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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Those mean nothing. Every member of the Royals gets the same treatment (if not worse) from the gutter press. The public at large was 1000% behind them, as were the whole of the mainstream media. The truth is that Meghan just couldn't stand playing 'second fiddle' to Kate. Basically she wanted the perqs of the job (servants, palace etc) without putting in the hours.
  2. Seems to me that Meghan was genuinely adored by the public when she came on the scene. Her and Harry's wedding were the event of the year, millions watched and cheered. If there were to be any racism or hatred, it would have started early on. Not later. So, what happened? IMHO it started when Meghan realized that she was expected to be a PART of "The FIrm", and not it's star. She became insanely jealous of William and Kate especially, and it showed. Megs has a very high opinion of herself- based on what exactly I have no idea. Yet it shows. So she went from victor to victim. And started looking for any possible 'evidence' to support her incorrect ideas. And now we are here.
  3. The US has given 4.4 billion dollars to Nicaragua alone. I think they are doing their part.
  4. I think you may have hit the problem- the "option of being deported or self deporting". How many will choose the latter and then simply refuse to do so? I think the American case is rather different than in other countries because the motivation is primarily economic. This is how the US ended up with a shadow population of perhaps up to 20 million people. Reagan granted a one time amnesty, decades ago. Yet the problem persisted. To me, a well run guest worker program would be a decent start if it would ease the crisis at the border, but only when done in conjunction with actual security along the southern frontier.
  5. Yes, and they all look remarkably un-persecuted and well rested, despite travelling thousands of kilometers to arrive at the US border. It is patently obvious that most are simply seeking economic opportunity. Which explains why remarkably few families can be seen trying to cross into the US. They are not seeking refuge until it is safe to return to their respective countries. They are trying to migrate permanently. As for the Ukranians, I agree with you. They could just as easily have stayed in the safe regions of their own country. I have no desire to host them in mine. At worst, they can be housed in neighboring lands for a fraction of the cost to send them by air to distant lands.
  6. Debatable. I would say urinating on the traditions and beliefs of another country from a position of profound ignorance might be considered as dishonourable. Acting the diva when those around you try to help you is dishonourable. Attacking people who cannot fight back is dishonourable. Demanding privacy and then taking part in a 6 hour Netflix show is dishonourable.
  7. I think you forgot to add the /s tag at the end of your message!
  8. Good. Just look at the photo. Those are not starving refugees, fleeing imminent death. Looks like a lot of healthy young people, mostly men. Not families on the run from death squads.They look like people who just stepped off a bus and are going for a walk in the countryside. Not to mention the trash and mess they are leaving behind. They can't even pick up after themselves to show a bit of respect for the country they want to enter.
  9. Seems that Clarkson, ironically, is being made to walk the (digital) streets being pelted with poo. But actually, he is right. Megs is the ultimate spoiled diva, who sees the world through a prism of "me me me". She was eager to make the journey from b-list actress to a-list royal. And when that didn't happen, she spit the dummy and began to cry.
  10. ...and so another World Cup is decided, essentially, on a coin toss. Well, I suppose it is somewhat justified, since Argentina scored first in extra time. But truly an anticlimactic way to decide what is at heart a team sport.
  11. Harry really does come across as being, to be charitable, less than intelligent or bright. He talks like a little boy. Clearly Megs has his nutmegs hidden deep in her purse. The amazing irony of them complaining about the Royal Family, when that is all they have to show for themselves, is juicy. They have no discernable personality, no sense of humour, and nothing to offer the world other than tempting stories about that which they claim to loathe, the Royal Family.
  12. I am sure you can, which highlights your prejudice. Besides, how would the restaurants in question even know if two people eating together are a couple or not? I don't think gay folks walk around wearing "I AM GAY and SO IS HE/SHE" t-shirts.
  13. Actually not. The business did not want to produce something that they did not agree with. The sexual preference of the customers was irrelevant. A straight couple wanting a specially designed website for a gay wedding would also have been turned down.
  14. Let's see... Texas restaurant, nearly 10 years ago, owner says it was inappropriate behavior and not sexuality NYC case, management supports gay customers and fires bad employee. California case, no follow up so can't comment. If they happened as written, they are reprehensible. But the difference seems to be that they were isolated to one or two staff, and in two cases management was not on board with the behavior. In the political cases, they happened with full support of management, which is much worse.
  15. Good for Ol' Joe getting this passed. As he said at the signing ceremony, "When a person can be married in the morning and thrown out of a restaurant for being gay in the afternoon, this is still wrong." Uh......what? Where in the U S of A does that happen? Or is Joe just maundering on in a nostalgic haze, as usual...
  16. ...and then? Will they go home and wait for the next step- hearing or whatever? Or will they disperse around the US into the underground economy? A bit sketchy, arriving on 20 busses, accompanied by Mexican police. Plus, Yahoo News says that they crossed illegally...you can see photos of people crossing the river into the US. Hardly queuing up at the border check point, which is presumably an international bridge. https://www.yahoo.com/news/migrant-caravan-more-1-000-170312187.html So perhaps they actually AREN'T following simple rules at all. Simpler would be to apply for a visa at the US consulate closest to their homes, without making the journey to the border.
  17. How about immigrants with proper vetting, proper visas, and needed skills instead? I don't see why some folk are bothered by following some simple and basic rules.
  18. Duke's was OK when I had it, but very thick, reminded me of Pizza Hut. Pizza My Heart in the west end of town was tasty and crispy.
  19. Really? Just walking from Nicaragua to the US border through Mexico? That is more than 3,000km. So at a good walk, according to Google Maps, it would take over 700 hours. At 7 hours walking a day, that is a 100 day journey. Nah, they pay smugglers at some point, either home or in Mexico.
  20. Yes, and Trump has nothing to do with it. Put in needs the Merchant of Death more than the US needs a relative unknown like Griner.
  21. The "root cause"? OK, I will take a stab at it. The "root cause" is because they can. They know that they will not be detained, they will be fed and housed, their children can go to school, and they can work illegally with little chance of being caught. That is why most are willing to pay human smugglers thousands of dollars to get them to the border. You think people are actually walking from Nicaragua? It is a big business in central America, safer than smuggling drugs.
  22. Glad you think so too. Biden already has one as his press secretary, not sure what he will do with another one.
  23. I am going to have to go ahead and agree with you there, Jing (shock). A lot of it seems social rather than psychological. Of course there are people with genuine issues and psychological conditions, they deserve our sympathy and a chance to get treated. But there is sometimes a rush to "accept" what people feel at first blush and then go too far too fast. I mean, kids who aren't allowed to cross the street alone or who believe in the Easter Bunny are not the best arbiters of their own gender identity.
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