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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. 2 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Why would any go out at these hours other than bar, disco or pub?

    So close bars, discos and pubs, where people get floozy and blow spittle on each other.


    Is there scientific evidence the virus is more active at night?

    Yes.  People tend to be more careless at night and risk close contact without precautions.


    Combination of fatigue, alcohol (home stash or bought at store and drunk outside), and congregation habits.



    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    Probably because it's not really difficult to understand.

    For example a Tops inside a Central Plaza can open until 9pm, but all other shops have to close by 8pm.


    In general it's of course quite stupid to limit the opening times, it will just result in bigger crowds. Maybe they want Covid to spread?


    Despite the restriction of opening times, I myself have not noticed any increase in crowding in these stores (during the last two lockdowns).


    I think due to the restricted hours more people are just hesitant to go out and shop.


    Might actually just help the stores save a little money by not being open till 11pm when there's no one comming :)

  3. 16 hours ago, ericdiam said:

    Will be the AZ produced by Siam bioscience which I not much trust. And AZ has only 63% protection and is less effective even with the new variants, UK included. Also they only will start in June so prity sure foreigners will be maybe August-Seprember

    For me if Pfizer, Moderna which are both over 90% or even J&J over 70% and that one already proven that UK variant works then I'll just go and pay for any of these

    Keep in mind there are two numbers.  The 63% you refer to is protection from symptoms.  It's closer to 100% for protection from death.

  4. I know the ones in Chinatown area sell gold.  But do they also sell diamond rings?  Is it possible to buy a gold ring with diamonds on them there?  And if so, how is the price compared to other diamond jewelry shops?


    Bonus question:

    If one wants to get a (real) diamond ring, is there a good place to get it (quality, selection, price wise).


    Thank you kindly.

  5. A little update to this:


    I stopped looking and got my GF to do some of the calling up.  She called ones that advertise in Thai only, run by Thai people.  And was now getting quotes in the 10k to 15k per sqm range, which seems far more reasonable.  A few Thai companies gave those quotes.


    These, as far as I know, are not 'part time builders', but actual companies with professionals who work on buildings, hotels, multi-house projects, etc.  So there is some hope there.


    It seems there is a significant up-price if going with a foreign (english?) language company, at least of the ones I found so far.  I'm sure there are some that are not asking 40k ????



  6. 1 hour ago, Yinn said:

    I recommend not do one contract.

    Make 10 step by step.

    when one step finish, pay and then next step.


    Because if not satisfied, easy to change builder.= you have more power. 


    Also so different teams are expert different things, eg footings and roof teams is different people.


    also you should just get labour price and YOU buy the material. If the builder buy it, you will pay 10-23% more. For cement, bricks etc. For what? 


    And you quality control. The builder will use the cheapest one = more profit.

    Get price from many shop. Some sell some thing cheaper. No shop is cheapest everything.


    Get 3+ worker quotation every job. 

    Will be different sure.

    Pay per job, NOT per day.


    For insulated brick, is about 22-23 for one brick. Expensive, but better than other one.


    Worker price 

    Worker for brick, 75 baht per sq meter. You pay if need scaffolding. (Rent scaffolding)

    40 per meter “tablang” concrete support.

    “charp” the wall 90 baht sqmeter (one side) 

    ””chiam” the edge 30 baht per meter

    window holes 400-1000baht (up to size) door holes 400 per door.

    buy windows from shop have make already , if special order will be 2-3x expansive 

    installtion windows 400(small) -1000baht (glass slide door)

    tile 180 baht per sqmeter.

    Ceiling 300 per sqmeter

    Bua, Get Bua expert. Up to what you want.


    Many other thing. Water, electric etc Get 3+ price EVERYTHING 

    if not ground floor =+ 10% for the worker (is fair, more work)


    Do not use cheap/skinny electric wire. Will be problem the future. Difficult change after finish already.



    will save 23% - 50% cheaper if control yourself. Sure. 

    And be better quality. Sure. 


    The builder not your friend. He want profit. Be strong. 


    Should video the worker a lot. So they know you be “watching” them. 


    And have many house design app. Not expansive. Give 3D image. Easy for speak/show the worker how you want it look/be. Exactly. 


    Good luck.



    I appreciate your advice here.  I was hoping I could do the 'Full Package' at a fair price, *OR* I buy all the materials and they do the proper installation (this is how I did things in other countries).


    My concern is that I do not actually know the details of the materials I would need.  Would an architect be able to supply the full list of materials, such that I would simply buy them from the shop.  Then the construction worker would know how to put it together?  (Which brings the next question, where to find a qualified construction worker who knows how to assemble the house, a skill I do not have).



  7. 2 hours ago, baansgr said:

    What is western style quality?...serious question. 

    I interpret this to mean that it would pass a health & safety check by a western government (UK, USA, Canada). Pass the fire code standards.  Pass the HVAC standards, and meet a standard (A?) level of energy efficiency.


    It also would mean all the electrics, plumbing, air-con hookups, etc. are embedded within the wall rather than placed on the outside of the wall (such as if it was done after the house construction was completed).


    It should also meet a certain standard in efficiency of drainage (both from rainwater on the top, as well as possible ground water in the foundation).


  8. Anyone want to recommend me some good house builders that will work in the Hua Hin area?  Would be doing a western style house, at a western style quality.  Not looking to build Trump Palace, just a good durable quality home with insulated bricks.  (I'd handle the kitchen & bathroom stuff myself).


    Also curious what I should expect the rates would be.  Some basic googling and feedback is throwing numbers of up to 40k/sqm (not including kitchen/bathroom/etc.).


