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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Ah yes, pity the poor prince and princess. So far only $150 million for their stories. Who could live on that? If you look up the word "pUssywhipped" in the dictionary, you see Harry's picture. His wife is just using him and his kin to elevater herself from D level celebrity (and suitcase holder) to being a serious player. And it is sad. Howzabout they stop using their Royal titles if they had such a horrible experience?
  2. Basic questions: 1. Is the data in the laptop real? Yes. No evidence that it isn't. 2. Was there a coverup? Yes. Witness the New York Post being banned from Twitter for a crucial week, plus other media outlets rushing to smear the story with untrue and deliberately fabricated lies. 3. Did it influence the election? Unknown, but the effort was there on the part of the Democrats and the mainstream media to choke the story because they were afraid that it would. So now, move on to the contents and how the current occupant of the White House is implicated.
  3. Kristi and DeSantis would be a devastatingly strong ticket. Nikki Haley too because she adds the extra factor of being a POC. Very easy on the eyes as well, Governor Noem.... The contrast if Biden runs again would be overwhelming.
  4. Exactly right. Six decades of service kicked to the kerb by 6 words spoken to the wrong person. The Palace is caught in a no win situation- they can't actually be seen as DEFENDING Hussey or they immediately get tarred with the same brush. A pretty small scalp for the Wokeists to claim in all honesty. So now Official Buckingham will mouth the appropriate phrases and chant the expected nostrums and hope it all goes away soonest.
  5. Actually, I can think of quite a lot that would have been WORSE than "no, where are you really from?" Agree completely that the UK is multicultural. So why is a person who is clearly proud of their cultural heritage, to the point of dressing in cultural garb, going so far out of her way to ignore it? Had Fulani been dressed in standard 'western style' formal attire (skirt, black jacket over white blouse, etc) then I could see some logic in being taken aback by Hussey's questions. But she wasn't. She was inviting curiosity and then playing dumb.
  6. About as racist as a person born in Hackney to wear ethnic garb from a place she is not from. About as racist as a person born in Hackney to parents from the Caribbean to proclaim love for her African heritage. Also amazing how she can remember the conversation so perfectly, yet passed the rest of the evening "in a daze"... Perhaps the old lady could have phrased it better, as in "Your clothes are lovely, where are they from?" Although Fulani probably would have had a smart-ass answer for that too.
  7. Please, she was deliberately being obtuse. Clearly Lady H was reacting to her rather 'colourful' garb and hairstyle. At an international event. Almost as if she were actively seeking a confrontation... ...but no, of course not /s. Now Fulani is attempting to don the mantle of victimhood, soon I am sure to describe herself as an "abuse survivor" and "violated and interrogated"- ironically in need of the very services her organization provides. Shameful that she is putting her own political agenda ahead of the very real need for funding that her organization may have. She is taking what quite possibly was an awkward conversation, one made so by differing generations and experiences, and blowing it up into an international incident.
  8. No, not really. I knew he was a BS artist before he was elected. Hell, he was a builder from New York City- what did you expect? Perhaps his one failing that grew unexpectedly was his absolute hatred of being seen as a "loser". IMHO that began to cloud his decision making more and more as time went on.
  9. You honestly think Trump is/was a white nationalist? The guy who lets his daughter marry a Jew, convert to Judaism, have Jewish grandchildren, and STILL employs her Jewish husband in the White House? The guy who signs one of the most important pieces of criminal justice reform legislation for African Americans (sentencing reform) in years? Who restored funding taken from Historically Black Colleges and Universities? Yeah- THAT White Nationalist....
  10. As I have said before: liked him as President, can't stand him as an ex-President. I'm frankly happy when he does things like this because it will hopefully erode his base of support more quickly and let the GOP get on with choosing their 2024 candidate.
