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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. I confess, we have found some of our best help are not Thai nor local boys with the RED NOSES. Drugs apparently so cheap the daily users steal or bum the money, no need to work. We paid proper wages according to skills, mostly in the 700 Baht day range. Need a painter? one of the workers knows a good one. Need someone to lay tile, same. I think; what is the future of these druggies? They knock up a local

    14 year old and get her to work to support their sick habits. Too bad, can't fix the culture.

  2. Sympathy located in dictionary between <deleted> and SILLYFUSS. Should still be in Thai prison. Had a bar on Pat Pong eons ago. Nice ladies, good booze, fair prices, no stuffed cups, definitely no drugs. Clientele mostly Oil Field hands, American GI retirees, American & British Saudi workers, DEA, CIA good gang all. Lost my lease to greedy Thai lease holders plus I needed to get out of the booze business to save my liver.

    • Confused 1
  3. My wife and I knew if she didn't get me out of the bar business, I would die a bit sooner than later. Off to Pattaya where we already had friends and acquaintences. Initially looked to rent but didn't see anything we liked. Wife liked house for sale. It was not well kept but wife felt "at peace". Buddha stand had to got as wife and I are Muslim. Not long before I was working in Saudi and had the money for renovation. Wife did

    design and oversaw construction, cost a bit but was worth it. Now a very comfortable home, quiet neighborhood.

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  4. I only paid 200 Baht once on an illegal "u" turn coming from Siam Country Club. Since then paid 200 Baht for illegal uturn out of store on corner of 2nd road and (I forget) and again coming down RR road when the police had blocked a right turn and I didn't see road markers (last two were simple 200 baht tickets properly written and paid for). Now too old to drive or do anything else.

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