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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. I don't know if 17 years is too big an age gap but that's the gap between my wife 61 and I 78, but we began as she kept my Apartment clean and she was paid a living wage(at that time 2,500 Baht Month). She really enjoyed the salary and the job was easy. She didn't particularly like falangs or farangs however you want to spell it until one time she became ill. I provided for her and had a Doctor in to check her out. She was sick for about a week and my caring for her changed her mind about foreign man. I asked her to move in and she's been with me ever since. She thinks she the lucky one but I know I'm the lucky one. In the process of a physical an x-ray showed a round stair that didn't belong there. The operation removed it. 13 years later she saw her surgeon and after much prodding he recalled her among many similar patients but more surprising he said she was among the few who survived that cancer. We never shared a "wild" life but enjoyed each other and still do. My cancer has ended my mia amor which she likes. So for those caught up in an unhappy old/young relationship, you have my sympathy.

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