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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. That's actually pretty funny! ...and who won that election?
  2. True, especially about the donkey. At least it could talk, unlike their current candidate. The un-Biden vote is strong, I can't really see too many people being enthused about him or, God forbid, Harris. A lot of nose-holding at the voting booth in November.
  3. Good point. From what I remember , people assumed Biden would be a safe, middle of the road, one term president. His sole job was to stop Trump and bring back normalcy. But his sad choice of a VP has effectively handcuffed the Democratic party into keeping him for a second term. IF the Democrats brought in a younger, more centrist candidate (Wes Moore, for example), they would win in a landslide.
  4. I am looking at the "performance data" that matter to normal people. The price of basic consumer goods. The cost of a mortgage on a small home. The inflation rate. And no matter how loud you shout or how many perjoratives you use, the general public does not agree with you.
  5. Actually a mess that the Chinese started, but don't worry about that. Although to shock you, I think you are right. Trump handled Covid poorly. But so did Biden. Lockdowns, forced vaccinations, killing toursim, both can take the blame.
  6. Not in Los Angeles. Three bucks is the best you can do. https://flipp.com/search/eggs
  7. Yep, campaign on that too. Taking out 2020 and 2021 for covid spending, Biden's 2023 deficit of $1.7 trillion dwarfs Trump's 2019 deficit of $0.98 trillion.
  8. When Biden took office in January 2021, eggs were $1.46 a dozen. So, only up 95% during his presidency. Sure, campaign on that. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000708111
  9. That's good for me, I have investments. But for most people, the worry is more about the cost of gasoline, eggs, their mortgage and car payments, etc. Just shows how out of touch with regular Americans that most Democrats are if they think that touting the stock market is a 'gotcha'.
  10. Suspicous me is wondering why Biden is suddenly so fired up eager. Perhaps if he sh!ts the bed in the debate, it gives the Democrats plenty of time to replace him. The Democratic convention isn't until August. Plus it is a distraction from the series of disasters that have befallen him in policy and economic news.
  11. That's a noble sentiment, except for the small detail that more Americans died from Covid under Biden than under Trump. Otherwise, you are making a valid point.
  12. One thing I am curious about- two rather. 1. Will these debates replace the ones that are organized by the Presidential Debate Commision? 2. Will the rules be the same or different?
  13. Not really. Rather, it seems the TDS brigade gets worked up so often, they can't help but spew all the usual, tiresome tropes. Liar, conman, rapist.... it gets old after a while. At least get some new material.
  14. Purely based on history. Putin attacked when 2 Democratic presidents were in office. He didn't attack when Trump was. The whole Trump/Putin narrative is rather pathetic really. A desperate gamble left over from the 2016 election. As for the polls, a lot can change in 6 months. But at present, the American people are showing that they prefer the Trump years to the Biden years.
  15. Don't self-stimulate yourself into a frenzy assuming that people who disagree with you are as shallow as you are yourself. I didn't mention Trump at all, yet he seems to be all that dominates your thinking. Why spend so much time hating someone, it must be terrible for your blood pressure. May I suggest a hobby, perhaps?
  16. And what does this have to do with Biden's current poor polling? OR are you playing "b-b-but Trump" yet again... I don't know why you find it acceptable to accept the current President's bad behavior by saying "the other guy did it too". I find both abhorrent. Yet Biden is the topic at hand.
  17. Ah yes. The infamous 'survey' that rated Obama above Reagan and Clinton. Ranked Biden above Reagan even. Great source of information, that.
  18. It isn't a complex if it is justified. And being subject to continuing wars of genocide might just qualify in this case. When your neighbors have pledged to wipe you out.... And actually, I think the Arab countries should give the Palestinians some land.
  19. "Isn't sufficient evidence" that Jews were persecuted?!? Open a fvcking history book, pal! Could have been done better? Sure, hindsight is 20/20. But at the moment, one side is clinging to the belief that they can turn back the clock and it just ain't happening. Israel will stay, whatever the Arabs think.
  20. Given the circumstances at the time, the result was the best that could be expected. The ALlies were horrified (and embarrassed) by what they found in the camps, and felt huge guilt. OTOH, the Arabs were Nazi sympathizers. There were dozens of Muslim countries already, why not make just one Jewish one? A small one, close to the ancestral homeland of the Jews.
  21. ...so the concentration camp survivors (most from eastern Europe) should just have gone back to Poland, USSR, etc? Those places were rather anti-semitic also, they wouldn't have lasted a month. Plus the Arabs had backed the Nazis in the war. There would have been no Nakba if the Arab League had not invaded Israel in 1948.
  22. True. But you didn't really answer, where should the Jews have gone instead of Israel in 1947? I guess the Arabs will just have to be smacked around again and again until they accept reality.
  23. So, where would you suggest? The 22 Arab countries total more than 500 times the area of Israel. Seems rather petty of them that they cannot be generous enough to donate 0.2% of the land to their neighbors. Especially considering that their neighbors have lived there for more than 2000 years. That seems like a good place to establish a Jewish state- where Jews have lived. Don't you think? Anyway, they tried several times to commit genocide on Israel, and failed. Perhaps it is time to look for peace instead of war?
  24. Wonderful sentiment, except that Ukraine really isn't too much of a democracy. Full of corruption, political bullying, only rated a "partly free" country by Freedom House. And like it or not, Kim IS legitimate. At least as legitimate as any other strongman type leader- Xi in China for example. Biden gives Xi legitimacy. What's the difference? At least they were talking. As Churchill said, "jaw jaw is better than war war".
  25. Nope. THe war was triggered by 6 Arab nations invading Israel and trying to murder every Jew they could find. Is it any wonder that the Israelis were reluctant to allow anyone back? It turn out they were right. Nobody wants the Palestinians in their country.
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