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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Walker that is an impressive diatribe. How long did it take you to do that? Hard to refute it all at once, so I'll just hit a few of the most egregious examples. He never called Neo-Nazis "fine people" or "fine people on both sides". That is a lie. He never posted about a Unified Reich. We debunked that yesterday. That is a lie. He never said he wanted to be a dictator. He was just spitballing with a journalist. That is a lie. As for the rest, too exhausting.
  2. Yes, quite unpopular. Yet on October 7 they were suddenly VERY popular. So popular that regular Gazan civilians spontaneously decided to join in the attack on innocent people in Israel, join the rape and murder and theft and kidnapping. Yes, unpopular indeed.
  3. The west bank and Gaza have been oppressed for a long time. Oppressed by their own leaders in the PA and Hamas. Oppressed by having zero regard for human rights and dignity, by killing LGBT people and by keeping women firmly behind. If they had any common sense, they would beg to be admitted to Israel and enjoy the benefits of being part of a first world country.
  4. They were all 19 years old. By Hamas standards, that means they are children. So why weren't they released with the rest of the child hostages? God only knows what they have suffered at the hands of Hamas.
  5. Trump dropped the sanctions on North Korea? First I have heard of it. As for peace, I have two words for you- Abraham Accords. So much for destabalizing. He was right in castigating NATO for failing to meet their obligations. Or do you think the US needs to make up for Europe's failures and laziness?
  6. Tulsi debated in the 2019 Democratic primaries, where she make Kamala look foolish. Look it up!
  7. Look at their clothes, their injuries, the stains on the seat of their pajamas...they have been abused in the worst possible way.
  8. Yeah, give these dirtbags their own country, sure... The UN should be ashamed. Godspeed to the IDF in bringing these animals to room temperature.
  9. Again, more fluff. America's President should do what is best for America, and screw what world leaders may think. The world in general needs to be less dependent on Uncle Sugar and more dependent on themselves. Talking to dictators and murderous regimes is simply good policy. As Churchill said, "it is better to jaw jaw than to war war". But in any case, elections are rarely fought over foreign policy. It's the economy and domestic issues that rule.
  10. Y'all might want to ask the American people about that...
  11. You are right in the first sentence. She is a black woman. That was all it took-Biden promised to nominate a black woman back in 2020, and he did. As for the rest, dear God she is awful. "She fought well...." "She is a strong advocate....", what fluff. She is aware that she has been elevated far far above her level of competence- it shows in her constant nervous laughter and the way she speaks. She knows nothing about the economy, immigration, crime, the issues that Americans actually care about. Part of me wants the GOP VP nominee to be Tulsi Gabbard so I can watch Tulsi rip Kamala a new one again on the debate stage.
  12. Yes, by all means. Recognize a state. A state that murders gay people. A state that oppresses women. A state that teaches hate and death to its children. Listen to Rushdie. He knows what he is talking about. He has felt first-hand the reality of Islamic states.
  13. Again, moving the goalposts and deflecting. Back to the point- was it accurate, or even helpful, for Biden to refer to this as an epidemic? Given the reality of the situation.
  14. Yeah, but the so-called "popular vote" is a meaningless number to throw around. Both parties and candidates know that the College is the key, and campaign accordingly. In Canada, we have the same situation. For the past 2 elections, the Liberal Party didn't win the "popular vote", yet they won a plurality of seats in Parliament and were able to form the government. Them's the rules. There really aren't that many countries that elect leaders by pure vote AFAIK.
  15. Yeah. Too young and too white. The 'base' of the Democratic party would go mad if Kamala were spurned for a white dude, even though he is gay. These days, the power of the gay is waning. I think Wes Moore would be a viable candidate in the future. Seems bright and has leadership qualities.
  16. Absolutely. I am hoping the GOP picks someone normal. VP Pence was a great pick. Humble, personable, a bit country boy charming.... he would have been fine as an interim President. That is why I am hoping for Doug Burgum as the pick. The Democrats are stuck with Kamala Harris, a total disaster. That is another reason why voting for Biden is fraught with danger.
  17. Oh, I agree. The whole "Impeach (insert Democrat here)" thing is ludicrous. But back to the video in question. I am waiting for the fact checkers to get ahold of it and dig into the truth of what it is. There will be no Trump dictatorship. He'll probably be dead before his second term is over. Same as Biden if Joe wins.
  18. FYI, you can see the whole terrible montage at the beginning of this clip;
  19. Ah, but now you are moving the goalposts. Typical. So, have you actually seen the 'dreaded' Unified Reich clip or not? If not, you should perhaps refrain from commenting on it. This is why the country is fatigued. The screechers in the media constantly bring up such irrelevant crap to feed the belligerently uninformed and keep them hopping about the Bad Orange Man.
  20. I have seen it. Definition of a nothing-burger. Nothing in it references or talks about or promotes a 'unified reich'. The words, in very blurry print, appear for about one second on a newspaper template background that has a Trump slogan on top. The words are part of a newspaper headline from the pre-World War ONE days of the German Empire. Nothing to do with Hitler, Nazis, etc.
  21. You mean, someone put together a montage of fake headlines, used a classic old newspaper template, and briefly, in fuzzy small letters, those dangerous words appeared for about 1 second. Is THIS what you are so up in arms about? Are we back to the old "Trump is Hitler" shibboletha again?
  22. I agree, very troubling indeed. But it does not show racism among the police. Rather, to me it shows a level of institutional paranoia, mixed with poor/inadequate training, and an over-reliance on force rather than on technique. But even with all that, only 34 unarmed black people killed by police. Hardly the "epidemic" that was touted.
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