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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. On 1/8/2019 at 4:32 PM, Kwasaki said:

    With tongue in cheek I have no contact and no problem with my 2 private pensions but they will not pay money abroad only into my UK bank 

    Maybe they use an option that IPC should adopt. 

    My main concern still is the way IPC just send out at random proof life forms and if they do not notify you they have done that and if it is not received by you as was in my case you only know when your pension is not paid into your Thai bank .

    They should also (and I'm including private pensions here), send an email confirming receipt of the 'proof of life' letter.


    Otherwise the pension recipient doesn't know until they realise that the pension has not been paid - and, as pointed out by another poster, this could cause major problems for a few.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:

    It has been reported in Swedish msm that for all practical purposes the negotiations

    between the parties re building a functional majority coalition must be finalised

    before tomorrow morning.


    Saturday and Sunday the MP groups and the decision making bodies with the C and L parties

    will meet and see if they can accept what has been negotiated.


    Monday morning the Speaker has scheduled meetings will the party leaders

    following which he will launch a PM candidate to be voted over on Wednesday next week.


    The Speaker now has 2 attempts left to find a PM candidate that survives the voting process,

    of these two attempts both fail the constitution stipulates a new general election.

    The date 7th April has been picked for such, if necessary.


    Thanks again for the continued updates Melvin.


    They are much appreciated even though very few comment on the thread as we know nothing about the Swedish political system.

  3. 13 hours ago, rumak said:

    Now if everyone just STARTED each post with the words :  IT IS MY OPINION THAT.......... , and by some miracle could understand that everyone does not live or think the same..... or value the same things , maybe the name calling , etc would calm down a bit.(not saying you have done that) Just making a point.


    in simpler terms:  different strokes for different folks  

    "in simpler terms:  different strokes for different folks"


    This sums it up for me.


    Having moved from the UK to Phuket, I find it far cheaper in most respects.  Some things are certainly more expensive - but mainly luxuries - plus the infrastructure is far worse.  e.g. electrical standards/power cuts/undrinkable well water, rather than hot and cold (drinkable) water easily available from the tap etc. etc.


    As I was working in the UK, I was able to afford a FAR more expensive 'lifestyle' - but now living on pensions, I didn't find it particularly difficult to adopt a simpler 'lifestyle' and give up the luxuries that I found 'necessary in the UK to make up for the life I wasn't enjoying.


    I still have 'bad times' obviously, but nonetheless I'm pretty much living my 'dream' - something I could never have afforded in the UK, especially reliant on pensions.


    e.g. Don't have to work/able to rent a nice house with a big garden right by the beach in a relatively secluded area/far better weather (albeit too hot at times).


    So I'll finish where I started 'different strokes for different folks'.  It always depends on one's priorities in life.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Jim7777 said:

    Exactly it says transfer.  "Evidence of a pension. Letter of certification from a Thai bank supported by bank statements showing a pension being transferred to the pensioner’s bank account every month for at least 12 months."


    "Evidence of annual income that equates to no less than B40,000 per month of alien father, mother or spouse such as."


    I think people might be reading a little too much into it.  

    I suspect, but obviously don't know, that the wording will remain the same - and it will be down to each Immigration office how they 'determine the rules'?

  5. 1 minute ago, animatic said:

    I asked SCB to print my entire deposit history for a dozen years. I got it.

    SCB also accepts transfers in dollars to a dollar account and automatically converts to your thai baht savings account. But will ask for you to agree to exchange rate for larger transfers. 65,000 baht would be automatically done.

    I always transfer sterling to my Thai bank account, as I get a better exchange rate.  But it is routed via somewhere else (SCB main office?) and arrives in my Thai bank account in bht, but it doesn't show on my bank account as a foreign transfer.


    Fortunately, I'm not particularly worried about this as I'm sure that they will come up with a method over the next year to provide a letter confirming that it came from abroad.

  6. 1 minute ago, Vermaric said:

    " Presumably all Thai banks will set up a way to provide a letter and statements confirming the international transfers - although there's no way they'll be able to confirm it's pension income."


    It's a nice thought and may I say a sensible idea, but if they do this I for one will be astounded!

    They'll obviously charge for the service, in the same way they do for the '800k in bank' method.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I'd say the jury's still out on the quarterly vs monthly deposits issue you're raising... Let's see how the more formal EN translation is worded once it's posted here.


    I'm guessing, but it is just a guess at this point, that Thai Immigration will in fact want to see MONTHLY deposits in order to satisfy the monthly deposit method.

    I think they've made it pretty clear that they will want to see MONTHLY deposits.


