One thing that is "different this time" is the Thai Bond market. It did not exist at the time of the '96 meltdown. Bonds tend to spread risk around and "usually" are held by strong hands, as opposed to the fast money emerging equity crowd that hits and runs from Thai markets every few years. If Bonds are appreciating things ARE more stable.

  2. But aren't forex markets more than 90% speculation, and very little exchange is based upon fundamentals? Is the baht/dollar ratio going downward mostly because of money rushing into the temporary market? Isn't that one of the very things the Bank of Thailand is discouraging?

    Meanwhile, ouch! This hurts.....I need to add some numbers to my Excel spreadsheet to plan my budget. I've lost 15%.

    No. Forex is based on actual transactions, actual economics. For instance, when HSBC pays its dividend, mostly having to do a GBP/USD trade, as its two main listings are LSE and NYSE. On the day in question it can tip the market by 1%, but it is a real money movement..

    Have to laugh at your comment re. the Bank of Thailand "discouraging" forex speculation. The Bank of England tried that to keep the pound within ERM parity in September 1992 (known as Black Wednesday). In the process it spent $56BILLION, $28BILLION on 1 day alone!!! :o

    It failed, Soros and his pals won, Bank of England still has not recovered reserves lost and the UK has not tried to peg the GBP ever since..

    The idea that Thailand, with its minimal reserves, could affect that market in any serious way is pipe-dreaming..

    Of course, this is Thailand and politicians here think they are very, very, very important, so they might give it a go!! :D

    Yes PeaceBlondie that is true. Forex markets are 85% to 90% speculative trading, assertions to the contrary notwithstanding.

  3. Lannarebirth,

    Thanks for getting the info. The ones in the link that you say are available look pretty good. I'm sort of interested in the ss-500 model but the price is kind of high so I'll think about it....maybe I'm spoiled but similar machines in the US go for about $600 to $800 as near as I can tell by just looking at specs on the internet. I already have a 9 hp diesel kubota two wheel tractor so I don't need the heavier tiller because I would plow or disc first with the kubota.

    Thanks again,


    No problem, I had to go there for a weedwhacker attachment for cutting rice stalks anyway. That website has an inquiry secdtion. You may find you can get it sent factory direct with or without engine at considerable savings. I don't know.

    Is that weed whacker attachment for cutting the rice stalks left in the ground after the rice has been harvested or fro harvesting the rice, and what is it? Thanks Issangeorge

    Hi George,

    It's an attachment that is mounted on a brushcutter and is used for harvesting rice. I don't know if it will be any better, faster, easier than the old fashioned method, but I thought I'd give it a try if it could lessen my staffs labors somewhat. Looks like this:


    Anyone used one before? Work good/not good? I'll know in a few days.


  4. Lannarebirth,

    Thanks for getting the info. The ones in the link that you say are available look pretty good. I'm sort of interested in the ss-500 model but the price is kind of high so I'll think about it....maybe I'm spoiled but similar machines in the US go for about $600 to $800 as near as I can tell by just looking at specs on the internet. I already have a 9 hp diesel kubota two wheel tractor so I don't need the heavier tiller because I would plow or disc first with the kubota.

    Thanks again,


    No problem, I had to go there for a weedwhacker attachment for cutting rice stalks anyway. That website has an inquiry secdtion. You may find you can get it sent factory direct with or without engine at considerable savings. I don't know.

  5. Yeah, that looks like the kind although I'm looking for one that is even smaller than that one but one similar to that would be good if the price was right. From my experience I would say that the one shown weighs about 200 pounds...I'd like to find one that has maybe a 5 horse motor and weighs about 100 pounds.....but you definitely have the correct item there so I'm anxiously awaiting the specs and prices.....thanks in advance..


    Hi chownah,

    The bigger, heavier rototiller I described was not in stock when i was at the farm supply shop today. I'd say it was 150kg w/10hp motor and probably too big anyway from what you say you're looking for.

    They did have this in stock however:


    The SS-500 model was 49k Baht with 6hp motor and various attachments

    The TS-628 model 52k Baht with 6hp motor and various attachments.

    The difference between the two, from what I coud tell is that the TS-628 model has only one drive wheel, so that it can cultivate between rows.

    These ar much lighter than the rototillers I'd seen previously, and while they would probably do a very fine job on tilling/cultivating previously cultivated areas, I'm not sure they have enough MASS to be terribly helpful if you had to work in soil that had not been tilled or plowed previously.

  6. Hello all, I live in the Ubon area and am wanting to buy a new Rotary tiller , the type with two wheels and front or rear blades with anound five HP. The kind used for home gardening. Also I want a lawn mower with a good sized bagger on it. I have not seen any around Ubon.

    Would any of you good folk know where I might buy these things, am willing to have them shipped from Bangkok if needed. Thanks for any help on this.

    Is something like this what you're talking about?


    They sell something similar to this at my local farm equipment supply store in Chiang Mai. Next time I'm that way I'll check out specs and price.

  7. Nothing too surprising here. It is the nature of democracies to decry the overthrow of democracies, and it is the nature of juntas to say they did it for the people. not too different than on this forum where real estate owners say the market is going up and those who don't own real estate say that crash is just around the corner.

