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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. You build it into the negotiation of course. Ukraine agrees to forego NATO membership. Russia agrees to pull back to a certain predetermined line. Security guarantees are given by Europe to Ukraine. Russia would not have any need to arm separatists as most of the Russian areas would be under their control anyway. In turn, Russia has sanctions lifted and is allowed to trade with the world. Also pulls Russia from the orbit of China, which is the most important objective there is. Asking for regime change in Russia is a pipe dream, and doomed to failure at best.
  2. Perhaps, but HOW will his successor end it? Not a good idea to corner a country with hundreds of nukes. Its gonna be a huge mess with potentially catastrophic consequences. I prefer to sacrifice a slice of Ukraine and keep that possibility at bay.
  3. True I guess it is a bit of an unclear concept. I would perhaps say that Ukraine may survive, but not regain all the land lost. That may be a victory of sorts. Not getting swallowed whole by Russia.
  4. Really? How has that gone in the past 50 years.... dictators don't get replaced by Jed Bartlett. They get replaced by even worse scumbags. And that isn't a good outcome in a country with an arsenal of nuclear weapons.
  5. Let's be honest. Ukraine ain't gonna win. So it is only pragmatic to keep NATO membership as a bargaining chip. Russia ain't gonna lose either. If they DO start to lose, expect some tragic consequences. You really think Putin will say, "OK guys, you got me. I'll retreat to the prewar borders. Oh, and you can have Crimea too. Sorry..."
  6. Uh, sure. It was an unfair start. They are the three untouchables IMHO.
  7. Agreed. This is a game I used to play with my students- make a list of 3 things and choose the one that you could never live without. For example; Cookies Ice Cream Cake or Pizza Burgers Pasta
  8. Vices needed? Coffee Good steak Red wine Of the three, which would be the hardest to give up....
  9. If the Supreme Court needs more evidence as to why affirmative action is bad for the country, Veep is it.
  10. Yes, pre pandemic. Three years of sub 3% inflation. I wasnt a fan either of how he handled Covid, too much spending and not enough freedom. Biden stupidly followed along, overspending and overcontrolling. Lockdowns and mandates were abhorrent in a free society. As for our allies, he merely asked them to live up to their commitments in terms of 2% defence spending. NATO countries should be shamed about it. As I recall, Trump ALSO warned Europe in general (and Germany in particular) about becoming too dependent on Russian oil/gas. And was laughed at. AH, Ukraine, invaded first under a Democratic president and again under another Democratic president. I would have thought that, since Putin is Trump*s master, it would have been logical to invade Ukraine during the Trump presidency. But somehow he waited until Trump was out of office. Wonder why... And all of that matters little when the majority of the American public think that Biden should not run again, and that he is putting the country on the wrong track.
  11. Yeah, pretty good. Just a bit more and he can get it down to the 1.8% it was in 2019 when.........whatshisname.... was President.
  12. Very true. That is why I am hoping for a sea change in the GOP voters. Enough flirting with danger, time to pick a candidate who can beat Biden. Which is really anybody....except one. It's a long time till the Iowa caucuses.
  13. Ya gotta remember though, that Hunter was drummed out of the Navy for cocaine. Although I guess his tastes changed and became more blue collar after that...
  14. Well, according to the New York Times, fully 64% of DEMOCRATS don't want Biden to run. His job approval is 33%. Only 13% of those polled think America is on "the right track". https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/11/us/politics/biden-approval-polling-2024.html These numbers would normally be a death sentence for a politician seeking re-election, or even the nomination from his party. Yet the folks in charge of the Democratic Party ignore them, probably fearful that if Joe goes, they are left with the even worse Kamala problem. Never mind that there is nothing decent or dignified in a man pretending his grand-daughter doesn't exist. Such an elitist move. If Hunter had impregnated a more 'respectable' woman (congressional staffer, etc) I don't think that Joe would be so classless.
  15. Forgot that he uses a CPAP machine at night so that he can breathe when he sleeps. Poor guy is falling apart...
  16. As soon as Joe Biden agrees to a cogent debate with his rivals, let me know. I think I will be waiting a long time though...
  17. Interesting theory, considering there is no "your guy" for the GOP yet. Biden running against a younger opponent like DeSantis or even Christie/Scott would be a slaughter. Notice how the Democratic party refuse to even HAVE a primary, let alone a debate between possible candidates. Joe is often fine, as long as you catch him in his working hours of 1000am to 400pm, Monday to Thursday.
  18. When the "cherry picked examples" pile up, they BECOME evidence. Very clear evidence. Ditto the sudden outbursts of profanity and rage.
  19. Forgetting where and how your son died is not a studder. Forgetting a dead member of congress is not a studder. Mumbling incoherently is not a studder. Forgetting the Declaration of Independence is not a studder. Calling your VP the President is not a studder.
  20. Same thing in Lithuania. He was being shepherded around by the Lithuanian president, told where to sit, etc. Plus saying stuff like; “It didn’t take us long to get thousands of troops here when Russia invaded the second time. We’ll be assured that you’re gonna have all that you need. We have the secretary of defense here today. We can send him along.”
  21. Maybe the best time frame is when Ukraine gains a port on the Atlantic...
  22. The image of grandfatherly Joe is fading fast. He is a crotchety, prickly, grumpy, and elitist old man. "Lunchbucket Joe" is too snooty to recognize his grand-daughter because her mother is a dancer. He was a mediocre senator (to be charitable) and his tour as VP was supposed to be the end of his time sticking his snout into the public trough. Far past his sell by date, as others have said some new blood would be welcome.
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