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  1. Indeed. Trump's inevitable decline (noticeable already) will be hushed up just like Biden's was! What else can they do?!
  2. I've used and am using again, ThaiVisa Express. Excellent service. https://thaivisa-express.com/
  3. It's celebrated for longer here in Thailand than it is back home! Trees and decorations go up, and Christmas music is played in malls, in October and stay up until February! A season of goodwill to all. Merry Christmas!
  4. I didn't need a copy of my birth certificate when I last renewed my passport in Bangkok. Yes, you need proof of your address in Thailand, in English. Yes, every page needs to be copied in colour. But, in Thailand, you retain your passport while the new one is being issued.
  5. What about people sitting in the open part of the pick-up?
  6. Why phones? A knife was used to stab the boy, not a phone!
  7. Why wouldn't a Thai/Australian go to a prestigious private school??
  8. It seems from the article that he had been living here a while, so travel insurance probably wouldn't be appropriate. A good reason for people living here to have good accident/health insurance though.
  9. These days, anyone can celebrate Christmas! It's the giving that's important, not the receiving.
  10. Always gold. Always appreciated.
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 82 seconds  
  12. Thanks. Yes N is a nightmare (too many teachers and students!). We did our annual extensions last month. Got a queue ticket at 8.15, and got seen at 3pm! A long day. I will take your advice and do the transfer before we travel. He doesn't have a Re-entry permit in the current passport, so we'll get that at the airport or at Rayong Immigration.

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