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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Oh, so you agree that Griner being female, black, and gay were all relevant then... thought she was just a "basket player"?
  2. Yes, she is. And her race/gender/sexual orientation all played a big part in her release. Biden and Co. are always eager to gain street cred amongst the wokesters. According to the White House press secretary, “Britney is more than an athlete, she is an important role model and an inspiration to millions of Americans, particularly the LGBTQ+ community and women of color,” remarked Jean-Pierre. https://thepavlovictoday.com/karine-jean-pierre-on-brittney-griners-release-it-was-between-bringing-one-american-or-none/ And for this person, the Merchant of Death is free to continue his foul business. Putin is laughing at the incompetence of the Biden White House yet again.
  3. You can mitigate for positive changes without being a disrespectful diva. Typical leftist virtue signalling at its worst. In particular, it is wrong when you are at work. Do it on your free time, but leave politics out of your workplace. And yes, I would say the same if some athlete wanted to wear a MAGA hat.
  4. Not bigotry, it was important enough to be mentioned by the President's press secretary at the time. And angry? Well she certainly doesn't harbor much love for her country if you look at her past behavior.
  5. Well, he has already reversed course from his promise of "not another foot of border wall". Filling in gaps, then who knows. At least he is acknowledging that Trump was right. https://www.economist.com/united-states/2022/10/04/the-biden-administration-is-quietly-completing-bits-of-donald-trumps-wall
  6. Considering the current administration in Washington hasnt done Jack Squat about the problem, I can see incentive for governors to take desperate measures. Funny how Trump's wall was decried yet Biden wants to do the same thing... I say it is probably easier to use the containers as holding cells for illegals who cross. Then it would be easy to load them onto trucks and ship them back across the border.
  7. So, Putin got an international arms dealer, at a time when Russia is running out of weapons. Biden got an angry black lesbian (thought he already had one..) Gee, wonder who came out on top here?
  8. And amazingly the 51 so-called 'intelligence experts', including former CIA directors, who called this a Russian disinformation campaign have suffered no consequences. It was not the Russians. It was not hacked. From what I have read, Bari Weiss is now compiling the second part of the story. Matt Taibbi has been suffering for his honesty for a week now, being castigated by the bleating sheep of the MSM. So many of whom for some reason use the same attacks and tactics. "Doing PR for the world's richest man" was the accepted meme, and parroted by dozens of eager hacks.
  9. For simplicity and raw pain, I recommend "Hurt" as sung by Johnny Cash. I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel I focus on the pain, the only thing thats real Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything What Have I become, my sweetest friend Everyone I know, goes away in the end
  10. The two remaining goalkeepers can settle it with a nice round of Rock Paper Scissors.
  11. Of course there is pressur and tension involved, but that isn't the point. It is a team game, reducing it to a one on one is ludicrous. Would be like having a home run hitting contest to decide a baseball game. The "golden goal" probably didn't work because the players knew that a penalty shootout was coming afterwards. It made them ultra conservative. But if they knew they had to play until they scored, it would be different. I can see in league play wanting to speed things along, but in the sudden death playoffs? Sorry, no. Hell, even World Cup Finals have been decided by penalty kicks. Unsatisfying for the winners and losers alike.
  12. Then they will be might tired and someone will score in the 25th hour. OR Do like NHL hockey does. Start taking players off the field of play- start extra time with the full 11 and then remove one every 10 minutes. At least it still stays a team sport and not a lottery.
  13. Yet another reason soccer is unwatchable- ending a playoff game with a penalty shoot. Really takes the "team" out of the sport, doesn't it? How about playing until someone scores?
  14. Harry needs insulting. He is an embarrassment to his family and the sooner they distance themselves from him, the better. As for Meghan, she is an attention seeking leech. She expected to be the uncrowned queen of the royals, but Kate Middleton was still getting more attention. Drove Megs crazy so she fell back on the only thing she knew- playing the race card.
