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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. You know, it would be nice to hear a reply that, for once, doesnt need to refer to the previous President. Is that possible? Doesn't seem like it to me. I guess that makes Trump the "gold standard" for Presidential behavior then...
  2. Of course I would gratefully receive it. And if I knew a pint of my donated blood went to save the life of an LGBT person, that would be fantastic too. It is no betrayal of principles at all. People are people. Some of them just need to be a bit less narcissistic and learn some social skills.
  3. ...or prehaps because the new CEO was against a plan that the previous CEO favored? But still plans to invest $17 billion anyway...
  4. I understand. You aren't able to separate your feelings from your reason. FWIW, I have known and worked with gay people my entire life- I am actually in a profession that is quite diverse. As for Florida, the overblown and histrionic 'feelings' of a few activists do nothing to tarnish the actual truth- that Florida is thriving, successful, and welcoming.
  5. No, it hasn't. Nobody is "bashing gays". Disagreeing over a political or social issue is not hate. If you actually worried about places where LGBT folks can't walk freely, then Florida would NOT be your starting point. It IS a global shame. Not an American one, a global one. There are far too many countries in the world where people fact actual persecution and state sanctioned violence for their orientation- but the US isn't one of them. There are no laws that hurt people, get over it. Just a bit of common sense to protect children when they are at a vulnerable age.
  6. Nobody is being erased, no need for the chest thumping hysteria. LGBT people can freely learn their existence and history if they choose. You look too much to the state for affirmation and ego boosting, and you will be disappointed. Far too much of what the TQ+ community does looks like rampant narcissism and cries for attention.
  7. She is an attorney? That is her brilliance? Please don't try to make her sound like a poor little black girl growing up in the ghetto who somehow made it out of the racist morass to achieve greatness. She came from a very highly privileged background in academia, raised by upper class parents. As a 'woman of color' in California it is impossible NOT to fall upwards into government job after government job. Get into the system, know the right people, ride the coat-tails of more powerful men... The border is a hot mess and has been for the entirety of the Biden administration. I guess Democrats couldn't see her "brilliance" either, as her disastrous run for the Presidency in 2020 showed. She couldn't even make it to the first primary. And was torched repeatedly in debates.
  8. And why exactly is it so necessary for children to be exposed to these ideas? There is limited time in the school day and it needs to be used for more important subjects like math and literacy and civics. Trying to shoehorn in lgbt stuff only means less time for things that kids actually NEED to know.
  9. Most of them probably aren't too thrilled by it but are willing to live and let live. There is always the idiot minority in every group that run their mouths but they don't have any impact really.
  10. ...and, as usual, you would reckon wrong. Teaching kids the whole rainbow shpiel can be done, but not in the first part of elementary school. Why is it necessary when children are still at the age that they believe in Santa Claus?
  11. Evidence of her brilliance? Any task she has completed credibly as VP so far? If she gives another speech using the phrase "unburdened by the past" with that phony gesture I am gonna hurl. She makes Dan Quayle look positively loquacious.
  12. My article- 500,000 people move to Florida. Your article- several people leave. Thanks for that.
  13. Not "my man" by any means. There are at least 3 or 4 GOP candidates whom I would prefer to win the nomination instead of the Bad Orange Man. A legitimate discussion point? Sure. But not the ONLY one. As so many who defend Biden seem to think.
  14. Sounds like a pretty terrible place. No wonder people are leaving in their thousands, eh? https://www.wjhg.com/2023/02/25/great-florida-migration/ Actually thought you were describing California there for a minute...
  15. His speech impediment doesn't prevent him from remembering where and how his eldest son died, or how many grandchildren he has, or what countries he has visited, or whose memorial service he is attending, or the words of the Declaration of Independence, or.....
  16. And again, predictably, with the "but Trump...." deflection. Is he the only standard by which to measure other Presidents? I am sure he would be very happy to hear that! Now, excluding the man about whom you seem to spend a lot of time pondering, what OTHER President's schedule would you care to compare with Biden's?
  17. Please get over your hysteria. There is reallly little to compare between concentration camps and restricting childrens' access to sexually explicit materials. Don't let your ideology blind you to reality. What part of your description of 1930s Germany is happening today in Florida?
  18. Even if you are right and some actions "strongly benefited Putin", that is not the same as "getting his orders from Putin". You can do better.
  19. Again the "but Trump...." defence in action. The video showed exactly ONE time that Trump stutter-stepped. The rest were decontextualized nonsense. The shot of Trump feeding fish with Abe of Japan is pure crap. Abe did the same thing BEFORE Trump did and encouraged him to follow suit. Kind of shows how much credence to put into the rest of what was shown.
  20. Hyperbole much? The topic is Florida, not Germany. However, it is nice of you to invite Mike Godwin to the conversation. Yes, Florida is so dangerous that nearly a MILLION LGBT plus people choose to make it their home. Similarly, it is such a terrible place for black Americans that the chairman of the NAACP has chosen to live there as well. Enough.
  21. Again with the "but Trump...." defence. Trump isn't "my candidate"- there are 3 or 4 people ahead of him that I would prefer as President. Besides, many articles, including the one below, document that Biden is actually the winner in the "away from Washington" sweepstakes, even surprassing the Bad Orange Man. https://www.johnlocke.org/biden-vying-for-title-of-president-spending-most-time-on-vacation/
  22. Nice deflection. No evidence other than in the fevered dreams of hyperventilating anti-Trumpers.
  23. Any evidence that is happening? Just admit it, Joe is slowing down and needs more recovery time.
  24. I guess Joe was confused because the Easter Bunny wasn't there to tell him where to go.
  25. The current occupant of the White House is perhaps the least available of any in the past half century. he has only had 12 events this year after 600pm, and most were dinners or fundraisers. If you check his official schedule he is on a plane for Delaware nearly every weekend. Now project 3 or 4 years into the future. Will we see a 1 pm to 3pm schedule, 4 days a week? Being president is a full time job and needs more attention than it is getting.
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