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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 56 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    I would suggest 98% voted to stay under UK sovereignty is conclusive, while 52% is not. The Tory gov is acting in a less than democratic manner because they fear the backlash from the electorate would be worse than doing what's best for Britain - and that's junking Brexit down the Khazi.


    It's all politics, and self interest, never about Britain. They would even row out NI and Scotland if they had to, just to remain (no pun intended) in power. Well, the GE will finish them for good.

    "I would suggest 98% voted to stay under UK sovereignty is conclusive, while 52% is not."


    I think you are trying to say that 98% of brexit voters did so as their main interest was sovereignty?  But I'm not sure, so please make the point clearer.


    "The Tory gov is acting in a less than democratic manner because they fear the backlash from the electorate"


    More accurately, both the cabinet and MPs are "acting in a less than democratic manner because they fear the backlash from the electorate".  Hence the eu/May surrender treaty that only (IMO) failed as the electorate were made aware that it was 'leave in name only'.  Depressingly, boris and his ilk decided to support this surrender treaty on the second (?) attempt?


    "It's all politics, and self interest, never about Britain."


    Agree entirely.



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  2. Far from a 'new tv series' - but happy to see that Netflix are now showing The Big Bang Theory ????.


    I wish they'd spend less on coming up with new films/programmes, and more on buying other films.  You can pretty much guarantee that when I enter the name of a film/programme I would like to see into the search function- it's not there......


    Having said that, they have produced a few wonderful programmes that would never have materialised without their financial backing.

  3. 7 hours ago, usviphotography said:

    Those regulations pertain to ships that chance upon vessels in distress. You can't just use them as shield for your human smuggling operation. This was not a ship transporting cargo from Tripoli to Marseille that happened upon some migrants and rescued them. This was a ship whose entire purpose is human trafficking. It travels to prearranged areas off the coast of Libya looking for migrants to pick up and smuggle in to Europe. It has no other cargo or purpose. That is all it does. And because ships like this exist, the market for taking rickety, unseaworthy vessels to the pick up points and hope for a ride is massive. Many of those people make it to the smuggler ships. Others drown. So this ship and this captain not only facilitate human smuggling and an invasion of Europe, but they also facilitate unsafe practices that have led to the drowning of thousands of Africans. From whichever perspective you approach the issue, this woman is a monster. 

    I agree with most of this, but the captain is not "a monster".


    She's an extremely wealthy, likely well-meaning woman who doesn't understand the impact of economic migrants on the poor in European countries, or that this type of 'rescue service' is only encouraging more to risk their lives, in the belief that they will be 'rescued' by the rescue ships.



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  4. 12 minutes ago, fishtank said:


    It is for Parliament to take the best course of action for the good of the country.

    Taking back control was the brexit extremist slogan.

    "for the good of the country"


    Ha ha - but you may possibly believe this?


    I'm far more cynical, and believe that politicians are only looking out for their own interests ☹️.





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  5. On 6/29/2019 at 9:42 AM, Cryingdick said:


    Is this even the reply from an adult? The USA has way too many migrants to handle at the moment. If they can benefit Canada why not?

    I'm inclined to agree.


    And then let Canadian politicians deal with the fall out from the electorate of the consequences of overly free immigration policies.


    But perhaps the OP is correct, and the Canadian electorate support immigrants with no qualifications being given entry?

  6. "At the beginning of October, if there is no prospect of a deal that can get through parliament"


    And therein lies the 'sin by omission' as everyone knows hunt supports remain, as do the vast majority of MPs.  They are just looking for a way to sell it to the electorate....


    Not that boris is much better in this respect (IMO) - but hunt is desperately trying to 'change his tune' nowadays.

  7. 4 hours ago, Thainesss said:


    So, to recap, you won’t lead by example (like most libs - all virtue signal, no action) and take any refugees in yourself but you’ll mock & guilt trip others for not wanting to foot the bill for billions of poor people. 


    Nah, that’s hogwash. But typical liberalism. 

    Good point.


    I was once horrified when my ex husband invited someone we'd met at a fish and chip shop (after a night drinking...) to stay at our house, when the 'address' she'd been given turned out to be a 'doss house'.  The stranger left before we woke up, leaving a lovely note saying how much she appreciated our generosity along with a 5 pound note.  (A lot of money at that time.)


    And I'd always been the liberal, whereas my hubby was the conservative ☹️.

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