  15. Declines DONT pick up speed once they are approaching zero. This is basic economics. It is easier to go from 10% unemployment to 8% (a 2% drop) than from 4% to 2% (also a 2% drop). The recovery under Obama was slow and finally picking up a bit of steam in his last 2 years in office. Trump continued the trends and things got even better. Ditto for energy production. The Trump years (until covid) were GOOD years for the economy. The stock market also was rocketing upwards, making anyone who is an investor or a pension holder very happy. But there really is no reason to keep rehashing the past. Another poster asked a question, I answered, and we had a genial exchange. No need to allow your T D S to keep you on the attack.
  16. "...and I don't mean the neo-Nazis and white supremacists. They should be condemned totally" "I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence" "I condemn the KKK. I condem all white supremacists. I condemn the Proud Boys."
  17. Interesting that you said nothing about the list I provided, then went on to provide your OWN two examples- which you then proceeded to dismiss. Ever look up "straw man" in the dictionary? Plus a bit of detail on which "racists and bigots" were "emboldened" would be appreciated. Plus, what exactly do you mean by "emboldened" and what specific impact did it have?
  18. Yeah, God forbid we be reasonable! I can see why people wanted Biden in 2020 as well, to be honest. Trump is/was exhausting. Still, the case can be made that, without Covid, he would have won re-election. I think the exhaustion factor, the fear of the pandemic, prompted people to choose who they thought was more experienced and more reasonable.
  19. Good economy. Low inflation Low unemployment, especially for minorities Moved US embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv Abraham Accords, bringing some peace to the Middle East Sentencing reform to make the criminal justice system more fair Encouraging energy production Cheap gas Finally talking with North Korea No new wars Killing terrorists who needed killing, like al Bagdhadi and General Solemani (sp) Trying to tackle illegal immigration
  20. I would rather say, "oh for the good old days when we gave a little slack to people clearly in their dotage who inadvertently blurt out silly things". The culture clearlly changed and left Lady H behind. Strange example, but think about movies. Could "Blazing Saddles" or "Airplane" or "Slap Shot" possibly be made today? I sometimes watch "reaction" videos on youtube and seeing younger people react to them is quite fascinating. The reviewers just can't get past the supposed racism or harsh language, just don't get the concept of absurd slapstick comedy at all.
  21. CBS conducted an independent forensic review, according to the original post here. The Washington Post and the New York Times did the same. Is that enough evidence for you? The paper said it spent months reviewing the data and making two copies of the hard drive so they could be analyzed by Matt Green, a Johns Hopkins University security researcher, and Jake Williams, a forensics expert and former National Security Agency operative. Both experts concluded that the verified emails carried cryptographic signatures that would be hard to fake, even for the best computer hackers. https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/washington-post-admits-hunter-biden-laptop-is-real/
  22. 1. OK, the data was accurate. To be pedantic. No evidence that it was forged or planted or altered in any way. 2. The media rarely wait to verify stories before printing. See- Russia Collusion for example. They publish, then verify, then issue correction/retractions. Imagine this was Donald Trump Jr's laptop. Do you honestly think the media would have held onto it? Plus waiting for verification is one thing, but actively surpressing the story is another. Twitter FROZE the account of a major newspaper for a week. Other media actively crushed any mention of it. They instead actively tried to DISprove it rather than verify. Witness the 50 'intelligence officials' who all said it was Russian disinformation.
  23. Why do you assume that the only reasons to blame Megan are her race or gender? It is just possible that her personality flaws and attitudes are to blame, independent of her identity categories. Says a lot that you would only consider those two possibilities though. "He is a strong person".................... What did he do that was "right"? Slag his family? Make his grandmother look like a bigot?
  24. Well, I bet if you looked up "credulous" you may see your OWN picture... Harry pre-Megan was a good man, and as you said served his country well. Post-Megan he is a disaster. If he wanted to "protect" his family he would just leave. Leave the title, the security, and the fame. Yet I have a feeling that his spouse would not be comfortable with that.
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