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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. Buying a new project can be tricky. The good ones sell out on the first day. Also some people purchase multiple units at the same time, so get a better price.

    Also, you end up having some capital tied until you can move in. Usually 2 to 3 years. This could possibly translate to rent lost.

    It's difficult to find a good condo available from developer ready to move in.

    Alternatively, buy pre owned, and you could easily save 1m as you can really shop around and find a hot deal. This would easily offset the cost of a 20 year Thailand elite.

    After all, that's only a 10% discount on a 10m property. With market prices in several areas showing drops, you could easily barter a quick sale with discount.

    Sent from my ASUS_Z017DB using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. I bought an Xbox one x from nadz. Original, works fine. Price  same as USA plus or minus depending on the exchange rate.


    Easy enough to get new from a respectable shop.


    PS4 pro is the same and more common.


    HOWEVER sale prices in the USA do not appear here, so sometimes it can be a bit more.

  3. I saw a sign at Makro Pattaya that during restricted hours could only buy alcohol in the very large container. Not large quantity of small bottles, but only the super large bottle normally used in restaurants.


    I figured it was to allow business to do their shopping as normal people would not buy something that huge.


    This was earlier this year, or late last year. I don't go often.


  4. A few years ago when Russians were visitin Pattaya in vast numbers, they got a bit of a negative reputation.


    Those russians tended to be less travelled and spoke almost no English. Thus they tended to appear rude.



    The ones here now tend to be more travelled and have better English. Thus they behave in a manner that is considered more polite.


    On the whole, I rarely met a well travelled Russian who was rude.



    And no, Putin does not have pp tapes on me.

    • Haha 1
  5. I reserve most of my tech or expensive shopping for when I'm in Singapore or the UK.


    Although I did get an Xbox one x from Nadz Pattaya, and the guy working there was quite nice (Tested everything first)


    Sony shop is usually hit and miss, often the guys don't look up from the TV. Good luck if Thai fight is on. However the guys at Sony at the mall bankapi were very helpful.


    I think there is a lot of hit and miss here, as with a lot of countries. Still, better than France.




  6. Pattaya has all you need. My needs are pretty much the same. The main down point is shopping is no where near as good as Bangkok, but it is second best in Thailand. A few trips a year to Bangkok should fill in the gaps for what you need.


    It is very easy to ignore the bar scene here. I've been here a couple of years and totally skip out on the bar and sexpat thing, and sometimes forget it happens here. (just ignore the main bar streets)


    There are a few gyms. None world class, but good enough for bodybuilders. (Power lifters may have difficulty).


    I avoid bars yet still run into lots of expats who also avoid the scene and are still plenty nice to chat with.



    it's as if there is a non sexpat expats sub group here.

    • Like 2
  7. There is also security from changing rules. If the government changes the age restriction on retirement visa, or finance requirements on marriage visa, that could cause problems.


    Also there is currency risk protection. If you buy when the exchange rate is in your favor you do not have to worry for 20 years as the price for visas increase.


    And of course there is the idea of doing it once and being done. The 20 year will see some of us out, so we do not need to budget for visa and travel in the future.


    And finally, if you are sick, or infirmed, you do not have to worry about ever travelling again.

    • Like 1
  8. On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 3:37 PM, JSixpack said:


    Seems that it's a private street and has no maintenance agreement with the city. One of our insiders might cough up a few more details.


    8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    This is the second time in as many weeks this has happened.


    It frightening that some drive with only the assumption that the road ahead is clear. 


    In the UK we are taught to exit the vehicle and leave the motorway and go up the bank away from the road. 


    My Wife and I were in a car which broke down on the BKK (Rama IV) expressway - I wanted to get out, but there was nowhere safe to go so we remained in the car with the seatbelts on... and just hoped no one would hit us. A policeman arrived within 5mins (very impressive) and ensured traffic was directed around us while a Tow Truck came and towed us off the expressway (all within about 20mins). I was very impressed with the efficiency but felt at huge risk while being stranded stationary on the side of the expressway with cars screaming past with a gap of 20cm !... 


    I'm not sure which is safer.. remaining in the car or standing out of the car. 

    Perhaps, standing out of the car, but 100m away from it so that if someone does hit it you are far enough away from it not to be impacted by the domino effect. 


    I usually rappel off the bridge onto the ground below, and hide in a tree.

  9. UOB Bank

    visa credit card


    15thb to 1 air mile

    18thb to 1 air mile if not spend enough.

    Easy to get even if you don't have a job or work visa (cash secured credit card)


    Easy to pay balance at any time through web site.


    Can use in any country, online and in stores.


    As an added treat, their ATM card is fee free in most of South east Asia.


    I've seen nothing better any where out here. Whether or not its a plus, UOB is not a Thai company.

  10. Sorry if this has been covered too often, I just want to make sure I have a better understanding as I am getting information for a friend (I'm not even from the UK so am in the dark about a lot).


    - Thai Born Women married to English Born Man

    - Actual marriage (not Thai ceremony) with official name change (Thai Woman's passport now shows English Man's last name)

    - Have child from marriage.

    - Man and Child live in UK with UK passports

    - Wife wants to join in UK -- I believe under Settlement Visa - Spouse


    I believe the requirements are:

    1) Fill in the application form on line from the UK Gov't Web Site

    2) Pay for the NHS

    3) Pay for the appointment

    4) Pay for the VIP room (I believe you get a little better service there).

    5) Pay for the Visa

    6) Show proof of English A1 Level

    7) Have passport with at least 6 months remaining

    8 ) Have medical test/TB Test?


    I believe she also needs to show the Marriage certificate, but I'm unsure about this part:

    Is it sufficient to have the Marriage Certificate translated/notarized/certified at Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from Thai into English) and then submitted with the documents?  Does something need to be done in the UK? (I.e., the marriage certificate needs to be deposited/registered with an office in the UK)?


    Anything else I'm missing, or does this cover everything?


    Any pointers/links/etc. to answers would of course be welcomed ?


    Thank you kindly!

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