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Everything posted by mstevens

  1. Xlear Rescue nasal spray is great. I'm not sure if you can get it in Thailand, but if you can, try it! I think it's available on iHerb. https://xlear.co.nz/shop/xlear/sinus-care/rescue-xylitol-and-saline-nasal-spray-with-essential-oils/
  2. Tinnitus is a really tricky one to get on top of because it's so hard to diagnose the root cause. I had it bad when I gut issues and when I finally got on top of those, tinnitus went away. I would later learn I had chronic inflammation that was most likely the cause.
  3. Try Dr John Krukowski, an American counsellor and hypnotherapist based in Bangkok for about 20 years. Very good for anxiety and depression. Contact him at : 085-0656452 or http://bangkok-counseling.com/
  4. "might probably"? What is that supposed to mean? Why don't they just be honest for a change and say "will almost certainly"!
  5. Yeah, I was thinking the same. Up your electrolytes - coconut water is an excellent source, and see if that helps.
  6. Omeprazole absolutely should not be taken long-term. Omeprazole simply masks the problem but doesn't deal with the root cause. Agree with the previous comments about changing your diet and not eating for a few hours before going to bed (or simply laying down). While it may sound counterintuitive, one way to deal with GERD is to take Betaine HCL when you eat which increases stomach acid and helps to break down your food. Just don't take Betaine HCL is you have a stomach ulcer.
  7. A lot of blood tests don't give you the full picture, magnesium being the classic example. Also, there is a lot of conjecture of what the optimum level for some minerals and vitamins is. For vitamin D, for example, some doctors want to see a level above 50 ng/mL whereas others say 80 ng/mL. A lot of labs say 30 ng/mL is ok.
  8. Yep, this is the big blind spot for so many doctors, especially older doctors. Their knowledge of nutrition is often very poor.
  9. It used to be good but it changed ownership and, sadly, has gone downhill. The pizza base used to be Napoli style and now it is crispy and nothing like it used to be. A shame.
  10. A balanced diet, an active lifestyle and no underlying disease? The problem is, that probably doesn't describe many retirees in Thailand at all. That's why I think some vitamin supplementation - and at the very least, a high-quality multivitamin - is beneficial to most.
  11. Following the record loss against the Springboks, I think the All Blacks chances of winning the Rugby World Cup are close to zero (and I say that as a New Zealander). In all likelihood, New Zealand will meet South Africa or Ireland in the quarter final and I just cannot see them overcoming either. Those two sides have a suffocating style that the All Blacks just don't know how to overcome. It is looking increasingly like the confidence in New Zealand after the first 4 matches of this year was largely misplaced. We beat Argentina (who aren't great) and Australia twice (who also aren't great and in fairness, we were lucky to win the second match). We did beat South Africa well last month but that was at home. Away from home, we saw what happened in today's match. I really think there are only 3 teams who can win this world cup - Ireland, France and South Africa. I can't see any of the other usual heavyweights like NZ, Australia or England offering much resistance.
  12. An agent saying that would concern me. I always got my condo deposit back without any problem - and every one of my landlords in Bangkok has been Thai. The problem with a landlord from China is what if they happen to be in China when you move out of the condo and are waiting for the return of your deposit?
  13. I used to feel an allegiance and pride towards my home country of New Zealand. Unfortunately, I no longer feel that way and at times, I feel the complete opposite. As my country of birth has changed rapidly, becoming insanely politically correct to the point that my demographic - middle-class white men - has become public enemy number one and blamed for all of the country's ills, I no longer feel any allegiance towards the country. Why should I when my country appears to hate me and "my kind" for no bloody reason?!
  14. I can't speak of other countries but in my country, New Zealand, pretty much all tradespeople across all industries (building, plumbing, gas, electrical etc.) happily provide a written quote (fixed price) or an estimate (non-fixed price) of what a job will cost, with details of exactly what the job involves. For any professional, this will not take very long at all. Paying for a quote is almost unheard of here.
  15. For top-end Indian restaurant, I think Benares in Sukhumvit soi 13 which is a relatively newcomer, is the best. I prefer it to Charcoal or Punjab Grill. The old favourite Indus on soi 26 is pretty good. Rang Mahal which a few people have mentioned is good if you go for the Sunday buffet. For mid-level, Bukhara on Sukhumvit Road, near soi 7, is very good.
  16. The Scotland team is VERY unlikely to make it out of the pool stage, let alone win it. Scotland is in a pool with two of the powerhouses of world rugby, South Africa and Ireland - and only two teams make it through to the quarter-finals from each pool. But then you never know, perhaps Scotland will do ok. Scotland did beat France in a friendly match this past weekend, although it was largely a second-string French team.
  17. September 9th. Opening game will be a cracker, France vs New Zealand.
  18. After the latest round of matches, England looked like crap and Australia looked a lot better than they, despite being beaten by New Zealand who were much less impressive this week.
  19. No doubt this is true for you and I agree that it is the best reason to live in Thailand. But from what I hear from many people myself as well as what I read in this forum, many people live in Thailand because (they perceive) it's cheap.
  20. Couldn't disagree more. I thought it promised so much but in the end never reached the heights it promised. The last episode was very weak. For me, it was a 5/10 series and no more.
  21. Intriguing tournament ahead with a number of teams who can win it. Favourites have got to be France but Ireland and New Zealand also look good. I'd never write off South Africa despite their last two results. Australia and England are on the easy side of the draw so they are in with a shot but I am not sure either has a sufficiently strong team this year to win it. I'd love to see France vs New Zealand final which has the potential to be a classic match. Funnily enough, these two teams meet in the opening match. Can't wait!
  22. You ask for receipts they have from all filings with the Tax Department and you and your accountant physically accompany them to the Tax Department and get copies of all recent filings.
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