    "Letter of certification from a Thai bank supported by bank statements showing a pension being transferred to the pensioner’s bank account every month for at least 12 months."

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  8. 15 minutes ago, EL159 said:

    Right. I ve read every page every post. Theres 2 hours of my life I ll never get back. Its as clear as day for me regarding the remittance method. "Show an average monthly income of 65,000". Fine. So given the word "average", and lets keep this simple, if you bring in and show 200,000 four times a year, that comes to a total of 800,000 divided by twelve equals about 66,000 per month.

    "if you bring in and show 200,000 four times a year, that comes to a total of 800,000 divided by twelve equals about 66,000 per month."


    Cough.... You obviously missed the part in the OP that stated "Letter of certification from a Thai bank supported by bank statements showing a pension being transferred to the pensioner’s bank account every month for at least 12 months."

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  9. 30 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Do not worry about the word pension. Immigration will not be interested in proof it came from a pension as long as it is transferred from abroad.

    The word pension was used in the police order before.

    From a purely selfish viewpoint, this notice by Immigration is good news as I'm pretty sure that (as you say):-


    1) Immigration will only be looking for income from abroad to meet their requirements.

    2) My income is entirely from company/private pensions - and so the only likely problem is that they are not paid directly into a Thai Bank account, and there is no easy way to PROVE that it is pension income.  Certainly not by the Thai bank receiving monthly transfers!

    3) I'm sure that all Thai banks will quickly come up with a letter to confirm that the income came from abroad.

    4) I already pay an agent to deal with my extensions/90 day reports at Immigration (even though I'm entirely 'legal'), as I can't be bothered to deal with the stress of dealing with the ever changing demands of the Immigration dept......


    Nonetheless, I'm not entirely selfish - and so am still concerned about others who have problems with the changes.

  10. Just now, watso63 said:

    Thai Immigration are saying put your money where your mouth is. 65,000 minimum in a Thai bank every month or season the required 800,000. (Combination still allowed)


    No pay no play????

    But that's precisely where it's unclear!


    The OP notice talks only about 'pension' income, and also says that it has to be paid monthly into a Thai bank account - which is not always possible with company/private pensions.


    The notice doesn't say that 65,000 bht minimum is required every month, as it also says an average of 65,000 bht p.m. will be acceptable.


    No doubt we'll have to wait a few months to find out how different branches of Immigration translate the rules.

  11. 1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

    For those using the income route for retirement 'visas', this sounds like good news?


    i.e. "For retirement extensions of no more than 1 year evidence of average monthly income of B65,000 is required."


    So a miscalculation due to exchange rates can be compensated another month.


    Presumably all Thai banks will set up a way to provide a letter and statements confirming the international transfers - although there's no way they'll be able to confirm it's pension income.


    i.e. "Letter of certification from a Thai bank supported by bank statements showing a pension being transferred to the pensioner’s bank account every month for at least 12 months."


    The main problem that I can see, is if they are saying the pension income must be paid directly into a Thai bank account?


    Just now, roath said:

    Hopefully, they are using the term pension funds interchangeably with income.


    I am not retired and won't get a private pension for another 3 years or state pension for another 14 years


    Retirement extensions haven't previously required proof of being retired only proof of income once over 50


    Legally this.doesn't.make.sense unless they.are.using.the.term.pension funds.as.meaning the funds supporting the.retirement.extension

    Yes.  As far as I can see they've made it clear that income has to be received by a Thai bank monthly, but are allowing leeway for exchange rates via the mention of "average".


    The most likely problems (IMO) are going to be:-


    1) The 'notice' only talks about pension income,  which even a Thai bank is unlikely to be able to confirm unless the pension income is paid directly into a Thai bank, rather than being paid into a 'home' bank and then amounts transferred monthly to a Thai bank?

    2) Will the official translation change 'pension income' into 'funds from abroad'?

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Ned said:

    I hope they go the 800K method. At least then the farang would have some money in Thailand  and in the case of a medical emergency would be able to pay cash on the spot. 

    Maybe then no more need for Immigration to be planning on bringing in compulsory health insurance to get a visa extension.

    You're missing the obvious point that whilst some of us are able to use the 800k in bank method, we have enough income to (currently/previously) meet retirement requirements.


    As long as the income route exists, we view the cash sums in our foreign banks as money available for emergencies.  If the income route was to disappear, the cash sums currently available would no longer be available as 'emergency money'- as it would need to stay in the bank if we wish to remain in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Longcut said:

    I deposit every month to Krung Thai Bank from my bank in the U.S. None of my deposits show coming from overseas. How are they going to treat that? As far as I know only Bangkok 
    Bank show deposits as a foreign transaction. (FTT). My deposits show up as BDS22.

