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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 5 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    So demographic facts produced by YouGov are just the opinions of experts?


    Sorry but you've just proved my point.

    So it wasn't an anonymous vote?  YouGov (????) has all the answers as they know the age and educational attainments of all voters?


    I seriously hope you're wrong in this respect, as it would obviously mean that voting isn't at all anonymous! 

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    Old folks were influenced by generations of racist xenophobia. back in the fifties, the British were incredibly vocal with their racism. My grandmother, on my mother's side, would only refer to my father as "that international". We went to live in a Yorkshire pit village when I was a toddler and my father was openly referred to as "the bloody foreigner". At school, I was referred to as "the son of the bloody foreigner".


    Racism in that generation (what's left of it) remains strong, and as I illustrated before, racism, for many, is what Brexit is all about.

    Know what you mean, as I used to have the same arguments with some of my older relatives ????.


    And now I'm a leaver.  What does that tell you?

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, bomber said:

    your just an individual. an individual will not change my opinion of what i believe which is the majority of old folks voted leave (its not even debatable as we have the facts) and the majority of benefit scroungers or benefit receivers if it makes you feel better voted leave,the latter is my opinion.i have no delusions about leave voters some will of had genuine reason to want out,hot spots of high immigration etc,so did you actually vote leave,i didnt even vote but saw the stupidity of it within weeks/a few months its a total farce and farage and BJ were full of lies and no plans of how to deliver it properly,it could have a chance done properly.

    Unlike you, I debated the subject before the referendum, and being unsure - decided not to vote.


    As mentioned previously, the vitriol of remainers and the duplicity of MPs has resulted in my voting leave in any future referendum.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    Even if you are right I would rather listen to old folk who went through a lot than the iPhone brigade......Are you a member of the iPhone brigade...?



    It is mostly the young who are 'glued' to their 'phones and soaking up info. from their facebooks and the like.  Which is why I'm wondering why the remain folk are convinced that it was older folk that were biased by these influences??

    • Like 1
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  5. 21 minutes ago, Spidey said:


    Yep, Rotherham and several other instances of grooming gangs (of which I have personal experience) perpetrated primarily by Pakistanis and British Pakistanis. Their route to the UK was via Heathrow not Calais. Brexit would not prevent even one of their ilk migrating to the UK. 


    However, in the run up to the referendum, gullible and blinkered Brexiteers were convinced that all of the immigration problems would be solved by Brexit. The primary immigration problem being Moslem immigrants.


    How do I know this? I have just returned from my home town in the UK where I enjoyed an evening with a large group of long time friends in Spoonies. When the conversation turned to Brexit, it transpired that every single one of them was a Brexiteer. Every single one of them assumed that Brexit would solve the UK's immigration problems. Every single one of them stated that the primary problem was South Asian immigrants.


    I can assure you that what Brexiteers clam to be their primary motive for voting Brexit, in public such as on TVF, is radically different to what they say amongst themselves. Nothing to do with taking back control from unelected Eurocrats. All about eradicating those with brown skin and a different religion.


    Brexit feeds on the racist fears of those who know no better. Come on you guys...fess up.



    Disagree entirely, but no doubt grouse would agree with the views you mention - and he's a fervent remainer.....

    • Like 1
  6. 21 hours ago, steve73 said:

    I see a few posts here have strayed onto the subject of death...


    But what exactly is death? The heart stopping or the brain losing consciousness? Either can occur and be reversed and life can continue largely unaffected.


    A heart attack often proves fatal when the blood (or more accurately, the oxygen supply) is cut off to the brain, which then loses consciousness. CPR can keep the blood circulating and the brain supplied with oxygen for quite some time, and if the heart can be restarted, then life can be extended.


    Strangulation kills either by preventing breathing when death can take a few minutes, or by trapping the carotid artery, depriving the brain of blood and consciousness is lost within a few seconds, and if continued death follows soon after, perhaps even with the heart still pumping for a while....


    But what about those unfortunate to be killed by the guillotine? Would they remain "conscious" for a few seconds as the head rolls into the basket? Or would the shock render them unconscious immediately?


    Just when you think it's safe to die we read about recent research on pig brains that show "signs of activity" many hours after they've been removed.




    Something I'd prefer not to think about, as it's just too horrible and I don't need the nightmares.

    • Haha 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    The force you refer to is gravity. Isaac Newton knew a thing or two about that.


    There is only one force, Force= mass x acceleration. Acceleration being equal to gravity for objects at rest on earth (9.81m/s/s). Science has all the answers you require, no need to ask a Hindu.


    Pretty sure that the Jews had a supreme being, Jehova, long before the Christians.

    Agree, apart from the following:-


    "Science has all the answers you require"

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Wheras me being just being an airy-fairy Deist-of no fixed religious address-formed when I was a young matelot yachting about in the Tasman and Coral Seas, has enabled me to avoid all "hot under the collar" religious debates in my lifetime.

    Apparently not....

    • Haha 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    I have a printer at home so copy everything a couple of times and keep in a separate folder in case I'm asked. 

    And you were never asked for new 'requirements'?


    Genuine question, as even though I use an agent I've frequently been asked for new requirements.


    e.g. 'photo in home, copies of bank book pages and ATM card etc. etc.


    On the plus side,, I've never been asked to complete the form requiring the form demanding that all internet addresses etc. be disclosed!  I gather Immigration has now given up on this 'requirement' as it was so pointless in the first place ????.

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