    Thank you.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

    Don’t have idea why this people wants 5G while in my village in North Chiang Mai with a big populations, with a simple rain drop they cut down light or water every days.. Make me restoring or repairing computers, aircons, freezer, phones wash machines, TV., lamps.. 


    5G living like in a 3 world ? ????

    Exactly why we need 5g.  The telephone lines are unreliable, and this bypasses that requirement.


    Next:  Cheap solar solution for everyone, bypass electric lines.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I booked with EVA directly.  They cancelled the flight, so I changed dates.  Then I read I would not be able to enter the destination country, so called and cancelled.  Even tho the flight was still scheduled.


    They arranged for 100% refund.  Just taking a long time.


    The problem may be with the agent and not with EVA



  11. 14 hours ago, Gumballl said:

    I see a fool in the making. Soon you will lose a lot of money for a patch of land that you, as a foreigner, CANNOT OWN!


    Go back to your home country, pick up a girl at a local bar, and tell her that you want to buy her some land. At least in that situation you could jointly own the land.

    This reply is mainly meant for other readers of this thread:

    1) Not everyone who wants to buy land here is using their own money, perhaps their Thai partner has the money.


    2) Not every foreigner here is dating a bar girl.  Contrary to popular belief, there are Thai females here who do not work in a bar.  Some of the younger ones even grew up and got educated in the city, and know little if anything about life outside of Bangkok, let alone farming or buying land.


    3) Foreigners can own up to 1 RAI of land, but it requires (last I checked) something like 30Mn THB invested in Thai Gov't bonds.  (This may have changed, so please double check if you are reading this).


    4) Foreign interests can be managed through the use of Company structure, Lease, etc.  Also the Foreigner can own the house without the land in the event that you purchase a relocatable house.


    5) Some foreigners who wish to buy a land in their thai partner's name may only choose to spend an amount that they are comfortable walking away with.  Some are comfortable walking away from 3M, 5M, even 10M.  Depending on their budget.  IF they purchase & build under a budget they are comfortable walking away from, then the downside is minimized.



    • Like 1
  12. Thank you for the helpful comments.  It seems the following things might be fact:


    1) Don't go based on what you find on the main web sites, as they are either overpriced or 'bad' plots being sold out.

    2) Good plots at good prices are not advertised and you have to go to the area and try to find someone who wants to sell by essentially knocking door-to-door?


    In the situation that I don't wish to roam the Thai country side trying to find a plot of land, would the next best thing be to try and find a local agent in each of those areas and see if they can find a plot?  Or is it *really* door-to-door and word-of-mouth?



    Note: To further clarify.  Not asking so much for how much is land @ a specific location.  Rather, what is the recommended way that I go looking for a plot of land at a reasonable price (whatever that might be) at any given location.


    Thank you again.

  13. I'm pondering buying a piece of land (about 2+ RAI in size) that is suitable for building a house.  I've checked the 'normal' websites (DD, dot, etc.) for land.  Not much is listed, and the prices seem to be oddly high.


    Am I just looking in the wrong places, or should I be expecting to pay 1M/rai for land in an uninteresting and somewhat remote location?


    Mainly concerned what ways people recommend for me (or my TGF) to find land at a good price.  None is available in the extended family.


    Thank you.

  14. Thank you all for the feedback, it is very helpful!  After investigating the property of choice, I was not convinced the structure was sound enough to add a second floor.


    I'm too used to european build quality where houses last for centuries, and am constantly surprised here ????


    I may have to investigate building from scratch (if the necessary skills and materials are even available in this country).


    Thank you all again.

  15. The purpose of the second floor would be bedroom and bathroom.


    The owner (a westerner) said he built it to western specifications, and even said it would support a second floor.  I'm not accepting this blindly, but nor do I wish to dismiss it immediately.  If there was a way for me to find out how structurally sound it was, that would be great.  Does such an ability exist?


    I suppose, worst comes to worst, I can add a rooftop garden/patio or solar panels. 



  16. Am I mad? Am I insane?  


    I'm thinking of getting a house with a flat roof.  (new, modern build, not Thai style). I'm thinking of putting a second floor on top of that house.  How crazy am I?  Or is this doable?


    In the western world, I would:


    1) Know if the foundation is strong.

    2) Know if the walls are strong.

    3) Know if the ceiling is made with any material that needs to be removed before a second floor was added (perhaps some heat sealing, that if it remained, would cause the first floor to stay hot rather than allow hot air to rise?)


    In the western world I would be able to hire an independent surveyor who would get me that information than go away (no vested interest in doing any building).


    Is such a thing possible here?  Is such a thing discoverable by a lay person like me?  (I know nothing... except, if I hit the wall and the building falls, it wasn't done right).


    Given all that, how crazy is it to add a second floor?  Again, in the western world, not a problem.  But out here?


    Do I want to:

    1) Build it as if building a normal house on top (walls, ceiling, etc.)

    2) Consider getting a custom prefab and just plopping it on top?


    Welcome all advice, ideas, suggestions, etc.   ????


    Thank you!

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  17. On 5/8/2020 at 1:34 AM, RickG16 said:

    I'm a beginner am I? Interesting.


    Why do so many top athletes do warm weather training in the off season do you think?

    Depends on the point of their exercise, what their sport is.  If they are getting ready for a competition that takes place in hot weather (runner, cycler, footballer, etc.), then yes, it makes sense to train in warm weather as part of the conditioning.


    If you are focused on bodybuilding or strength training, then exercising in hot weather is not helpful.  Also, exercising in hot weather can make you fatigued and dehydrate too fast that you can not benefit from the exercise over a prolonged period.


    For example, if I'm doing 20+ sets of leg presses at 500kg, I don't want to be getting excessively dehydrated.  That is not beneficial to strength gains.



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