    I bank with SCB, and my transfers from my 'home account' are routed (presumably via SCB HO or Bangkok bank) before arriving in my SCB account.


    Presumably my SCB branch will be happy to provide a letter confirming that the money transferred originally comes from abroad?  For a fee of course.

  14. 1 hour ago, OJAS said:

    "There is no need for British passport holders to do anything ahead of their current passport renewal date."




    Just as well! Can you otherwise imagine the chaotic scenes at With-It Tower on 29th March? The queue would, in all probability, stretch all the way from the 8th Floor to Rayong!:shock1:

    Exactly.  I've just renewed my UK passport that would expire in June this year, and am waiting for it to arrive (from the agency employed to do it on my behalf - as I would find it very difficult to travel to Bangkok for a couple of days).


    I assume it will be red, as the UK hasn't actually left the EU yet.


    I can't believe that the OP is seriously worried that Thai Immigration may be concerned about the colour of his passport??!..... ????

    • Like 2
  15. 11 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    My understanding was that the Thai government wanted the letter to serve as the US government’s verification of income. As that was clearly not what it was, they decided to discontinue providing the letters.

    You think it was because they are lazy. While I don’t doubt their laziness, I would be very surprised if it had anything to do with this.


    A few Western embassies have decided to stop issuing 'proof of income letters' - mostly the largest Western embassies, or those with the largest number of 'expats' here in Thailand?


    It's possible of course, that they're just using their citizens here to make a point about some of the OTT demands occasionally demanded by Thailand - but it doesn't really matter, as they've made it very clear that they don't care about their citizens here, and are quite happy to throw them 'under the bus' for one reason or another ☹️.



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  16. 16 hours ago, vogie said:

    If it ain't broke why fix it, at the end of the day it is a bit of fun, does it really matter who wins. Some people take the whole affair far too serious, life is too short to be worried about whether POTY can be improved, it does not matter. As long as some people get some enjoyment out of it, it does not have to be run like a finely tuned machine.

    Because it's not as much 'fun' anymore?  As shown by only 134 (?) voting out of a membership of a few thousand?

    • Like 1
  17. 22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes, the result definitely seemed predetermined this year. It would have probably happened anyway though. 

    In previous years it was totally allowed for people to bring up opposition research on competitors which is basically looking at their old posts and using them against them.

    Positive posting history of course could be used as well to support a person's chances or at least balance out the negative stuff.

    That used to be a big thing in previous exciting contests.

    Pretty much nonexistent now. Mostly silly banter. 

    After all, what is it that people are supposedly judging members on?

    Their hair style? The size of their genitals? No. It is about their POSTING HISTORY, positive and negative.

    That seemed to be off limits now, making the POTY even more bland than it needed to be. 

    But even then, it would have been mostly pointless to do so anyway as the main reason to do that in previous years was to encourage people to change their votes, which the software used to allow.

    So it's basically become a castrated contest.

    I don't believe all those humor categories would help at all.

    It's less than one percent of the members that are interested at all.

    That would be desperate lipstick on a pig tactics.

    "In previous years it was totally allowed for people to bring up opposition research on competitors which is basically looking at their old posts and using them against them.

    Positive posting history of course could be used as well to support a person's chances or at least balance out the negative stuff."


    Entirely agree with this part as I suspect most of us rarely come across the candidates posts - and so have little idea about their posts/opinions/attitudes over the year!


    I also agree with Andrew Dwyer that Geronimo's commentary should make him a good candidate for POTY.  But, on the other hand, that would curtail his excellent commentary on the 'competition' - making it even more boring.....

  18. 4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    I am not sure if Bill has any connections with intelligence at all, let alone Russian.


    My Russian language skill is limited to Da, Nyet, Moscow and vodka.



    I admit that I actually did vote for you instead of myself as deep down inside the blubber there is a nice guy trying to get out.

    Nah, Baboon is like myself - very strong views on certain subjects, and in those cases, is not at all 'nice'!


    Edit - Having said this, I too 'like' Baboon to a certain extent - and he would be my second choice.

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  19. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Yes, had you also been on the list of nominations , that would have been two "nice people" on the list , alas , youre not on the list 


    Not sure why you're attacking me, as I'll be the first to admit that I'm not remotely 'nice' (unless it involves animals/those I love)!


    Billd on the other hand, manages to somehow always remain 'nice'!


    Edit - a quality I strive towards (mostly failing ☹️), and envy.

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