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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. I have a friend who is really good at knowing when to buy gold. I know others who are pretty good at picking beaten up stocks for future appreciation. I've never been a great long term timer of those asset classes. Me, I've had very good luck, all my adult life, with real property. I don't try to determine if the market is at a low or if it is at a high, I simply try to determine whether or not what I want to buy is an attractive property and whether or not it is selling at less than what I view as it's intrinsic value. If it is i buy it and stop thinking about it and let the future take care of itself. I see some pieces of real estate around the kingdom selling for much more than what I feel their intrinsic value is. I see many more that sell for less. If one's timeframe is long enough it's probably not the worst time in the world to buy, but a few years ago would have been better. One thing I've observed however, is that when there's a ready pool of buyers "when the price drops", it seldom does.

  2. Bravest post ever if you're for real mate.

    I mean, you still OWN the two places...but you've just knocked 20% off the price.

    You're either very, very rich...

    Very, very stupid...


    Very, very honest.

    I'll presume the latter :D

    That's funny, the exact opposite possibility -- only a possibility, mind! -- leaped out at me. That is, that he is rather very, very poor, very, very smart and very, very dishonest, and that in fact he does not own any place there at all, but rather hopes to buy one soon at the 20% discount he just engineered. :D

    perhaps the maid is willing to take a pay cut as well. :o

    Motivations aside, that condominium complex is the most depressing piece of real estate I've ever been to. It feels like you're walking into a mausoleum.

    People I know who live there, tell me they must keep their aircon on 24/7 as they don't dare ever open a window because all manner of noise/dust/smog will enter. Curtains must be drawn all the time they say as the glare from the sun raises room tempertures tremendously. It's like a f'ing crypt as far as I can tell. That said, prices there have risen considerably, and I can only put it down to speculation as I personally cannot for the life of me think of why anyone would want to live there save for hoping to find a greater fool.

  3. I swear on a stack of bibles that my story is 100% true. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

    Ok, if you say so. Number one, your wife is married to 2 men. That is illegal and is a good basis for fraud claims against her and perhaps the one chance you have of ever seeing any of your money again. Contact a lawyer.

  4. I tend to believe what most posters write here, because I don't understand what would motivate a person to post things that are untrue. That said, this story is just very hard to believe. It's as if you've gone down a checklist of things to include in the story that are guaranteed to elicit the most reponses, whether sympathetic or scornful.

    My apologies if I've judged you incorrectly, and if so I suggest you scan the past few pages in this forum. You'll find similar situations listed and the responses.

  5. the entrance fee is not more 10 baht (as stated on the site) - it's now 400 bah for the foreigner

    I was at Doi Inthanon on Sunday. I showed them my Thai DL and payed nothing. Didn't even have to pay the Thai rate.

  6. Chances are though - can be done for a lot less, and if the forum member who was going to use a windmill...


    another thing that puzzles me is the windmill pump. how can a windmill pump drive a submersible pump? there are only two ways to pump water from a depth exceeding 9.99 meters. one is a submersible pump, the other one a jet pump. simple law of physics. i am not aware that a windmill can drive mechanically any of these two types. however i am willing to learn although it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.


    Hey Dr. Naam. A smile wouldn't kill you would it? :D


    You can get gear driven versions of these pumps as well

  7. I want, or rather my wife wants, to import a kangaroo or two. Has anyone any experience in doing this, or can offer any advice?

    We own nearly 5,000 rai of land in various parts of the country and she is thinking of setting up a zoo on one of the estates.


    Just so long as you keep them on the estates. Don't need any soi roos.

  8. Apparently mosquitos like to breed in them, and the fish can't eat the larvae when they are inside the water lettuce. So maybe mosquito risk...

    Here's an article about using it as pig food:


    "A major benefit of using duckweeds is emerging. There is accumulating evidence that duckweeds release compounds that have insecticidal properties particular to the larval stages of mosquitoes. Thus the development of duckweed aquaculture in the wet tropics may have implications for mosquito control in rural areas where malaria is again becoming a serious problem."


  9. Lumber yards are easy to find in the West but I never see any in Thailand. I'm currently going through the logistics of building a house (for me) and am toying with the idea of building a wood house in near Thai style. I know I can buy an existing wood house in Sukohthai since the owner wants it gone so as to build himself a concrete mansion but 350,000 is being asked. But even if I went down that route I would still need to buy additional lumber.

    Has anyone been down this route before or can anyone shed any light on the subject. Before anyone points it out to me, yes, I have acquired land under a thirty year lease.


    Thaweephan Wood on the Chiang Mai / Mae Rim Rd in T. Don Kaew has some of the nicest though most expensive lumber in the Chinag Mai area. you may wish to pay them a visit. There are many other smaller yards around town, with varying degrees of quality wood available. make sure any lumber you buy is properly dried.


  10. An aunt of the missus has a plot of land (15 Rai) on a gentle slope facing Doi Suthep Chiang Mai. It's 400ms from the Four Seasons. She doesn't want to lose ownership, but she does want to earn from the land. She doesn't have capital to develop herself. There's a luxury villa development behind her land (tried to contact the owner already).

    Any ideas on how she can utilize the land considering she has no capital?

    What is the title designatition of your aunt's land? Can she find out the title designation of the adjoining land? Is it controlled by the land office or the forest department? Has she planted fruit trees (if in forest department) to maintain her claim to the land?

  11. Tell me about the Black Temple. I wasn't aware of it and it sounds like an interesting place to visit.

    Hi Lrb,

    There are some pics from Black Village in Images of Chiang Rai, page 4.

    To go there: superhighway, pass Ratchaban University, then after about 2 km take soi 13 to the left. About 500 m from the highway.

    Thanks svenivan. I'm gouing to check it out when I'm up there again in a few weeks. It looks interesting.


  12. I'm currently in Chiang Mai. I have been renting a one speed 'clunker', but would like to upgrade.

    The local bike shops are sold out of lady's style, and secondly, they are all new bikes.

    The ideal bicycle would be in good mechanical condition. It doesn't have to look pretty! I'm 5'3", so a large frame will not due.

    This is a pretty tricky place to ride, especially as a novice, so the mechanics have to be optimium

    If anyone knows anyone who is leaving, upgrading or whatever, please let me know ASAP.


    blubythebay in Chiang Mai

    Try Central or Robinsons department stores. Most used goods here are in generally poor condition and are priced at 75% to 125% of the new price.

  13. Sometimes it's the little things that bug me...

    I went to home pro today and they billed the credit card in USD and gave me the exchange rate 35.3, which is a total rip (real exchange rate 36.7).

    Especially as they have the option on their terminal to select either Baht or Dollars, and they manually switched it to USD, despite my specific request to charge in Baht.

    I just dont understand where companies like this get off charging this kind of rate.

    I'm just glad they seem to be the only company that has decided to do this.....so far...

    I have an easy solution for that problem, that works for me really well. I just kindly ask to see the card, replace it in my wallet, and walk out.

  14. Just had a glance at the chapter on Buddhism as a "logical" alternative.

    Then it explains how Buddhists believe in rebirth, hel_l, heaven and a belief in the Transcendent (enlightenment).

    Surely an open inter-faith dialogue is a much more enlightened approach to take rather than comparing the supposed faults of one religion to the positives of another. Rather petty imo.

    I agree. Surely enlightened people take the approach of exploring what is common among differing views. I found this a very good read and along those lines:


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