  11. Didnt read the entire 25 pages here, so forgive me if I am repeating what others have said; 1/ Is there an actual transcript of the conversation, or is it just the memory of Ms. Fulani that we are taking as 100% accurate? To me , a transcript implies a recording of some kind, not just recollections. 2/ Was Ms. Fulani dressed 'British' at the time, or was she appearing in obviously ethnic garb? If the latter, isn't it only natural for someone to notice and comment on it? I suppose you could ignore it, but then you would be accused of racism by deliberately ignoring the other person's heritage, therby being a colonialist bigot. It sounds to me like Ms. Fulani was being a bit deliberately obtuse. I am sure she could suss out from the beginning what Lady Hussey meant, but chose to pretend otherwise. Mean to say, if Lady H had said something like, "oh, the banisters need a good scrubbing, off you go before the guests arrive", that would be another thing entirely. Finally, Ms. Fulani's claim that Megan Markle is the "victim of domestic violence" needs to be mocked into embarrassment.
  12. Good prediction! As for the American women's team, there was no need for them to go to the tournament. They just stayed home and are in line to collect half the $13 million the men's team will collect for making it to the Round of 16.
  13. Yes, really. Your very biased reports are nearly 10 years old in the case of the BBC, relying on a reporter who left Japan in the 90s. I can tell you what I saw from years of actually teaching in schools here, plus the materials my son used as he went through the system from elementary school to university. The materials ARE presented in a very rote way that lends to easy memorization rather than discussion, but that is the same in virtually every subject taught here. Fifteen year old kids don't engage in long debates about the causes of World War 2 any more than they do in other countries. And yes, I can actually read Japanese well enough to understand the material.
  14. *Deleted post edited out* It might be actually. Remember, he played football for a long time. Probably more than one undiagnosed concussion during his career, along with the usual physical demands of the sport.
  15. Exactly. I remember when the former Governor was arrested for assaulting multiple law enforcement officers......oh wait......nevermind.
  16. Travelling ANYWHERE would be too costly for most Thais, even domestically. However for those with enough jingle in their jeans, I understand why Japan is a good destination. A completely opposite country in many ways, from geography to weather to general cultural norms.
  17. Speaking as someone who has lived here for more than 20 years, I would have to say that you are wrong. People are very aware of history and are generally averse to repeating it. The one weak point in their historical education is concerning the atomic bombings. They have a certain political need to portray them selves as victims of an unnecessary barbaric act.
  18. Are you serious?!? "Very little has changed"? America has had a black President、vice President, Supreme Court Justice,virtually every cabinet post… Overt racsm is mocked and ridiculed, as it should be. Black Americans have every opportunity to succeed,just like everyone else. You are letting your irrational political fears cloud your judgement.
  19. I'll bring a couple of brown pops over at the same time, so all is good. But seriously I was thinking more like, "my neighbors are going on vacation for a month, if they want I can cut the grass when they are gone so their house doesn't look deserted and therefore a target for thieves".
  20. Really? Wow, that sounds terrible. Can you give some details? Also, the correct acronym is 2SLGBTQQI+. Do try to keep up.
  21. Exactly. The rampant homophobia and racism of the left on full display. So often people disparage what they truly are in their hearts. I guess in the well brainwashed leftist mind there can be no reasons to oppose their political agenda other than racism or homophobia. Seems to be the "go to" complaint.
  22. Lovely but happens about once a decade. Mount Fuji is notoriously shy.
  23. Not that easy to get a case to the Supremes. Less than 2% of cases sent for review even make the cut onto their docket. And these are appellate court cases that have already been through a thorough judicial process to even merit consideration. I would be surprised if there are any lower court decisions that are even in the pipeline to go through so many levels of appeal before even being considered for the Supremes.
  24. No problem at all. If my neighbors are a gay married couple, more power to them. As long as they pay their taxes and keep their grass cut, I say yahoo. Let's have a beer and a barbecue and watch football on Sundays. I am not happy about political hysteria and public servants wasting their valuable time on virtue signalling when they should be dealing with far more pressing issues. I could name 10 things more important than this which should ALL demand more attention.
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