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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 20 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    You might want to consider this argument from Alan Rushbridge. No one knows better than he how loathsome is Assange's character but nonetheless"


    You managed to miss the point of the article! ????


    But I do agree that it is an article worth reading.

  2. 5 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    Isn't he being extradited under the European Arrest Warrant system which requires no proof from the extraditing state that an equivalent offence under UK law has been committed/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Arrest_Warrant



    The laws re. rape are entirely different in the uk - and he couldn't be charged on this account in the uk.....  And yet, he was for some obscure reason looking at extradition!!


    And that's without getting into his constant claim that this was all about getting him extradited to the US- which has proven to be true.....

  3. 4 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

    Somehow "I told you so" does not cut it anymore.


    In was not clear from the previous articles, but now we know. Julian was arrested because of the extradition request by the US. Julian and other people in the know have been saying that for over 8 years now.

    It was well known that US was preparing charges from the very beginning, just waiting for an opportunity to get Julian.


    Isn't that what I said?

  4. 19 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    So what happens if neither Leave or Remain get the super majority?


    1   Does the UK then revert to the original referendum result?

    2   Go back to TMs plan that has already been rejected?

    3   Automatically leave on a no deal?

    4 or more ?????

    And that's the point.


    We're arguing about the issue that our representatives' aren't representing us at all - and what should be the NEXT referendum question to ensure remain! ????

    • Thanks 1
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