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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. Years ago a couple I knew were passengers on a Bangkok-Pattaya bus. Bus managed to run over two young girls riding motorcycles. Driver and conductor headed across the adjacent field. Husband asked the wife, what are they doing? She told him that they were "fleeing the scene" just like them and with that she grabbed her husband and flagged down a passing bus. All the other passengers sitting there wondering what was going on.

    • Haha 1
  2. So many people who think they know so much about DJT and how to run such a complex operation are so full of <deleted>; however, they don't hesitate to spew their hate.  As an example, Puerto Rico politicians are crooked beyond hope, one reason for DJTs disdain of them. Using a government vehicle to go from DC to North Carolina sound like a weak excuse for termination.

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  3. When an OSI Special Agent I conducted many BIs or EBIs (Background Investigations/Expanded Background Investigations). The using agency looks at the data accumulated before granting access to classified information. These investigations rely heavily on the opinions of teachers, friends, schools, neighbors, police checks, etc. It is easy for someone intending to deceive to do so despite all of the information gathered. When a defection of this nature occurs, the agencies involved take a long look at how their investigation was conducted and how her true intentions were missed. Numerous agents are involved in conducting these background investigations. Usually, indications of anti-USA intent are disclosed but of the millions of investigations conducted, it is quite possible for someone to slip under the wire.

  4. Khashoggi was a US Resident, not a U.S. Citizen. He had to be dumber than dog dirt to do the Visa thing anywhere but in the Saudi Consulate in the US. In view of the Saudi Kings threat of a "bullet", he should have applied for safety in the US.

    Anyone who has spent any time in Saudi Arabia would have known better than to trust them.

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