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Everything posted by shackleton

  1. I have no problem people smoking its their choice helps contribute tax to the government coffers which can be put to good use ???? Passing point my father was one of those who smoked did not care about the consequences decided to stop later in life But to late died of lung cancer a few years back the damage had been done
  2. What about poor old Brian Flowers doing his fasting until the bars in Pattaya open Looks like he is going to lose a lot of weight ????
  3. This seems to be happening regularly I was not going to comment as nothing changes until the next scam appears But could not resist as already mentioned stupidity and greed knows no bounds
  4. He will be better prepared when they the police visit him on the fifth visit They will all be on first name terms and very friendly
  5. I am worried for Bryan Flowers is he staying on his hunger Diet until the bars open ???? Mid January 2022 On the plus side I have decided to take a break from drinking alcohol 3 weeks now losing weight and feeling a lot better for it ???? It's only temporary as looking forward to my trip to Bangkok end of this month and dine in a restaurant with a cold beer
  6. What about poor old Brian Flowers doing his fasting until the bars in Pattaya open Looks like he is going to lose a lot of weight ????
  7. Totally agree life still goes on no matter what the Government throw at us Stay positive
  8. I did a big transfer. From the UK last October on speculation once Thailand started opening up to Tourism The baht would get stronger I received about 45.33 baht to the pound Teflon Thailand comes to mind The pound against the USA Dollar is also not helping
  9. When I last flew Thai Airways first class service. Company paid ticket But their prices compared to others are over priced
  10. Wow reading all the positives of living in Thailand good news for a change My thing is you make your bed and lie in for better or worse Regrets is something I don't do you can't change the past but can the future I love living in Thailand with my family life is what you make it Enjoy
  11. I did a big transfer of pounds in October on The Thai economy improving on opening up not the UK pound going down Received 45.33 to the pound
  12. Why don't the authorities just close down the bars for a year or more for not obeying the rules when you read time and Time again they are reopened soon after paying a fine Looks like the brown envelopes do work A example/s needs to be made
  13. I remember when it was 29 baht to the Pound The pound to dollar rate was about $1.05 It's now about $1.34.72 today Will start worrying when it reaches $1.20 or lower
  14. Well the less Disco type places available more incentives for the others to increase their prices for the forthcoming masses of Domestic and international Tourists arriving ????
  15. No proper tourist is going to come unless restaurants are serving alcohol and not at restricted times like closing 2100hrs Would have thought most people go out about 2000hrs-2100hrs for a evening meal Still can't understand why Bangkok is serving alcohol but not in Pattaya and places like Hua Hin
  16. Let's see the Tourist arrival numbers in November plus what countries they are they travelling from Then the same again in December with the Christmas and New Year holidays occupancy hotel wise in Thailand as a whole
  17. Would have thought they would have checked first to see if she was available before blasting out to the public she was coming Anyway saved a lot of money to put to better use
  18. We all know when Thailand opens up there will always be tourists coming to Pattaya for the sex and bars this will never go away On the broader market there will be less international tourists For the sight seeing tours ect Until the Chinese arrive end of 2022
  19. Looking forward to my next trip to Bangkok When having breakfast in the morning no hoards of Chinese guests Taking over the buffet plus the shouting they can't talk softly So have at least until end of 2022 to enjoy its music to my ears
  20. It's good to see that someone has been reading my posts Already mentioned about alcohol being made available in Restaurants I am waiting for this to Happen before I will travel to Bangkok But also should be available in the rest of the Country Restaurants wise
  21. We have family members flying here end of November as the quarantine measures have been lifted 1 day instead of 10-14 ect They are staying a month not interested in Alcohol they have waited over a year and are looking forward to coming here
  22. It's all about the individual who retires here for what ever reason Quality life style affordable good weather and so on You you make your choice and live with it For better or worse personally. I am enjoying retirement here in the land of smiles ????
  23. He must know certain people plus paying off others to stay on the run for 15 years How many more will be reading about in the coming weeks / months doing the same
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