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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I didn't disparage his grief. I said it was inappropriate at the moment, and something he uses way too often to try and generate sympathy. Much like when the 13 Marines who were killed in the botched Afghanistan withdrawl were returned to the US.
  2. Ah yes. "b-b-but Trump...." Didn't take long to appear.
  3. Of course. That is why he let nearly a million Gazans escape from Rafah. That way he can eliminate them..... oh, wait a minute. Never mind.
  4. Usual Biden speech. "It's all about ME!". What an egomaniac. Of course any man losing his child is tragic. But Biden was able to see his son until the end, when he passed away in a comfortable hospital bed. Most families of fallen soldiers don't have that luxury.
  5. The big problem is exactly what you said, "processed AND RELEASED whild their applications are being vetted". There should be no release. Either wait outside ofthe US, or wait in detention. It is insanity to let unvetted people have free run of the country.
  6. Shocking that Hillary is STILL so bitter about her loss in 2016. Truth is that she ran a terrible campaign. If you want to see mean and nasty, go back to 2008 when she and Obama were competing for the Democratic nomination. Man, she was brutal in her attacks on the young Senator from Illinois. 2008 was supposed to be HER YEAR, and this kid suddenly popped up and ruined it for her. And that nastiness carried over to 2016, when she got an opponent she too too lightly. And sitll carries over to today apparently.
  7. The ones on the dole and living in hotels crossed the border, then were bussed or flown to NYC.
  8. I guess you missed the words "per year" in my post. That would be 8 million people in 4 years. Not sure why you are trying to split hairs here.
  9. Then explain why 2 million people can cross it every year. Explain why the cartels and others are making millions of dollars ferrying migrants to a 'closed' border, and across. Explain why American cities are full to bursting with migrants and are pleading for relief. New York City alone spent 1.5 BILLION dollars on migrant services in 2023. A lot of money for people who somehow magically cross a 'closed' border.
  10. Just the usual mindless virtue signalling. Costs them nothing to do, certainly costs them no mental work in thinking about what exactly they are promoting. But none of that is important as long as they Look Concerned and try to Do The Right Thing. Tossers.
  11. Not sure, but I think in the US there is a certain grace period where there is low or zero interest before the loan kicks in. But that may depend on whether the loan is through a private financial institution or a government entity. Some people try to get by making minimal payments for years, which means they pay the accrued interest plus a small piece of the actual loan. But it is not a solution to expect banks and other private businesses to provide zero interest loans. They have to do business. And the students don&t have to borrow either.
  12. https://allisrael.com/hamas-steals-70-of-aid-trucks-cripples-deliveries-via-new-u-s-built-gaza-pier
  13. Given that the majority of relief supplies are stolen by Hamas, perhaps you are pointing your finger in the wrong direction.
  14. Could be an interesting choice. Military veteran, served overseas, yet another graduate of what Bill Maher called the "A55hole factory " (Harvard). Still young, would absolutely make Biden's choice of blabbering word-salad spewer Kamala Harris look ridiculous. Americans need to think of the reality that the VP choice this election is very very important. The odds are not great for Trump or especially Biden to survive the entire 4 years of their term.
  15. Yeah, poor guy. Having to deliver three prepared speeches. All that teleprompter reading. No wonder he started so wired and angry at Morehouse. He was thnking that he would miss 'nap time' and his usual 400pm finish for the day. I guess that is why he couldn't even say "En double A Cee Pee" at an event from said organization.
  16. True. He could have had an exciting event like Biden in Detroit yesterday. You know, when Biden said he was the VP, spent a lot of time in Detroit as VP during the pandemic, doing what Barack wanted him to do. Also complaining about corporate landlord who keep rent down. Oh yeah, he has a stutter. Forgot that. A memory stutter it seems.
  17. 1. Abraham accords 2. Two dollar gas 3. 1.4% inflation 4. Record low unemployment for minorities 5. Partial fix on immigration 6. Stimulating lazy NATO members to pay their fair share for defence 7. No Russian invasion of Ukraine (unlike Obama or Biden) 8. Criminal justice reform 9. Funding of HBCU
  18. What do I find offensive? 1. Funding the useless war in Ukraine. Money better spent on American veterans. 2. Infrastructure. Good idea but poorly executed and too tied with agenda driven and politically driven projects. 3. European allies? Stand with them but don't stand FOR them. They need to do more to defend themselves. 4. Tax the wealthy. Already taxed enough. The government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. 5. Get kids out of poverty and support seniors. These have no meaning without any policy. PLUS 1. Paying student loans. Rob the poor to pay the rich at its worst. 2. Disaster of Afghanistan 3. Disastrous Middle East policy 4. Inflation and cost of living destroying ordinary Americans. 5. Borderline treasonous immigration policy
  19. Well, all they have to do is look at what the other side is offering: a slice of Biden, and a substantial chance of Harris taking over at some point. That is enough to make anyone think twice, especially when you also consider the policies that the two parties are supporting.
  20. Trump isnt afraid to talk to people where they live. Witness his huge crowd last week in New Jersey, another Democratic state. For his faults, at least he doesnt look like a corpse, as Bill Maher so accurately described Joe Biden.
  21. Hey no worries, it is a topic that brings out strong emotions, even the best of us can get a bit carried away. I would hesitate to use the words "experts" and "social media" in the same sentence though. As for Hamas support, it was over 40%, and growing, last December according to NPR, hardly a right wing media outlet; https://www.npr.org/2023/12/21/1217758546/hamas-support-palestinians-west-bank
  22. Very common in many countries for soldiers to be teenagers. Finish high school, enlist. When I joined up, I was 19 too.
  23. There is no confusion. The terrorist group is supported by Palestinians. There is not a lot of space between them. The only difference is the level of commitment and the willingness to do grievous violence. No need to get personal and make assumptions about things you have no knowledge about. There is no threat. Israel exists and will continue to do so. Hamas? Not much longer. As for the Gazan people, I have to be honest. My feelings sway back and forth. I do feel sorry for the ones who want to live in a free and open society. Yet the ones who don't? The ones who prefer medieval butchery and oppression? Not sure what can be done with them.
  24. Your article on sanctions does not say what you think it says. It merely talks about ADDITIONAL sanctions, not the ones already in place. The previous ones (including extra ones imposed by Trump) still remained. The US should defend its allies, of course. But the allies also need to defend themselves. NATO members have been shoddy about paying for their own defense for years. Previous presidents let it slip, but not Trump. He put some fear into them, and rightfully so. Imagine the situation today in Ukraine, IF the other NATO countries had started fulfilling their obligations earlier. As I recall, Trump also warned them about being too dependent on Russia for energy, especially natural gas. He was laughed at- wonder who is laughing now?
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