    The last Thai administartion signed an absolutely horrendous FTA with Australia, which looked to many as a complete sellout of the poor farmers that Thaksin claimed as his constituency. Perhaps this latest salvo is just a warning not to sweep into Thailand too fast and disenfranchise the myriad agricultural interests here. What Thaksin signed does not jibe with "The Sufficiency Economy" at all.


  8. What is Doi Ang Khan?

    Thank You!

    http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/7153/cmaidoi1.htm Click included links as well.

    I very much enjoy travelling in the north of Thailand and I would offer this one piece of advice to new travellers. Take the time to read a book(s) on the migration of peoples to that area. Whether they be KMT, Han Chnese, Karen or Tai Yai. Some background to the people you see and the history of the region makes the trip that much more enjoyable.

  9. While the outside may be stark and uninviting, the insides are beautiful! Quiet, relaxing lounges, a lovely, although somewhat narrow swimming pool, rooms with beautiful views of the river as well as the garden being built around the old British Consulate which has been turned into a nice bar and restaurant. The Indian foods served there are well made, nicely presented with excellent service, and of good portion size. In fact, the service all through the Chedi was fast and unobtrusive.

    The prices may be a bit steep for some, but you do get what you pay for. As for the outside looks.... well, perhaps thats only a problem for those who have to remain outside. I doubt that the Chedi management worries to much about them. When you go to a hotel, isn't it the inside comforts and the service that are of more value than the exterior design?

    The Fly Fisherman

    Clearly what such customers pay for is to be seated next to equally wealthy and pretentious people.

    Well, if we were talking about The Penninsula in Hong Kong or Raffles in Singapore, I might agree with you (Both look magnificent from the outside BTW), but since the river view fron The Chedi is of a banana tree hung up on a bridge cassion and other flotsam in a mud brown stream I just can't buy your whole argument. I did some calculations and I could stay at the Chedi for about 2 1/2 years for what I paid for 17 rai on the river. Just seems like bad value to me.

    There are many things I enjoy about Chiang Mai/ Mae Rim, but the architectural standards here are not among them.

  10. Fascinating!

    Never mind fish farming – it may well be worth building a dam just for the sake of growing algae for bio-fuel

    An average of figures from 6 web sites give the following

    Gallons of Bio Diesel per 1 Rai per Year

    Corn . . . . . . . 7

    Soybeans . . . .18

    Safflower. . . . . 35

    Sunflower . . . 42

    Rapeseed. . . 50

    Oil Palm . . . . 263

    Micro Algae …..1850 - 6100 (depending on type of algae)

    It’s a complete no – brainer which is the best.

    How would you feed the algae – and human or animal waste will do.

    Fascinating indeed. I think you'll like this second link Tim.



  11. I don't own a business catering to torists or anyone else, so i think I can be impartial.

    I haven't seen any reduction in the number of tourists, and at times it seems like it's the most I can remember having seen. One thing I've observed however, is a proliferation of bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels, guesthouses and attractions aimed at the tourist trade. What some people may be complaining about, is getting a smaller piece of the same or even bigger pie that is the tourist trade.

  12. Hi,

    Pretty much a newbie in Chiangmai, could anyone give directions, can I go by motorcycle, car to

    these sites etc. ?


    Agree that Ang Khang is great.

    Also Chiang Dao (cave and temple) are good.

    Ob Khan national park

    San Kham Peng

    You'll find the routes to Chiang Dao and Doi Ang Khang on this map:


    There are other maps of Chiang Mai and environs pinned at the top of this Chiang Mai section.

  13. The Democrats took over the Senate and House and right away told China to help fix

    the trade imbalance, China replied by saying they will move their assets out of US dollars

    thus the dollar tanked today and beyond.

    Leave it to Liberals to mess things up :o

    The Bush team is responsible for keeping the dollars value so low, not the democrats. It is the republicans who have created this mess, and now the dems will see if they can salvage anything from the wreckage that moron from Texas has created.

    With any luck, ill will between the two parties will continue and gridlock will ensue. Republican legislation will get beaten down in Congress and democratic spending bills will get vetoed. Good for everybody.

  14. I chose Hillside after a careful evaluation of other condos such as Rimping and Riverside and took advice from local property agents and Thai friends. I am very happy there. It is not perfect, but the best condo block I looked at which fitted my needs.

    One of the most successful realtors I ever met, once told me "there's a lid for every pot" I congratulate you on finding a hiome where you enjoy to stay.

  15. Speaking of hotels; someone told me that the Chedi Hotel complex has been completed. So is that the way it's "supposed" to look? Looks kind of like a prison from the outside, and all this time I thought that was the wall hiding the construction work going on inside.

  16. One thing I've observed however, is that when there's a ready pool of buyers "when the price drops", it seldom does.

    My opinion exactly. This is why the prices here (Bangkok) will not go down significantly.

    In free markets that have some equilibrium between supply and demad you wouldn't expect much downside correction. That, however, is not the recent history of Thailand. Typically, an increasing demand has led to an oversupply which has led to stgnation or correction in prices. I don't see anything like that happening at present, but then I don't watch all the various markets.

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