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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. 2 hours ago, bendejo said:

    So does this meaning he is resigning as POTUS and handing the country over to this guy?



    What the hell does this mean, the military is being deployed to protect the 2nd Amendment?


    A true s__t show in a dumpster fire. 




    Personally, I'd rather take it in one dose than have it drag out for years. I'm not a "let it burn" guy, but I don't want all of this to be for nothing either. People are absolutely correct about the broken police system, but everything else is broken too.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, JensenZ said:

    You didn't mention anything about protestors attacking innocent police officers just doing their duty. Once they start attacking police officers (throwing projectiles, etc), they have lost their right to protest. They have taken it upon themselves to extract revenge by attacking innocent people at random. That's twisted and very wrong. 


    The looting is another story. That's other people with no interest in the actual reason for the protest using it as an excuse to steal property. They make the protesters look bad. The protestors should be attacking them instead of the police officers.


    I think you have to define what is a "protester". Almost all protesters I have seen in every city have been non violent. There have been many groups that have taken advantage of the protests to act in destructive and even violent ways. I'm not sure what "Antifa" even is, but there's no question that there's a group within the crowd trying to stir violence and property destruction that is wholly disconnected from the primary protest group. Also some gangs are evening scores in the absence of police scrutiny. I've seen scant evidence of "White Supremacists" beyond online bullsh*t, but I suspect they'll show up if the heat rises further.

  3. 2 hours ago, jimmyswale said:

    This is Trump's America 2020 descending into an authoritarian police state. Shameful. 



    Yeah, here's the compassionate, if addled choice:









  4. 6 hours ago, Logosone said:

    I certainy do feel sorry for the innocent business owners, who work hard to provide for the families, who now see looters ruthlessly exploiting the destruction and mayhem shored up by the Antifa and anarchist activists. 


    It's always the innocent that suffer.


    I was not particularly sympathetic to this view, but in Seattle and Portland anyway, there is a lot of evidence now that it is outside agitators inflaming the situation and causing great destruction for their own ends, which have nothing to do with the death of George Floyd. They would appear to be a fairly small minority of protestors but apparently it doesn't take very many to inflame an already, highly emotionally charged situation.

  5. 6 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    Are these black people incarcerated for no reason, or are you saying that black people commit 6x the crime that white people do? Sounds like we are getting close to the "nature or nurture" argument that is probably illegal these days. 


    I belong to a Facebook political group for Black people. They blame Joe Biden much more for Blacks incarcerated than they do Trump. Trump signed a prison reform Bill they liked, and they're really not too keen on Biden's refusal to make weed legal at the federal level.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    There were 3 cops on the body of the black guy, as well as the cop on his neck,

    it appeared that he was in handcuffs as well, so what reason at all did the

    killer cop have for being on this guys neck in the first place. Intentional

    murder that is the only thing I can see.  The 3rd degree murger charge was

    pathetic, so it shows what side the police chief is on.

    My opinion.  I do hope Floyd gets proper justice.


    The Somali cop who shot and killed the Australian woman in Minneapolis I believe got 12.5 years. The city settled with her family for $20 Million.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

    I won't disagree but it's not anywhere different in Thailand, UK, Europe, Russia, China...


    So the point is banal and meaningless


    Economic mobility has been tremendous in Europe for 20 or more years. Maybe you just don't like thepeople who became mobilized. To a lesser extent it has reached some people in Thailand, but less associated with comparative advantage than it is to opening new markets.

    • Haha 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    Man do you really believe this? Get on social media and LOOK at what's happening. 


    I've got good news for you and bad news. The bad news is these folks primarily stem from universities that have been teaching bullshiit for the past 10-15 years. The good news is that contrived ideology is going to disappear as REAL issues come to the fore. Which you may not like either.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:


    Gonna be more than that after today. Theres already been 2 dead cops I believe and now there's a video going around social media of a white male being beaten to death by a literal mob of black men with skateboards and rocks, and then robbing his unconscious body. Absolutely infuriating. These are not protests, these are organized and funded attacks. 


    This is what the liberal media have been pushing for last few years and they are getting it now, 100-fold. Horrible. 


    Id love to post video of what's going on but apparently thats against forum rules. 


    This is not what the liberal media has been pushing. The liberal media has been pushing ads for pharmaceutical companies. They fill thespaces in between with content people arewilling to watch until the next pharmaceutical ad comes on.

  10. 9 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

    A police officer is, or should be, trained to deal with both the number and types of cases he encounters on a daily basis.  Part of that training is how to properly restrain a person without killing them.  Your comment of, 'probably dealing with drug fueled degenerates all day', is pure speculation and without proof, and only suitable for a mitigation claim after conviction; it does not excuse the police officer's actions at the time.  Use of lethal force is not justified when a police officer is in no danger of being killed or seriously injured.


    I remember watching a 60 Minutes episode maybe 20-25 years ago about all the new systems that were available to police about how to immobilize an antagonist through non lethal, indeed, non harmful means. I've never seen one of them come to market from that day till now

  11. 5 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


    As misguided as all of this is at least we aren't taking orders from petty little politicians like De Blasio now. The mold has been completely destroyed. But again for them to target anything of value would take an act of selflessness and courage. Ganking a liquor store is a simple task and immediately rewarding. 


    But yeah I agree with the sentiment of your post. The shutdowns will be remembered as the biggest fraud and economic disaster in history. Unless this surpasses it.


    It reminds me of that W.R. Hearst quote: "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." Alternatively: "If it bleeds, it leads".

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