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brewsterbudgen last won the day on June 11 2016

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  1. This will be year 3. No, one of their selling points is that premiums are fixed unless you make a claim.
  2. Personally, I've been happy with them, although I signed up via a broker. Of course, I haven't had to make a claim yet! They were very responsive when I asked them to clearly show the medication I take for mild hypertension and slightly raised cholesterol, and their assurance that I would be covered for related illnesses.
  3. Has anyone actually investigated where she was on 22 November 1963? 🤔
  4. Well, I think so. He was there but not sure he needed to be. I should have asked, but thankfully it's over for another 5 years.
  5. Still, it's been a fun debate!
  6. I thought the last episode was one of the most astonishing pieces of TV I've ever seen. Technically amazing and very emotional. I was in bits at the end. Historic television. 👏
  7. Yes, it is superb. One of the best things ever shown, certainly on Netflix. Seriously thought-provoking, especially for parents of adolescents.
  8. A nightmare. Every incoming and outgoing flight cancelled. Planes being turned back and flying back to their departure airport. Shouldn't a 'prestige' airport have contingencies for situations like this? It's not as it the fire was even at the airport!
  9. I've always found one eventually but it can be frustrating especially as everyone double parks. A lot depends on the time and whether it's a busy holiday period. I've given up on the idea of long-term parking as no one seems to know anything about it. Will take a taxi.
  10. Then you can stay until the end of your visa, as long as you don't work. Visas are not cancelled, Extensions of stay are.
  11. Interesting. It took me over 5 hours to get my son's Extension transferred to his new passport at Chaengwattana on Tuesday! Even though we were #23 in the queue after arriving at opening time, and the paperwork was promptly checked 20 minutes later (Section N2), we then had to wait until around 2pm before receiving the passport back! Nightmare.
  12. Do you have a visa or an Extension of Stay? If you are still on your original non-B visa, you can stay until the date you've been stamped in to. However, if you are on an Extension of Stay based on work, you have to leave the day the Extension is cancelled, unless you buy an Extension which will be refused, but you'll get 7 days extra.
  13. Nope. Perhaps 'soliciting' but that would have to be proved in court and only carries a token fine. Getting them for working illegally means they can be deported and banned.
  14. I'd talk to Mr Beast. He might give me a wad of cash!
  15. Not barred, but no longer a right to live anywhere in the EU. Disappointing that Starmer didn't take the opportunity to allow more freedom of movement.
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